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【#高三# 导语】作为一名教师,需要设计一份说课稿,说课稿是进行说课准备的文稿,以下是®文档大全网整理的《高三下册英语说课稿5篇》希望能够帮助到大家。

1.高三下册英语说课稿 篇一

  Good afternoon, teachers, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content of my lesson is Senior English Book unit 1(A student of African wildlife/Why not carry on the good work)I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure, and Blackboard design.

  First, let me talk the teaching material. Part 1 Teaching Material:

  This unit is about(Great women and their achievements , Important people, history and methods of agriculture, Different types of English humor ,Culture differences and communication Different types of theme park)

  By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women successful The knowledge of farming and Dr Yuan Longping’ achievement And chemical farming and organic farming. Charlie Chaplin and his funny and encouraging humor People from different area have different body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings. Theme park not only provide fun but also provide various knowledge and exciting experience. this lesson not only teach the students to learn the related material about

  (1) the good character to be a successful person

  (2)Yuan longping’s scientific research spirit and attitudes toward life The disadvantage of using chemical fertilizers and how to increase production in organic farming.

  (3)Charlie Chaplin and his humor English jokes

  (4)Different body language and the similarities in body language which make the others understand our feelings.

  (5)Theme park but also learning ability in English .

2.高三下册英语说课稿 篇二


  本单元的中心话题是谈论个性特征(talk about personal traits)和比较他人(compare people)。这是一个非常符合学生心理特点的话题。在这节课中,同学们第一次接触形容词的比较级(the comparative degree of adjectives),并运用这些词进行听、说、读、演、写等各项练习,教材对相关对话的设计及听力语言材料的选编无不紧扣比较(comparison)这个中心。


  温故而知新。热身环节(Warming-up activity)根据学生对老师的情况很好奇的心理特点,设计了师生之间互问问题从而达到增进了解的目的,形成和谐的课堂气氛,让学生敢说、愿说。作为“热身”的另外一部分,一个同学间互作自我介绍的游戏,激发了学生的兴趣和热情。同时,通过听、看、说的充分练习,复习了身高、体形、长相等方面的单词,为下一步描述图画作铺垫。


  口语部分(Oral practice)是为了进一步巩固刚学习的形容词比较级。通过有趣的三对双胞胎对比,让比较级在情景中得到合理有效地运用。并在不经意中将书上对话自然地呈现出来,作为口语练习的例子。学生从模仿到创造的这种口语训练,为下面的听力打下坚实的基础。

  听力部分(Listening practice)做到循序渐进,先听顺序,再听名字,最后听意思。此部分不再是听简单的单词发音,更重要的是听有意义的对话。学生通过看图、听音、跟读、分角色朗读形成语感。




3.高三下册英语说课稿 篇三


  我认为在“新课程标准”和“新基础教育”的理念的指导下,这节课应该既能够让学生的学习有意义,也能够让教师在扎实、充实、平实、真实的授课过程中真正享受到,“教学作为一个创造过程的全部欢乐和智慧的体验”。同时,本单元是以话“交通”题材为教学主要内容的新目标(Go for it)教材典型设计,借助本单元可以给学生在学习方法上以很好的指导,并可以在小空间内进行大规模的扎实、有效的训练。






  在本节课中,对于“整齐划一”可以从两点来说明: 首先,本人一直认为作为语言教学,听说读写等能力的训练应该是一个整体,不可分割开来的,因此在教学设计中可以说一个话题,一个训练都蕴含着各种能力的培养;其次,在教学中每一节课都是独立的,但在我的教学设计中每一节课不仅可以独立,更重视它在单元教学整体中的地位与作用。与每一节课内衔接一样,单元教学的整体衔接也很重要。


  本节课从简单的对“How do you get to school in the morning?”的询问入手,引入对重要课文Section A 3a 的复习。通过学生复述这段文字,重点巩固由“How, How long, How far”引导的谈论交通话题的重要句型,并提炼相关的信息形成新的对话,为下一环节作铺垫。即课文Section A 3b 的训练,通过第一、二人称来谈论交通话题的训练,拓展到以第三人称来谈论他人的交通话题,进而让课文Section B 2a, 2b, 2c 的学习水到渠成。然后完成对本节课学习的测试,进行归纳总结本节课的要点。最后,作业一中让学生来完成交通方式的图片收集,是对本节内容的进一步深化;作业二中要求学生做一个调查,并形成调查报告,实际上和测试二一起构成了对Section B 3a 的有效预习。









  着重思维能力的训练,围绕话题进行多方面的扩展性的练习,并充分地利用 Listening 和Speaking,引发学生积极思维,以Groupwork和Pairwork等多种形式讨论和操练。最终达到让学生熟练谈论“交通”这一说话能力的目标。并在作业中以预习形式对这一目标进行了延伸。



4.高三下册英语说课稿 篇四

  Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.

