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【#英语资源# 导语】想必有很多小伙伴会经常找一些英语相关的文章来看以加强英语的提升,©文档大全网整理了“大学英语作文:应该禁止燃放烟火吗?”,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  【篇一】应该禁止燃放烟火吗?Should Fireworks Be Banned?

In recent years, banning fireworks in a large number of Chinese cities has aroused a heat discussion among the public. Some are against it while some are for it. As far as I am concerned, banning fireworks is necessary and advantageous.

近年来,在中国许多大城市都有禁止燃放烟花的政策,这一禁令已引起社会大众的热烈讨论。有些人支持也有人表示反对,我认为禁止燃放烟火是很有必要且有益的。 There are a few points accounting for my view. First, banning fireworks is good for keeping air quality. Setting off fireworks is one of the sources of air pollution because it will produce a lot of sulfur dioxide and other hazardous gases, which may lower air quality if they are emitted unlimitedly. Second, banning fireworks is helpful for people’s health. The hazardous gases from setting off fireworks are a potential harm for people’s health because these gases are the causes of some serious disease like respiratory diseases. Besides, fireworks are also a threat for people. The explosion of fireworks is so fast that people will be hurt without awareness. In addition, setting off fireworks will produce noise, which has a negative influence on people’s health and life. 我的理由有如下几点。首先,禁止燃放烟火有利于保证空气质量。燃放烟火是一大空气污染的来源,因为燃放烟火会释放出大量的二氧化硫和其他有害气体, 如果这些有害气体不能得到控制将降低空气质量。其次,禁放烟火有助于人们的身体健康。燃放烟火而释放出的有害气体对人们的身体健康有潜在危害,因为这些有害气体会导致人们患上严重的疾病,例如呼吸道疾病。另外,烟火还会威胁到人们的安危。烟火燃爆十分迅猛,无警觉的人们常常会受到伤害。最后,燃放烟火爆竹会产生噪音,会对人们的身体健康和日常生活带来负面影响。 For above reasons, I consider that banning fireworks is advantageous. In addition, I think that other healthy and meaningful ways of celebrating festivals should replace setting off fireworks. 综上所述,我认为禁止燃放烟火是十分有利的。此外我想应该有比燃放烟火更好、更有意义地庆贺方式。

  【篇二】多旅行,少压力Less Stress, More Travel

Do you feel lot of stress in your life? Go to school, go to university, get a job, buy a house, have a family and then raise the kids. It seems that we have a busy life and unending duties. Travel can help us relieve from stress, we can have the chance to see the world, broaden our horizon and find out who we really are. 你在生活中感到了很多压力吗?上学,上大学,找工作,买房子,组建家庭和养育孩子。似乎我们的生活很忙,有无尽的责任。旅行可以帮助我们释放压力,我们也能有机会看看世界,开阔眼界和找到真正的自己。 When talk about travel, some may find the excuse that it’s too expensive, and then will do it later, finally, the travel plan becomes a piece of paper. What if instead of looking ahead to buying a house and starting the Chinese dream, just take out small portion of the money and pack the suitcase, hit the road, then begins our journey, it is so simple and quick. 当我们谈到旅游,一些人会找借口,旅游太贵了,迟些再去,最后,旅游计划就成为了纸上谈兵。如果我们先不急着买房子,开始我们的中国梦,只是拿出一小部分的钱,打包行李,上路,然后开始我们的旅行,这是多么的见到和快捷啊。 A trip abroad could also make you appreciate home even more. When we stay with our family for a long time, it is naturally for us to have fight, then we will begin to hate our family, if we just take a trip and leave home for some time, our mood will be different. We will miss our family and then home sweet home, the family connection will be stronger. 一场国外的旅行能让你更加的欣赏家庭。当我们和家人相处久了,很自然会发生争吵,然后我们开始讨厌家人,如果我们出去旅行,离开家里一段时间,我们的心情就会不同。我们会想念家庭,回到甜蜜的家,家人间的联系会更加的紧密。 Travel is a good way to relieve our stress, so let’s have a trip and give up the excuse. 旅行是释放压力的好方法,让我们来一场旅行吧,不要找借口。

  【篇三】是否该去电*看电影?Should we go to the cinema to watch movies?

Nowadays, people like to go to the cinema to watch movies. They think the big screen and the incredible sound is a treat. Somehow, I think go to the theater to watch films has a lot of disadvantages. Sometimes, these shortcomings even overwhelm the pleasure of watching movies.

现如今,人们都很喜欢去电*看电影。他们认为大屏幕和震撼的音效是一种享受。然而,我认为去电*看电影存在很多弊端。有时候,这些弊端甚至超过了看电影所带来的享受。 First, when you on your way to the cinema, you may stick in traffic jam and cannot arrive on time. If you make it, you may have problem of finding a parking spot. As you know, not every cinema has enough places for you to park. The time you have wasted on the road can do different kinds of things. If you choose to stay at home to watch movies, you don’t need to worry about these problems. You’re not only saving your precious time but also parking fees and gas. 首先,你去电*的路上很有可能会碰到交通堵塞,不能按时到场。就算你按时到了,你也很有可能找不到停车位,并不是每个电*都有足够的地方给你停车的。而你在路上所浪费的时间可以用来做很多其他的事情了。如果你选择在家看电影,你就不必担心这些问题了。你不仅仅节约了你的宝贵时间,也省下了停车费和油钱。 Second, you may have to stand in line for hours just to buy yourself a ticket. It is annoying. If the tickets have sold out, you will wait another day. Sometimes you succeed in buying a ticket, but it was not the best seat. You might seat just in front of the screen or in the last row. When you’re watching the movie uncomfortably, you will be regret that you have made the wrong choice. Maybe you should seat in your own sofa to watch. 其次,你可能会为了买张电影票花上好几个小时来排队。这真的很烦人。如果票卖完了,你就得改天再来了。有时候你成功买了张票,但是位置却不够好——你很可能离屏幕太近或是太远。当你看电影时,就会感觉到不舒服,这个时候你就会后悔你的选择了,你应该躺在自己的沙发上看电影。 Last, the atmosphere of the theater is not always as good as you think. People around you allow eating anything they want, which means they will make a lot of noise while they’re chewing. What’s worse, you may seat next to the person who talks on the phone while you try really hard to listen to what the actress says, or a young couple who seat behind you happily discuss about how the movie will end. This is annoying, isn’t it? 最后,电*的气氛并不会像你想象中的那么好。你周围的人会不停地吃东西,当他们嚼东西的时候就会发出声响。而坐在你旁边的人可能会在你听主演说什么的时候,电话说个不停;而在你身后一对年轻的情侣会积极的讨论电影如何结局。这很烦人,不是吗? Due to these reasons, I think people should reconsider whether it worth to go outside to watch a movie, while we have the condition to watch at home. The problems and the hazards can be avoided if we choose to stay at home. Thus, it’s more convenient and comfortable to stay at home to watch movies. 因为这些原因,我认为人们应该考虑去电*看电影是否值得,特别是我们有条件可以在家看的时候。如果选择在家看电影,那么以上提到的问题都可以避免。因此,在家中看电影会更为舒适和方便。

