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【#英语资源# 导语】寒假来,看一部电视剧,管它是白天还是夜晚;听一段摇滚乐,管它是音调是高是低;寒假就是要丢了烦恼,丢了压力,祝你逍遥一个假期,寒假快乐!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《初中生我的寒假生活英语范文》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.初中生我的寒假生活英语范文 篇一

  During the winter vacation, I came to Yalong Bay, the first bay in the world.

  Wave after wave hit the beach, making a rustling sound. There are many coconut trees in the distance. If you look at the sky again, the sky is clear. From time to time, the sea cheered, stirring up waves, and the speedboats in the sea flew over the water, bringing up a splash of water. There are many small fish in the bucket of fishermen, which is really enviable.

  Next to her, there was an aunt holding a big turtle. The turtle's shell is bright green, there are some black stripes on the shell, there are some tears in the eyes, and there is a "cluck" sound in the mouth. I also took photos with it. I held it and gently touched its small head, which impressed me deeply.

  I found that Hainan people wrapped every part of their body tightly. It's so hot here, why do they wear so much? I asked my mother, and she said, "Because the sun in Hainan is easy to burn people's skin, so people wear more clothes to prevent the sun from damaging their skin."

  At noon, when I was hungry, my mother and I came to the vegetable market in Hainan. There is a lot of seafood. Look around, you can find everything from lobster to flatfish. I took my mother's hand and said to her, "Mom, look, there are still small sharks. Buy one to taste." My mother said to the vendor, "A small shark." After processing, it tastes delicious.

  It's really "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, and Hainan's landscape is the best in Guilin".

2.初中生我的寒假生活英语范文 篇二

  I am very happy when the winter holiday comes, because I don't have to get up early every day during the holiday, and I can go to my grandmother's house.

  In winter vacation, I will watch TV and play computer for a while in addition to writing winter vacation homework. Mom will take me out to play when she has a rest. One day, my mother and I went to the ecological park to play. There, we got on the Ferris wheel, took a roller coaster, and played water ball. We get on the Ferris wheel first. The Ferris wheel rotates slowly, and we also turn up. Turning to the Ferris wheel, I looked down and saw that the people below were as small as ants. I think it's funny. My mother also took some photos. Farewell to the Ferris wheel, my mother and I played the roller coaster again. Before we started to play, my mother was afraid. In fact, I was also a little afraid. But after playing for a while, I was not afraid, but my mother was scared and screamed. The track goes up and down, like a dragon in the mountains. At this time, my heart seems to jump out, and I can't help crying. Finally, we went to play water ball.

  On the Lantern Festival, my mother took me to Century Square again. There are a lot of people there, just like a fair. There are people selling books, toys and all kinds of snacks... It's very lively.

  My winter vacation life is really colorful. As soon as the Lantern Festival is over, school will start soon. I feel very happy because I can see the teachers and students soon.

3.初中生我的寒假生活英语范文 篇三

  Today, we went to the Youngor Zoo. We went there happily. My mother also bought tickets online. But before I reached the door, I was shocked by the long line of cars. Let's move forward slowly. I think it would be great if the car could fly directly over the traffic jam. When we drove slowly to the gate of the park, there were also a lot of people. We searched for a long time and didn't find the parking space. Finally, we had to refund our tickets and left, and lost a lot of ticket money. I think if the car can be changed into a capsule, I just put it in my pocket, so we don't need parking space.

  Thinking about it, I suddenly found that there were no cars on the road and it became very smooth. There are many colorful cars flying in the sky. Ah, because I invented a flying car, which is different from ordinary cars, but its image is like a big bird's head and body, which are slender and can change colors according to the environment and season. Its wings are made of the latest intelligent materials and can be freely retracted. Its body length is 2 meters, and it can also be freely retracted. The front window of this car is more than the weight of a child. It is a navigation device. When you go out, it will automatically choose a route for you. And as long as you are in a traffic jam, just press the button gently, and it will spread its wings and fly to the sky to quickly deliver you. If you observe carefully, you will find that its top can become a parachute, and it will automatically open when you need it.

  I was still introducing myself to others. Suddenly, I heard my mother calling me. It turned out that we had arrived home. I had a beautiful dream. I really wanted to let the dream come true.

4.初中生我的寒假生活英语范文 篇四

  Sanya is located at the southernmost end of Hainan Island. It is an international tourist city with tropical coastal scenery, also known as "Oriental Hawaii". I spend my winter vacation in Sanya every year, and this year is no exception, but this is the first time I go there by plane alone. After getting off the plane, I felt as if I had come from the cold winter to the hot summer. I was looking forward to my grandpa and grandma to pick me up and start a happy winter holiday.

  I like sports very much, such as football and basketball, but my favorite sport is table tennis. I will play table tennis in winter vacation, summer vacation and weekends. Playing can exercise my body, strengthen my physique and cultivate my will. After finishing my homework every day, I invite the coach to play table tennis in the gymnasium. Under the guidance of the coach, my level has improved rapidly. If you have the same hobbies in your class, you can invite me to PK on the weekend.

  In the evening, my grandpa will accompany me to practice cucurbit flute instruments and write calligraphy. My grandfather is very kind, but he is also strict with me. In order to live up to his expectations for me, I study all kinds of knowledge very carefully every day, and I am always very happy when I am praised by my grandpa.

  Sanya is very hot in summer. After dinner every day, I will go for a walk along the beach with my grandparents, and feel the evening breeze. The beach has a unique charm. It is quiet and beautiful without the noise of the day.

  I have gained a lot in this winter holiday, learned a lot of knowledge, expanded my interests and hobbies. The happy winter holiday is always short, and I look forward to making greater progress in the new semester.

5.初中生我的寒假生活英语范文 篇五

  This year, my family spent the New Year on Liuheng Island. When I got up that morning, I heard that several uncles and aunts would come home for lunch. When I saw my grandmother and mother busy, I asked for help with the housework. My mother gladly assigned me two tasks: peeling shrimp shells and picking the stems of Dutch beans.

  I looked at shrimp and peas. There is a large basin of shrimp and a small bag of dutch beans; The shrimp needs to be shelled, while the Dutch beans only need to pull the two ends and the stem on the side. Think with your toes and you will know that there are many shrimps and it is difficult to peel them. Then do the difficult things first.

  I first found the trash can, small stool and a clean plate, put the shrimp in the middle, the trash can and plate on both sides, sit on the small stool, and pick up the shrimp one by one. Inside the shrimp shell is soft shrimp meat, which is wet and slippery and difficult to hold. I can hold it carefully with three fingers. After half an hour, the shrimp meat in the plate has been piled up into a small bag, and the peeled shrimp shell has been put into half a garbage can.

  Next, I began to pick the stems of the Dutch beans. The stem of the bean is on both sides. I first break a corner of my head and pull the stem down along the side; Then break a corner at the other end and pull it down along the side. It will be finished in ten minutes.

  A few moments later, several uncles and aunts also arrived, and the kitchen had already wafted out bursts of fragrance, which made my mouth water straight into my stomach.
