

时间:2024-06-06 19:56:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】愿你是风,鼓起白色的帆;愿你是船,剪开蓝色的波澜。生活正在你的前方微笑,勇敢的走上前去,将彩色的人生拥抱。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《二年级下册英语重点句子复习【三篇】》供您查阅。


1. come on 加油
  2. fly a kite 放风筝
  —flies a kite
  3. ride a bike 骑自行车
  rides a bike
  4. fly my kite放我的风筝
  5. ride my bike骑我的自行
  6. play football踢足球
  7. play basketball打篮球
  8. at a party在(一个)聚会上
  9. this shirt这件衬衫
  10. these shoes这双鞋
  11. these trousers这条裤子
  12. these clothes这些衣服
  13. get up 起床
  14. go to school 上学
  15. have lunch 吃午餐
  16. play football踢足球
  17. go home 回家
  18. go to bed *睡觉
  19. on Sundays在星期天
  20. at the park 在公园
  21. go to the park去公园
  22. in the sky在天上
  23. big city大城市by bike骑自行车
  24. by car坐小汽车 by bus乘公汽
  25. by train乘火车
  26. by ship / by boat乘船
  27. walk to school走着去学校
  28. go to work上班
  29. on holiday度假
  30. go to the zoo去动物园


1.When did you come back?你是什么时候回来的?

  2.We came back last Sunday.我们上个星期日回来的。

  3.I dropped my ice cream.我掉了我的冰激凌

4.Do you live in London?你住在伦敦吗?

  5.Did they buy ice creams? Yes ,I did./ No, I didn't他们买了冰激凌吗?是的/没有。

  6.How many banamas do you want?Six, please.你想要多少香蕉?六个。

  7.How much cheese/milk do you want?Half a kilo.你想要多少奶酪/牛奶?半公斤

  8.Do you like cheese ,Lingling? No, I don't. 你喜欢奶酪吗?不,我不喜欢。

  9.What did you do at the weeked?你在周末做什么了?

  10.We visited lots of places.我们参观了很多地方。

  11.Where did you go ? We went to the British Museum. 你去哪儿了?我们去了大英博物馆。

  12.What did Daming do?大明做了什么?

  13. What time does school start?学校什么时候开始上课?

  14.My school starts at nine o'clock.我们学校九点开始上课。

  15.How did you go?你怎么去的?

  16.It's mine / yours/ his/ hers / Lingling's. .它是我的/你的/他的/她的/玲玲的。

  17.But it isn't hers.但它不是她的。

  18.Sam took my T-shirt .萨姆拿了我的T-恤衫。

  19.He wants to wear it.他想穿着它。

  20. You should look ,then cross the road.你应该看一看再过马路。

  21.You shouldn't walk in the road.你不该在马路上走。

  22.Whose bag is this? It's Jimmy's.这是谁的书包?它是吉米的。

  23.There are / aren't enough.够了。/不够。

  24. I feel happy/tired/bored/sad/hungry.我感到高兴/疲倦/无聊/饥饿。

  25. What's the matter? Nothing. 怎么啦?没什么。

  26.There are too many books on the books.在桌子上有太多的书。

  27.You 've got two pencils now.你现在有两支铅笔。

  28.You can catch the ball well.你能接好球。

  29.Can you run fast ? No, I can't. 你能跑得快吗?不,我不能。   30.I can do it very well.我可以把它做得很好。


It is three o'clock in the afternoon. Classes are over. Gao Shan is looking for Wang Bing.

  Gao Shan: Excuse me, Miss Li. Is Wang Bing helping you in the office .

  Miss Li: No, he's not. He and Mike are in the playground. I think.

  Gao Shan: Are they playing basketball?

  Miss Li: Perhaps they are.

  Gao Shan: I'll go and join them. Goodbye, Miss Li.

  Helen: Where are you going, Gao Shan?

  Gao Shan: I'm going to the playground. Are you going to the playground, too?

  Helen: No, I'm not. I'm going to the library. Su Hai and Su Yang are there.

  Gao Shan: What are they doing? Are they studying in the library?

  Helen: No, they aren't They're cleaning the library

  Gao Shan: I'll go and join them.

  Helen: Ok. Let's go.

  B' Look, read and lean.

  Read a newspaper

  Read a magazine

  Read a picture book

  Play chess

  Play cards

  Play with a yo-yo

  Play with marbles

  E' Look and read

  The dog is running after the mouse

  The mouse is sitting under the bed.

  The dog is jumping on the bed.

  The mouse is eating the dog's food.

  The dog is crying and the mouse is laughing.

  Now the mouse is dancing on the dog's head.

