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suspect sb. of 疑心某犯有…   be suspicious of (=not trusting)对…有疑心   by sympathetic totowards对…同情,赞同   sympathize with sb. or sth. 对…表示同情   be in sympathy with 赞同,同情   in sum 大体上, 总之   supply sb. with sth 向某人提供某物   superior to 优于…, 比…好   share in (=have a share in) 分摊, 分担   share sth. with 与…分享,分担,分摊,共用   be shocked at by 对…感到震惊   stick sth. on 把…贴在…上   stick to 粘着, 坚持   stick at (=continue to work hard at)继续勤奋地致力于…   stick one's work 坚持工作   stick at one's books 勤奋读书   stick to (=refuse to leave or change)坚持   stick to one's promise 比喻食言   fall short of 达不到   go short of (=be without enough of) 缺乏   for short (in a short form) 为简便,简称   be strict with 对…严格要求   stick to one's friend 忠于朋友   in stock 有….货   bego on strike 罢工   subject…to(=cause…to experience)使受..到   subject (adj.) to 易受到…的   submit…to 提交   substitute…for 以…代替…   suffer from 患…病; 受…苦痛   be suitable for (=fit) 合适…的   make sure about 弄清, 弄确实   be surprised at对..惊奇   take…by surprise使…惊奇   to one's surprise使某人惊奇 ※2017年6月英语四六级考试太难?只是你没有找对方法而已!点击查看秘籍!

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