  In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently.

  My teaching plan will include 3 sections. They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.

  This period is from unit 6 of book 5 PEP senior high school .this unit is around the space exploration to improve ss listening speaking reading writing ability ,this period is a listening and speaking ,the topic is hot ,but it is far away from actual life. So the teacher should enlighten the students to think deeply the advantage and disadvantage of space exploration . .

  According to the new curriculum standard and the characteristic of listening and speaking lesson ,combining the content ,I set up the teaching aims

  Through the listening practice and speaking practice ,improve the ability of using language, know much about the space exploration ,and cultivate the students exploration spirit .

  So the key point and difficult points is understanding the main idea of the passage .

  Analysis of the students

  Students have certain ability and skill in listening comprehension ,they have the ability of gaining the information. Have grasped many vocabulary.most of the students can express themselves correctly .

  It is the listening and speaking lesson ,so I will take lingual method and task-based language method ,the students will finish the task in groups and improve the ability of using the language .

  My teaching procedures if following:

  Step 1 lead in

  To arouse students interest in space exploration ,I show them some pictures about space exploration,the picture of the three famous astronauts in china ,some pictures of spaceships.Students look at and try to recognize the people

  Step 2 listening practice

  To draw students attention to the topic, ask students a question and comment on their answer "can you guess what are going to listen to today ?

  Then to cultivate their ability to grasp the main idea ,let the students listen to the tape ,try to figure out the main idea and do the exercises

  Play the tape for the first time and get the main idea and finish some of the exercises

  To train their ability of searching for detailed information in listening ,I play the tape for the second time and ask them to finish all the exercise and check the answer

  To make sure that students can complete the task and offer help if necessary ,play the tape again .

  At the same time,check the answer with the whole class ,and get them to know how to find the answer by asking "how do you know that

  Step 3 speaking activities

  To have students practise their speaking ability .I ask students to discuss the question in groups from the passage ,we can know that space exploration is developing rapidly in recent years ,do you think ti worth exploring the space ."try to express their own opinion and give us your reasons "why you are for or against the exploration"

  To check the results of discussion,ask the students to report after ten minutes discussion.

  To design their impression of different ideas and prepare them for the writing task after class,ask the students to make a list on the blackboard

  Step 4 conclusion

  To enable students to summarize what they have learned ,ask students to sum up the ideas on the blackboard

  Step 5 assignment

  To enable students to consolidate their knowledge in the form of writing ,ask students to write a passage on whether the space is worth exploring

5.高三下册英语说课稿 篇五

  Good afternoon,teachers. It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my teaching ideas I’ll begin the lesson from the following four parts:

  Analyzing teaching material

  The teaching methods

  The studying methods

  The teaching procedures

  and while presenting these parts I will do the blackboard writing properly. Ok now I am going to start from the first part “Analyzing teaching material”

  This unit is about It is made up of paragraphs.

  The teaching aim of this lesson is to help students to understand and master the words, phrases and sentence patterns on the basis of understanding the text.

  The ability aim is to improve the students’ organizing and using skills of English and to retell the whole text in their own words.

  The emotional aim is to help students understand and to develop

  students’ sense of cooperative learning.

  Then the teaching key points is to help the students get a general idea of the whole

  And the teaching difficult points is to make students use their own words to express

  According to the analysis above, I’ll try my best to carry out the following theories

  while dealing with this lesson:

  To make students the real masters of the class while I just act as a director.

  To combine the language structure with the language functions.

  And to make students receive some moral education while they are learning language. In order to achieve my goal, I will use the following teaching methods:

  The first teaching method I will use is communicative approach, since language is

  used for communication. Communicative approach is learner-centered and emphasizes communication and real-life situations.

  The second teaching method I would like to use is task-based approach. A task

  resembles activities which our students or other people carry out in everyday life.

  Learners should be given opportunities to reflect on what they have learned and how well they are doing.

  The third teaching method I want to use is computer assisted language teaching.

  Computer plays an important role to make the materials attractive. It can also help the learners to understand the language and then produce comprehensible output.

  And in order to practice my teaching methods better, the following teaching aids will be used:

  A projector, a tape recorder, multimedia and of course the blackboard.

  And then, I would like to talk about the studying methods. As students are poor in

  cooperative learning skill, many students are not active in English class, and even

  some of them don’t like English. Therefore, I will have the students learn English in a much more relaxed atmosphere. The learning process of students is from seeing,

  thinking, and speaking. So, to make the students get the knowledge actively,

  cooperative learning and task-based learning will be used.

  Next, I will talk about the teaching procedure. To train the students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, I have designed the following steps.
