what is honesty大学英语作文-大学英语作文:抓住机遇SeizetheOpportunity


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【#英语资源# 导语】学习英语贵在坚持,找到适合自己的方法,多运用多温故。以下“大学英语作文”由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  【篇一】抓住机遇 Seize the Opportunity

I will graduate next year, now I start to worry about my future, I don’t know what kind of job I should work on, I see the job hunting information from the Internet, I don’t know whether I should take the chance. My teacher told me that I need to take every chance, so that I will find what I want. 明年我就要毕业了,现在我开始担心我的将来,我不知道自己应该从事怎么样的工作,我从网上看到招聘信息,不知道该不该把握那些机会。我的老师告诉我要抓住每一个机会,这样我就能知道自己想要的是什么。

Graduate season is a sad and busy season. After four years’ study, it is time to say goodbye to your classmates, the building of the deep relationship makes it hard to say goodbye. At the same time, finding a job is the most important thing for students, because they need to find their places in the society. As there are many opportunities for graduate students, they always don’t know how to do. 毕业季是一个忧伤和忙碌的季节。经过四年的学习,是时候和同学说再见了,深厚友谊的建立使得我们很难说再见。同时,找工作对于学生来说很重要,因为他们需要在社会上找到位置。面对各种各样的机遇,毕业生不知道怎么做。

I have learned that I should take every chance when they job offer comes, even though I need to go to a far place to get the interview and there will be some money that I need to spend. But I will learn many things and become more competitive. 我知道当工作机会来临的时候,我应该把握每一个机会,虽然我需要到另外一个遥远的地方去面试,也需要花一些钱。但是我会学到很多东西,使自己变得有竞争力。

When the opportunity comes, I will take no hesitation to seize it. 当机会来临的时候,我会毫不犹豫地抓住。

  【篇二】被骗的经历 The Experience of Being Cheated

Today, as the media develop so fast, people can have access to all kinds of message, they can get the message through the phone, the commercial ads, the Internet and so on, but the developed media also provide some bad guys the ways to cheat people’s money. People must keep an eye on the information, so they won’t be cheated. 今天,随着多媒体的快速发展,人们接触到各种各样的信息,他们可以通过电话,商业广告和网络等等渠道得到信息,但是发达的媒体也给居心不良的人提供了骗钱的途径。人们必须当心信息,这样才不会被骗。

I have the experience of almost getting cheated. One day, when I was at home, I got a call, at first, i did not know who called me, the person said he was my teacher, he called my name and told his name to me. I could recognize my teacher’s voice, the person in the phone was my teacher’s voice, so I let down my guard, and talked happily. At last, my teacher asked me to send some money to his credit card, because he hadn’t carried cash. At the moment, I felt so curious, my teacher would never did such thing, he was a good teacher, so I called my teacher with his another number, until then I realized that I almost got cheated, my teacher was at home at the moment. 我就经历过差点被骗的事。有一天,当我在家的时候,有人打电话给我,刚开始,我不知道谁打给我,电话那头的人说是我老师,他叫了我的名字,告诉我他的名字。我能认出老师的声音,电话那头就是我老师的声音,所以我放低了防备,和他愉快地聊着。最后,我的老师叫我打钱进他的卡里,因为他没有现金在手。此刻,我感到很奇怪,我的老师从来不会做这样的事情,他是个好老师,因此我打了他另外的号码,我才意识到我差点被骗,我的老师此刻正在家里。

The experience of being cheated teaches me a lesson, I will be very careful when it comes to the money. 被骗的经历教我上了一课,当谈到钱的时候,我会变得小心翼翼。

  【篇三】影响找工作的因素 The Factors Affect Finding a Job

I will graduate soon, so I am so busy finding my future job, at first, I have no idea what kind of job I should take, I want to live near home, so I can see my parents often, what’s more, I also want to find the job which is stable and permanent. There are many factors that affect people to find a job, the location and the stability are the most common factors. 我很快就要毕业了,因此我现在忙于找工作,刚开始,我不知道自己应该从事什么样的工作,我想要住得离家近点,这样我就能经常看到父母,而且,我也想要找到一份稳定并且长期的工作。影响人们找工作的因素有很多,地理位置和稳定性是最常见的因素。

People are willing to find the job which is near home, so they can visit their parents now and then and won’t be feeling lonely. Working far away from home deviates people from their parents, they will homesick, when they feel frustrated, there is no way for them to get comfort from parents. Home is always the harbor for people to get comfort. 人们愿意找一份离家很近的工作,这样他们就能时而不时地看看父母,不会感到孤单。远离家乡的工作让人们离父母也远,他们会想念家,当他们感到沮丧的时候,无法从父母那里得到安慰。家是人们永远的避风港湾。

The stability is another important factor for people to considerate. People don’t want to change their jobs often, so they want to find the job which can work for a lifetime, even though the money is not that much, the sense of stability comforts people. 稳定性是人们考虑的另外一个重要的因素。人们不想要经常换工作,所以他们想要找一份能够从事一生的工作,虽然钱挣得不多,稳定感能给他们带来欣慰。

I take both factors when I find a job, no matter where I go, I always put my family in the first place. 当我找工作的时候,我两样因素都考虑,无论我去哪里,我总是把家庭放在第一位。

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