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【#英语资源# 导语】一年一度的五一劳动节到了。盼星星,盼月亮,终于可以放长假了!®文档大全网为大家准备了《劳动节英语手抄报内容材料》,供大家参考阅读。

1.劳动节英语手抄报内容材料 篇一

  Today is May 1st, International Labor Day. The sky is beautiful, the weather is very good, the sun is shining brightly, illuminating everyone's smiling face

  In the morning, around eight o'clock, our family wakes up. Today is a holiday and a holiday, and you can also enjoy a beautiful sleep in. It's really comfortable! After waking up, we all felt refreshed and particularly energetic.

  I heard it was lively everywhere outside. I originally wanted to say to my parents, 'Let's go out and play together.'. But who knows, my mother suggested, "Today is Labor Day, and we all rest at home. Why don't we thoroughly clean our beautiful home and make it cleaner?" My father immediately responded with a smile and said, "Okay! This holiday is special!" I had to agree, because I am also the little owner of the house!

  So, just do as you say. Dad immediately assigned the task and said, "Bing Bing uses a small cloth to clean the tables and chairs, Mom sweeps and organizes the clothes, and I'll mop the floor!" Mom and I both laughed and agreed.

  I saw my mother come into the bedroom, clean each bed, put on clean sheets, and put the dirty sheets into the washing machine; She picked up the broom again and carefully swept every room, living room, and balcony. Her agile and capable mother was really skilled at household chores! What about Dad? After wetting the mop with water, he made it half dry and half wet, and then dragged it up to the ground. Seeing him mopping the bedroom first, then the living room and balcony, he also worked very quickly. My family's hard work can't defeat the strongest dad! What about me? Of course, take it seriously and wipe the tables and chairs bit by bit??? Yi Nur Silly Coal Li Niao Mo!

  After more than two hours of hard work, our home has become even brighter, giving people a refreshing feeling, appearing spacious and bright.

  At this moment, the three of us all feel a bit tired, sitting on the sofa together, drinking drinks, eating ice cream, enjoying the "joy of family", talking and laughing, so happy!

  On May Day, our family worked hard all morning and celebrated a special holiday. It was both joyful and unforgettable!

2.劳动节英语手抄报内容材料 篇二

  On May 1st, the weather was very cool, and the wind was blowing softly. In the morning, I woke up early and as soon as I opened the window, I saw the flowers looking at me dejectedly, with a listless and dusty face. It turned out that it was due to the dry weather and no watering of the flowers in recent days. So our whole family decided to put on a new dress for the garden. After division of labor, my father and I first started cutting off dead branches and fallen leaves.

  Then, we took out the sprinkler from the toolbox, placed one end of the sprinkler at the faucet, and started cleaning the dust on the petals and leaves. With the beautiful singing of water dripping, the trees spread their waist and swayed gently. The flowers opened their smiling faces and sang beautiful songs, which made people never tire of hearing. Wow! "I screamed, realizing that I accidentally aimed the faucet at myself and poured water on me. My skirt and top were immediately soaked through, and I turned into a drowned rat. The people present were momentarily stunned, and upon seeing my awkward appearance, they immediately burst into laughter. Mom mischievously said, "Hehe, it's okay, labor is the most glorious!" Grandma chuckled, "Look at you, you're all thumbs

  My face turned red in an instant, and I covered my face and ran into the house. After changing into clean clothes, I started working again. After pouring and pouring for over an hour, the task was finally completed, and my father and I were sweating profusely from exhaustion. Dad saw that the wooden boards in the garden were not very smooth, so he suggested, "Daughter, let's go to the furniture store to buy paint and brush the floor of the courtyard." "Okay!" We headed straight to the nearby shopping mall. After buying the paint, I first opened the paint can and then stirred it up with a chopsticks. I dipped a little paint with a brush and started brushing. Unfortunately, with only one brush, my father and I had to take turns working.

  I brush, I brush, I brush! "I hummed a small tune and danced the brush to the rhythm of joy. We finished brushing for over an hour, feeling tired and sore in the back. However, looking at the results of our labor, we were extremely happy. Today, I had a happy and fulfilling day with the garden. I have learned that no matter what you do, as long as you have determination and perseverance in your heart, are not afraid of difficulties or hardships, you will reach the other shore of success.

3.劳动节英语手抄报内容材料 篇三

  On Labor Day, my father and mother took a taxi to the botanical garden. I could smell the fragrance of flowers in the distance, which made me even more eager to go to the botanical garden.

  After arriving at the botanical garden, I saw many beautiful flowers, so I immediately bought a ticket and rushed towards the botanical garden. My parents also followed me in.

  What kind of flower is this? "Mom suddenly asked, almost scaring me. I looked carefully and said," Mom, this is a tulip. I think it's a bit like a painted flower, it's really beautiful! "" Yes, this is still my first time seeing tulips! "Mom also seems to like tulips very much.

