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【#英语资源# 导语】花儿歌唱,那是在感恩阳光的普照。树木欢笑,那是在感恩雨水的滋润。的确,世界万物都需要我们怀着一颗感恩的心去面对。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Thanksgiving is something one should do all his life. All creatures in nature will be grateful. Take a few examples: flowers, grass and trees will be grateful. They are grateful to the earth for giving them enough living space. Therefore, they have to blossom and bear fruit and put flower clothes on the earth; Animals will also be grateful. As the saying goes, "nothing has the meaning of back feeding, and sheep have the grace of kneeling and breast". They will be grateful to their parents. Animals and plants will be grateful, and we humans should learn to be grateful.

  We all say that if a person wants to succeed, he must be confident and strong. But I think we still need to learn to be grateful. Everyone was not sensible and grateful when they were young, but we grew up day by day and gradually learned to be grateful.

  When it comes to gratitude, the first thing we think of is our parents. It was they who brought up their children without complaint or regret and watched them get married. Parents pay too much for us. We should repay and be grateful. Everyone should have seen Zhu Ziqing's prose "back". In Zhu Ziqing's pen, we all feel his father's love for him. In fact, all parents in the world are silently paying for their children until they turn gray. Shouldn't we be grateful to our parents?

  Of course, if we want to achieve something great, we also need our amiable enlightenment teachers. They taught us to read Pinyin and write new words, and patiently explained to us the formulas we couldn't. From simple one plus one to complex equations, teachers guide and teach us bit by bit.

  Our every day is very ordinary, but in this ordinary life, there are many things that move me: the concern of my parents; Teacher's instruction; With the help of students, every ordinary day becomes colorful.

  "Grateful heart, thank you, grateful heart, thank fate, flowers bloom and fall, I will cherish..." with a grateful heart, I think I am very happy to treat my parents, teachers and friends.


  Teacher, thank you for your tender embrace in the cold wind, so that I have a warm harbor at a loss; Thank you for extending a big hand in my confusion and hesitation, so that I have a clear goal; Thank you for your silent words, let me find the direction of running!

  I am a transfer student. I am very strange to everything in the class. I dare not easily contact new classmates and have no friends. The unfamiliar learning environment makes me very homesick, miss my mother, miss my friends at home, and even think of dropping out of school... Dear teacher, it is you who led me into the right way of learning, your patience and enthusiasm that led me into this class, which makes me feel the warmth of the collective!

  How much you are like my mother. Whenever I see your kind smile, I will immediately put down my thoughts, keep up with your progress and study hard.

  Dear teacher, you are like my father. Maybe this metaphor is not appropriate, because you are a woman, but you are as strict with me as my father and never careless in my study. Looking at the comments on Chinese homework, I was shocked. What a serious teacher! Correcting homework to punctuation... In class, you are more strict and "fierce" than my father. I remember one morning in the third class, I carelessly finished your composition, packed my schoolbag and waited for me to go home from school. After you found out, you came to me to check. You severely criticized my messy composition. At that time, your stern eyes scared my heart... Now I finally understand your "ferocity", just like my father often said that "strictness is love". You must hope I can become a talent to have that response.

  Dear teacher, you are like my sister. Maybe you will laugh, you are not so small. But don't put on airs during recess. Bend down and play games with us. I think you are approachable, lovely and amiable, just like my sister in my hometown. I am happy to make friends with you. I am happy to communicate with you and speak from my heart.

  Dear teacher, you are as kind as a mother, as serious as a father, and as kind as a sister. Thank you for caring for us and moistening our young hearts!


  I think: my mother has always thought of me since I was born. I'm afraid of breaking in my hand and melting in my mouth, but I'm indifferent and never repay. Today, I will take advantage of thanksgiving to repay my mother!

  That day was Thanksgiving. I thought: my mother has always thought of me since I was born. I'm afraid of breaking in my hand and melting in my mouth, but I'm indifferent and never repay. Today, I will take advantage of thanksgiving to repay my mother!

  As soon as I got home from school, I saw my mother bend down and sweep the floor. Bean sized beads of sweat fell from his forehead. Seeing here, I couldn't bear it, so I said to my mother: Mom, let me come! As soon as my mother heard this, she was stunned at first, and then said suspiciously: huh? Okay, okay. Then he touched my head and said: eh? No fever? Ah Oh!! I fainted on the spot. After an hour of hard work, I finally swept the ground clean and glowed. And I was so tired that I fell on the ground.

