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【#英语资源# 导语】在我们的生命长河中,总会有自己的好朋友出现。下面是©文档大全网整理的《我的好朋友英语作文》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.我的好朋友英语作文 篇一

  My good friend Zhang Weifeng is also the monitor of our class. He has a very handsome face, as well as a dark and beautiful fashionable hair, and his embarrassed and loud eyes make him look very handsome and unrestrained.

  He is not only handsome and good-looking, but also has a very free and easy temperament, which shows that he is very kind. At the same time, he is also the most knowledgeable person in our class. He is playing among various subjects, but his grades have not declined in so many subjects.

  Whenever we elect class cadres, we always choose them to be class cadres. We elected him as a study committee member, but he is also a study committee member worthy of the name, because his grades in all subjects have never been from top to bottom.

  Of course, we also made him a math representative. When he talked about learning mathematics, he was extremely serious. Once the teacher has said something, he doesn't understand it. He is always the first to raise his hand and ask the teacher for advice. When he did his math homework, it was even more awesome. When he did his math homework, it was like a nail in the eye, and he had to do the right math problem. Therefore, we nicknamed him "homework maniac". To tell the truth, he is really crazy to do his homework.

  Sometimes, he is also extremely responsible. In class, as long as someone asks him questions, he is always willing to help others. Explain these questions to others and let them understand. Although his grades are very good, he is not like some people. You will be proud when you get high marks.

  All his good qualities are worth learning from me. I also hope that my friendship with him will last forever.

2.我的好朋友英语作文 篇二

  I have a good friend. She has long hair, very black hair, a pair of big eyes, a little high nose, a red mouth, like lipstick, and the clothes she wears are also very beautiful. In my heart, she is really a beautiful woman.

  Her hands are very skillful in folding stars, paper cranes, love... She is a dexterous person.

  She is a person with a sharp mouth and a beancurd heart. She often helps others and cares about other students. Sometimes, when she saw that some students were in trouble, she would also "see injustice in the road - help them". She also helped me dictate. When I was bullied by other students, I was very angry, but I couldn't think of a good way to solve it. When she saw it, she would persuade those students to stop bullying me, and then comfort me.

  Once, I was playing with several classmates. I don't know why, A "roadblock" appeared on the way - Zhu Xinwen. As soon as he came, he took out a small paper ball and threw it at me. I cried out "Ouch". Because I was a little fragile, I cried out at once. At this time, she saw it and came to comfort me. When I was a little better, she asked me: "Who threw that small paper ball?" I told her one by one. After listening, she looked like an angry tiger. She said, "I must scold him for you." I said, "No, it's just a small matter. It's all right." At that moment, Zhu Xinwen came in. As soon as he came in, my good friend scolded him severely until he apologized to me.

  This is my good friend. Do you know who it is?

3.我的好朋友英语作文 篇三

  What is a friend? Friends are willing to help me when I am in trouble and share my troubles when I am in trouble; When I am happy, I can share these things together, and they are my true friends.

  One day, we were having an exam. I did the basic knowledge in front very quickly and smoothly. When I did the reading problem, a difficult problem was placed in front of me. I pondered for a long time but didn't think of the answer. I couldn't help but glance at my desk mate quietly. Coincidentally, she was also thinking about the difficult problem. I thought for a while, and suddenly came up with a good idea, and patted her on the shoulder, "Did you do the third question of the first reading?" she asked in a low voice. She nodded to me and said, "Did you do that too?" When I didn't speak, she pretended not to care and said, "Oh, it's really cool!" "What? You actually did it?" "Tell me how to do it!" She saw my eager eyes, and the expression on her face was very serious. I know she must be very proud. "You tell me quickly!" My eyes are going to be angry, but my deskmate is still silent. It is useless to see shouting and begging, so I have to continue to meditate helplessly.

  After a long time, I suddenly found the trick, thought of the answer, and felt a burst of ecstasy. I quickly wrote the answer, and I solved the following problems.

  At the end of the exam, I told my deskmate the answers to several difficult questions, and she also said the answers again. The results of each question were the same. At this time, my deskmate said to me, "Have confidence in yourself, as long as you have confidence, everything will succeed!" Yes, I also think the results of my own meditation are more valuable.

  Although things have been going on for several days, I can't forget that I think friends should use appropriate methods to help each other. This is the true friend.

4.我的好朋友英语作文 篇四

  She has mushroom-like hair, a pair of bright eyes on her white and red face, and a tall nose below. Looking down, you can see a small mouth of cherry.

  She likes reading composition books very much. If you look at her drawer, you must be able to see several composition books from her drawer. I remember that the school was about to enter the reading time last time, and there were always several students in the class who forgot to bring books to the school to read, so at this time, those students were worried like ants on a hot pot. At this time, she would take out her composition book from her drawer and say, "I have several composition books there, you can take them to read." Those students who did not take the book seemed to have grabbed a handful of life-saving straw, and took the book with ecstasy, and repeatedly thanked them.

  She is also a very helpful person. There is a "small treasure chest" in her bag, which contains many things. For example: scissors for art class; Stapler for Chinese class; There are all kinds of solid glue to be used in math class. We have countless things to use in class. Every time we need to use the tools in the "small treasure chest", she always does not hesitate to give them to others first and then use them last.

  She is also a very conscientious person. Although she is not the head of a class, she is only a small group leader, but she is also very dutiful as a group leader. Every time she collects her homework, she is the first to collect it; She sends the most homework every time.

  She is my good friend, Xia Youxuan. She is my good friend who likes reading composition books, helping busy people and doing things very dutifully.

5.我的好朋友英语作文 篇五

  I have many good friends, including good brothers who don't talk, and friends who have only met once. But what I want to say is my good brother XX.

  The first time we met was in the first grade. I was surprised to find that our birthdays were very close, and the nicknames were very similar, even the signs and constellations. Within a day, we became familiar and became good friends. Later, we became good friends who talked about everything. In my eyes, he is a bit funny and likes to help others.

  Why is he a helpful person? Once, we had PE class. Once dismissed, I went crazy to get basketball. But when we arrived at the sports equipment room, we found that the basketball had been taken away by the students who arrived first. I sat on the ground in great frustration. At this time, XX saw me and came up and said, "Hey, what's the matter with you?" I replied glumly, "It's okay." He said again, "How can you be okay? What's the matter?" I had to tell him that I didn't grab the ball. He looked at the ball in his hand and then at me. He still handed the ball to me and said, "Here, give it to you. I'm happy today. I'll be a good man." I took the ball and asked him, "You gave it to me. What do you do?" He smiled and said, "It's okay, I have other arrangements." After that, he left with a smile. I looked at his back and smiled.

  This is my friend, a funny and helpful person.