  We walked and walked, and when we reached the forest, we suddenly smelled a fragrance. I ran over and looked, oh, it turned out to be several lilacs. I smell its fragrance as if I have come to the world of flowers. Mom and Dad also ran over to smell it and said together, "No wonder the lilac has this name. It turns out it's really fragrant

  We left the small forest and came to the riverbank again. There were several small fish playing in the water, and there were also several lotus flowers that had not yet bloomed by the riverbank. Although these lotus flowers have not yet bloomed, they bloom more beautifully in summer than any other flower in spring. With the addition of small fish, the small river will appear even more beautiful. I really like lotus flowers! I think Mom and Dad are also very fond of lotus flowers. So I turned my head and asked my parents, "Mom and Dad, do you like lotus flowers?" They all replied, "Yes! We love lotus flowers too much, but now if we could float on the river in a small boat, that would be great! By the way, we've been playing for too long, let's go

  Finally, I reluctantly left the botanical garden. I really want to stay there forever, forever... forever

4.劳动节英语手抄报内容材料 篇四

  The sky was pitch black, and it rained. Raindrops fell on my face, and I didn't know if it was tears or rain.

  That day, my mother had something to do and went out. I am the only one sitting on the writing desk at home. I'm in a daze, I don't know what to do.

  I suddenly thought in my mind that today is May Day! Mom is a working people, today is her holiday! So, I wanted to repay my mother by cooking.

  Come on! Master Kang and Chef, I'm ready to cook! Although I have never cooked before, I have confidence. Bang! Ding, Dong, and Bang! The sound of chopping vegetables became a symphony. My confidence has greatly increased, knowing that I will definitely do well. Although I wasted 5 eggs just by frying eggs, cut my hand while cutting vegetables, and the blood flowed out, I still endured the intense pain of cooking. Oh dear! Why didn't you add oil to the stir fry! "I exclaimed.

  I wasted all my strength to cook the meal. Although the eggs were burnt, the fried vegetables forgot to add oil, the soup was tasteless, and the shredded potatoes were too salty... I still waited for my mother to come back.

  The door opened and Mom came back. As soon as she entered the door, she said to me, "What's up? How come there's food? Who made it?" I said happily, "Me!" I thought my mother would praise me, but he said, "Have you finished your homework? Have you reviewed and previewed? Have you read your composition? Do you still have the heart to cook? Are you waiting for this exam? Your grades have plummeted! Do you still have the heart to cook. I cried and said, "Today is May Day! I want to give you a surprise!" "Little girl, it's not your business, go do your homework!" I ran out of the house with a whimper

  The sky was pitch black, and it rained. Raindrops fell on my face, and I didn't know if it was tears or rain.

5.劳动节英语手抄报内容材料 篇五

  The May Day International Labor Day is a holiday for working people around the world, and we have a three-day holiday this year, so we cannot travel far. On the first day, my parents saw the weather was good and took me to my uncle's house to play. My uncle's house is in Ningbo, very close to Carrefour Supermarket.

  So, after getting off the bus, we went to Carrefour Supermarket first. In the supermarket aquarium, I see glass jars filled with water containing various live aquatic products, including fish, crabs, shrimp, loaches, eel, bullfrogs, turtles, and turtles. I saw bubbles constantly rising in a water tank and curiously pricked the largest bubble with my fingers. Unexpectedly, a big carp jumped up and, oh my goodness, what a carp jumping over the dragon's gate, scared my mother and me a lot. I saw a fishing net bag on the fish tank, so I jumped up and grabbed it, then put it into the tank and pressed it down hard. After a lot of effort, I finally caught a big carp, but I don't know if it was the guy who just "teased" me and my mother. I don't want to wrongly treat someone, even one. Forget it, let it go. At this moment, my father called me over to see what was different between turtles and turtles. I found that the shell of a turtle has many regular diamond patterns, while the turtle does not. Dad pressed the turtle's head with his hand, and the turtle's head immediately retracted. No wonder people call it a shrunken turtle. After coming out of the supermarket, I went to stay at my uncle's house for two days. In the morning, I watched the newly purchased CD with my little brother. At noon, I went to the small park in front of my uncle's house to play on the swing, played hide and seek with my little brother, and at night, I took a walk in the nearby big park. On the day I returned, my parents took me to Ningbo Xinhua Bookstore to buy many books. May Day is about to pass, and I feel like I have had a happy dream.

  After coming out of the supermarket, I went to stay at my uncle's house for two days. In the morning, I watched the newly purchased CD with my little brother. At noon, I went to the small park in front of my uncle's house to play on the swing, played hide and seek with my little brother, and at night, I took a walk in the nearby big park. On the day I returned, my parents took me to Ningbo Xinhua Bookstore to buy many books. May Day is about to pass, and I feel like I've had a happy dream.
