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  【例1】 (06-6 Passage One)
  11. [A] Social work.
  [B] Medical care.
  [C] Applied physics.
  [D] Special education.
  12. [A]The timely advice from her friends and relatives.
  [B] The two-year professional training she received.
  [C] Her determination to fulfill her dream.
  [D] Her parents’ consistent moral support.
  13. [A] To get the funding for the hospitals.
  [B] To help the disabled children there.
  [C] To train therapists for the children there.
  [D] To set up an institution for the handicapped.
  预览三道题各选项,由medical care(医疗护理), hospitals, 以及therapists(治疗专家)可推测本文可能与医疗工作有关;而由special education(特殊教育),disabled(残疾的)和handicapped(残疾的)可推测本文还可能与残疾人特殊教育有关,但12、13题各选项并没有涉及到任何有关教育的问题。因此综合来看,本文主题很可能是关于残疾人的医疗工作。
  11.四个选项均是某一学科领域,由前面对主题的分析可推断本题答案为[B]Medical care的可能性较大,听音时再确认具体是哪个领域。
  12.选项特点表明本题很可能是关于影响“她”做某种决定的因素(friends and relatives, parents, training, determination)。听音时主要判断是来自“谁”的因素。来源:考试大
  13.选项均为不定式形式,表明本题很可能是考查某事的目的或原因。[A]是有关资金问题,偏离主题,不大可能为答案。听音时需留意以下要点:help disabled children;train therapists;set institution for handicapped。
  Born and raised in central Ohio, I’m a country girl through and through. [11] I’m currently studying to become a physical therapist, a career path that marks a greater achievement for me. At Ohio State University, admission into the physical therapy program is intensely competitive. I made it pass the first cuts the first year I applied, but was turned down for admission. I was crushed, because for years I have been determined to become a physical therapist. I received advice from friends and relatives about changing my major and finding another course for my life. I just couldn’t do it. I knew I could not be as happy in another profession. [12] So I stilled myself, began to work seriously for another year and reapplied. Happily I received notice of my admission. Later, I found out that less than 15% of the applicant had been offered positions that year. Now in the first two years of professional training, I couldn’t be happier with my decision not to give up on my dream. My father told me that if I wanted it badly enough, I would get in. Well, Daddy, I wanted it. So there.
  After graduation, I would like to travel to another country, possibly a Latin American country and [13] work in a children's hospital for a year or two. So many of the children there are physically handicapped but most hospitals don’t have the funding to hire trained staff to care for them properly. I would like to change that somehow.
  11. What is the speaker's field of study?
  【解析】选[B]。推断题。本题是问说话者研究的领域是什么。根据文中的studying to become a physical therapist可知说话人目前在学习成为一名理疗师,而physical therapist明显属于medical care的范畴,由此可推知说话人的学习领域属于medical care(医疗)范畴。故答案为[B]。解答此题时切忌将physical therapist(理疗师)中的physical与physics(物理学)联系起来而误选[C]。
  12. According to the speaker, what contributed to her admission to Ohio State University?
  【解析】选[C]。推断题。本题是问说话者被俄亥俄州立大学录取的原因是什么。根据文中So I stilled myself, began to work seriously for another year and reapplied.一句可知说话人坚持了自己的梦想,并努力为实现梦想而奋斗,由此可推知她最终被录取是因为她determination to fulfill her dream(实现梦想的决心),故答案为[C]。本题的答案是解答本题要注意不能根据只言片语妄下结论,如听到received advice from friends and relatives就误选[A]。
  13. Why does the speaker want to go to a Latin American country?
  【解析】选[B]。细节题。本题是问说话者想去拉美国家的原因是什么。根据文中work in a children's hospital for a year or two. So many of the children there are physically handicapped but most hospitals don’t have …可知说话人想去拉美国家是为了help the disabled children there(帮助那里的残疾儿童),故答案为[B]。

