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#少儿英语# 导语】由于少儿这个群体的心理特殊性,造就他们独特学习方式、模式。少儿英语学习是在使用中学习英语的。他不是先学好语言的形式,再来使用语言表达思想的,而是一边习得一边使用。他不但习得语言手段,而且习得语言的非语言手段。因此,在教授少儿学习英语时,教师应着重教授语言的功能及表达功能的各种非语言手段,为少儿提供一切可能的语言环境,培养少儿运用语言的能力。以下是®文档大全网为您整理的《小学生简单英语小谜语》,供大家学习参考。

1.小学生简单英语小谜语 篇一

  1、What two words have the most letters in it? (post office )


  2、What has arms but can't hug? ( clock )


  3、What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?( river)



  4、What animal wears big black glasses on its face?

  什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜?(Panda 熊猫)

  5、I'm almost white,but the fur of my ears,eye pits are black.I live in the wild forests,I like eating bamboos!Who am I

  我几乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窝是黑的.我生活在森林里,喜欢吃竹子.我是谁?(Panda 熊猫)

  6、a cat,eyes like a cat,a tail like a cat ,but isn't a cat?


  (Tiger 老虎)

  7、What animal wears big black glasses on its face?

  什么动物脸上戴个大墨镜?(Panda 熊猫)

  8、I'm almost white,but the fur of my ears,eye pits are black.I live in the wild forests,I like eating bamboos!Who am I

  我几乎是白的,但耳朵、眼窝是黑的.我生活在森林里,喜欢吃竹子.我是谁?(Panda 熊猫)

2.小学生简单英语小谜语 篇二

  What question can you never answer "Yes" to? 什么问题你永远也不能回答"是"

  谜语答案:Are you dead?(你死了吗?) Are you asleep? (你睡着了吗)

  What goes on four legs in the morning,on two at noon,and on three in the evening?


  谜语答案:People They crawled when they were babies and walked with two legs before they had to rely on a crutch in old age


  What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?


  答案:A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages


  Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?


  答案:In the dictionary 在字典里。

3.小学生简单英语小谜语 篇三

  一个团体一共多少个人? —— 谜底: 20个,因为团体就是twenty

  依靠农民(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: economy经济

  拍死它(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: pest害虫

  腻的(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: need

  4个手指是four,那么4个弯的手指 —— 谜底: wonderful(弯的four)

  入了(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: ruler

  欧尼(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: only

  What person does every man take his hat off to? —— 谜底: A barber

  What has a soft bed but never sleeps, a big mouth but never speaks?—— 谜底: A river.

  施耐德(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: schneider裁缝

  What is smaller than an insect’s mouth? —— 谜底: Anything it eats

  Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space? —— 谜底: To find Pluto

  What has cities with no houses, rivers without water and forests without trees?—— 谜底: A map.

  戴尔(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: die

  How did the hangman get married?(绞刑吏是怎么结婚的?)—— 谜底: He tied a knot. 他打了一个结。

  围棋(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: which

  美若(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: mirror

  背噢(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: bale灾祸

  偶三思(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: assess评定;估价;对

  四拐哦(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: square

  跑我腿(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: poverty

  What is black when it's clean and white when it's dirty? —— 谜底: a blackboard

  太蠢(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: tantrum脾气发作

  On which side does a bird have the most feathers? —— 谜底: The outside.

  猫咪去世 (打一英字) —— 谜底: mouth

  题目:What book has the most stirring chapters? —— 谜底: A cook book

  踹死(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: trys

  比裤子(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: because

  What two words have thousands of letters in them? —— 谜底: Post office

  媳妇(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: thief(小偷、盗贼)

  叶漏(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: yellow

  When is it correct to say "I is"? —— 谜底: When we say "I is a pron."

  弟媳妇(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: deceive

  死呆(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: style

  上你(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: sunny

  毛病(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: morbid病态

  靠累知(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: college

  太泼(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: temper脾气

  What kind of dog never bite? —— 谜底: A hot dog

  When do you go as fast as a racing car? —— 谜底: When you are in it.

  What is that you ought to keep after you give it to somebody else?—— 谜底: A promise.

  Who will be your real friend, a poor friend or a rich one?(贫穷的朋友和富贵的朋友,谁会成为你真正的朋友?) —— 谜底: A poor friend,

  蚁齿(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: itch痒,发痒;渴望,极想。

  26英文字母哪个最笨? —— 谜底: U(YOU)!

  What season is the most dangerous one? —— 谜底: Autumn. Because it is also FALL

  What clothing is always sad?(什么衣服总是伤感的?)—— 谜底: Blue Jeans. 蓝色牛仔服。 blue adj.蓝色的;伤感的

  What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?—— 谜底: Take away the upper half and 0 is left.

4.小学生简单英语小谜语 篇四

  1.  这破妮子(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: Japanese

  2.  死洞(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: stone(石头、宝石)

  3.  额耐克(打一英语单词) —— 谜底: alike(相同的,相像的 )

  4.  Why can a bride hide nothing?(为什么新娘子什么也藏不住?) —— 谜底: Because someone will give her away.

  5.  What never asks questions but gets a lot of answers? —— 谜底: dictionary

  6.  What animal wears big black glasses on its face? —— 谜底: Panda熊猫

  7.  得死(打一英文单词) —— 谜底: dearth

  8.  What's the difference between a hill and a pill? —— 谜底: A hill is hard to get up and a pill is hard to get down.

  9.  What can you break with only one word? —— 谜底: Silence.

  10.  How long can a goose stand on one leg?(多久能鹅单腿站立?) —— 谜底: try it and see