  After finishing my homework, I stretched a long stretch and yawned. I just wanted to stretch my tired body. Suddenly I saw my mother brushing our dirty dishes after dinner. I was out of breath, but I never had a rest. Ah! Seeing my mother like this, I really couldn't see it anymore, so I said: Mom, I'll come! Huh? Mother raised her head, frowned and looked at me. Suddenly, a river lion roared: ah! Oh, I see! Be honest, didn't you do well in the exam! no That's ridiculous! Speechless! I'm dizzy again! You can't argue with your mother! I had to help my mother wash the dishes with my dizzy head.

  Before going to bed, my mother said to me suspiciously: I found you a little abnormal today. What's the matter? I can finally shout out all the other words: Mom! From small to large, you have always taken care of me and taken care of me, but I have never thanked you. Today is Thanksgiving. I want to repay you with my actions!

  As soon as my mother heard this, she immediately understood my intention to do all this, and immediately hugged me tightly with tears in her eyes. At this time, I think: we have been loved by our mother since childhood, but we never repay, and we only do some small things, and our mother is satisfied. It seems that maternal love is so great and selfless!


  Thanksgiving is coming again, and the number of people to thank is gradually increasing year by year. Especially from primary school to junior high school, there are more and more thanks to teachers and parents.

  I still remember that I just learned to speak and walk. My parents stayed with me and worked hard. When I was a child, I was sent back to Hunan. In the Spring Festival, my mother came to Hunan from Shenzhen in the cold winter. Moreover, my mother's health was not very good. After being hit by the bad weather in Hunan, my mother became ill. At least half of her face couldn't move. She was very ill. In retrospect, I am very ashamed. Blame yourself for being naughty when you were a child, blame yourself for being playful when you were a child, and blame yourself for not worrying about your mother. When I was a child, I was really a child who was held up, bathed in happiness and grew up in a greenhouse. Of course, I would only be ignorant.

  When we grow up, our parents take good care of us, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and study. The most difficult thing for parents is to make money to support their family and manage our study at the same time. I studied hard since I was a child. At that time, I should be more sensible. I took the initiative to make tea for my parents and would know how to take care of my grades. Maybe this is also a little return for our parents' efforts when we were young! With excellent grades, parents are happy. Study hard, parents pay well. Filial piety and respect, parents get a cup of tea after work, surround and warm a tired heart. Now grown up, with rebellious psychology, it may have become an extravagant hope to make us obedient. Although I sometimes can't help being angry with my parents, I will be very restrained and try to control myself. I will listen carefully to my mother's suggestions on learning and take appropriate measures. There are some words in my heart that I can't say to my parents. These experiences and feelings are only combined into one sentence: "parents have worked hard, thank you, I love you!"

  Teacher, those worries and burdens will bother you to listen. Because there are always some things you can't say to your family; There are always some tears, can not flow to the family. A smile, a hug and a simple help can plant the seeds of friendship in our hearts and the future gratitude and love. Primary school teachers make us grow up and make us feel strange at the same time, so we can't accept it. But it is you who have made us a series of changes, mature and able to accept the endless sadness caused by separation at graduation. In junior high school, the teacher taught us how to fight for ourselves and how to seize every valuable opportunity. Teacher, thank you!

  Thanksgiving, thank all those who have helped me, thank you!


  Which song can make the most sincere and beautiful sound? The colorful notes are like wind bells, swaying in the breeze and glittering in the sun. Ah! That is the "song of thanksgiving", which emits the spark of charm and blooms in passion!

  Appreciate the grace of nature. It is you who gave life and the most precious wealth in the world. Let us see the green grass and the whirling shadows of trees; Hear the sound of insects and birds, and the noise of human figures; Smell the fresh air and the fragrance of flowers. Let us feel that everything is thriving and the world is full of vitality and infinite hope. Make the earth a vibrant and vibrant boat of life today.

  Thank your parents for their kindness. It was you who gave me life and hope. You took pains to raise me and cultivate me. I don't know how much effort you spent to develop an excellent youth from an ignorant little boy. You encourage me, urge me, worry about me and work hard for me. I just hope that one day, I can become an extraordinary person. Ruthless years have left traces on your forehead, but your love for me has not changed, but is deeper and longer.

  Thank you for your kindness. Dear teacher! You made me a man with brains, wisdom and thoughts. It is you who let me understand the true meaning of learning, the value of life, right and wrong. You let me know too much, your love for me is difficult to measure. You are a hardworking gardener, taking pains to cultivate the flowers of the motherland. How capable you are. You speak so thoroughly in class. Every word moistens my heart like a mouthful of sweet juice. Dear teacher, you are a spring silkworm, dedicate yourself and decorate others; You are a candle, sacrifice yourself and illuminate others.

