
时间:2023-09-08 08:51:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】用青春浇灌祖国的希望,用无私演绎教师的伟大,用勤奋传递智慧的火种,用生命谱写人生的辉煌,感谢您敬爱的老师,愿您教师节快乐,幸福平安!下面是®文档大全网整理的《教师节英语作文优秀范文》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.教师节英语作文优秀范文 篇一

  Today is September 10th, the annual Teacher's Day. On this special holiday, I have a lot to say to you.

  It was you who brought me from first grade to fourth grade, and every time we had classes, you talked the most. Your mouth was already dry, so you still took the trouble to teach us. The doctor said that chalk powder is harmful to the body, but you don't know how much chalk powder you inhale in a day. You have taught us what you know, bit by bit, so that we gradually grow up and become more sensible. You have burned yourself like a candle, illuminating us!

  You treat us like a mother treats her own children. Once, a classmate in our class accidentally fell while doing morning exercises. You saw him and quickly helped him up. He was quickly taken to the infirmary when the doctor said, "It's okay, it's just a slight skin injury." You just breathed a sigh of relief. Every time school is over, you watch us all leave one by one before leaving school with peace of mind.

  Dear teacher, it is you who gave us selfless love. We will not disappoint your expectations and repay you with excellent grades!

2.教师节英语作文优秀范文 篇二

  On Teacher's Day, I got up early in the morning and stood at the entrance of the school, wearing red scarves and offering flowers to the incoming teachers, and offering holiday blessings to them. An hour passed, and after the teachers arrived at school one after another, we also returned to the classroom. After a few classes, the students said, "Today is Teacher's Day, and we haven't prepared any gifts for Teacher Lin. Why don't we come back after lunch today and surprise the teacher?" Everyone agreed.

  At noon, everyone finished their meal and returned to the classroom, with a classmate watching at the door. They began to prepare. We first cleaned the classroom in a short time, then drew a big heart on the blackboard and wrote our blessings to the teacher inside. After everything was ready, we all hid under the desks. When the teacher walked into the classroom, our whole class jumped out from under the desks and said to the teacher, "Wishing Teacher Lin a happy holiday!" When the teacher saw the blessings on the blackboard, we saw the teacher shed sparkling tears.

  On Teacher's Day, we use our own actions to send the most sincere blessings to our teachers.

3.教师节英语作文优秀范文 篇三

  Today is Teacher's Day and also Teacher Chen's birthday.

  The students all arrived at school early. As soon as the bell for the second class rang, there were many things on the podium, all of which were blessings from classmates to Teacher Chen, including various gifts such as greeting cards and flowers.

  Teacher Chen walked into the classroom with a beautiful bell. Huang Liutao, who was already ready to recite, rushed up to the podium with lightning speed as Teacher Chen walked to the podium and began reciting. Afterwards, our entire class immediately stood up and sang a birthday song for the teacher. At this moment, it was very quiet outside the window. The branches stopped shaking, the birds stopped chirping, and the butterflies stopped on the flowers, as if they were all listening to their classmates singing a happy birthday song. The students are working harder and harder, and the beautiful singing is about to overturn the walls around them. Next, it was time to eat the cake. Teacher Chen held a knife and cut off pieces of cake. I was already hungry and wolfed down the cake. After finishing, my classmates all changed their appearance, some became flower cats, some became Erlang gods, and some became "little white faces".

  This year's Teacher's Day is unique and unforgettable.

4.教师节英语作文优秀范文 篇四

  Autumn is clear and refreshing, and we welcome September 10th, which is a holiday for all teachers.

  On this day that is worth celebrating, students from Dinglan Experimental School affiliated with Hangzhou Normal University express their holiday blessings to their teachers in their unique way: every time the on duty students at the door see a teacher, they will say, "Teacher, happy holiday!" Although it is just an ordinary greeting, it is full of their most sincere blessings; At the morning meeting, the host also led everyone to express the most sincere wishes to the teacher, "Dear teacher, Happy Teacher's Day

  Although we did not use brilliant language or fancy techniques, it is the longest hidden word in our hearts; Various classes have also carried out various "teacher respect and gratitude activities". Some have given a bouquet of flowers to express their respect for the teacher, while others have given the teacher a greeting card to bring a hint of sweetness. Here, I wish all teachers a "Happy Teaching Day"!

5.教师节英语作文优秀范文 篇五

  The annual Teacher's Day has arrived again, and our school has held a special celebration for teachers called 'Special Teacher's Day'.

  In the morning, we arrived at the school and bowed and congratulated the teacher at the door. During class, there is no need for the teacher to attend, just a few classmates. They have a loud voice, clear enunciation, and friendly teaching attitude. The teacher usually has two classes, and the students only understand a text. What about the little teacher? In just half a class, the students were already able to memorize this text. The teacher smiled happily as if saying, "You guys should be teachers in the future!" In the second class, everyone went to listen to someone else's speech. Several girls were having a speech competition on stage, all praising and thanking the teacher. The teacher laughed excitedly after listening. In the afternoon, we will make greeting cards for the teacher. I made a beautiful greeting card, pasted several stickers, and wrote a few words. In order to give the teacher a break, I also wrote brain teasers and jokes on the back of the greeting card. I thought to myself that when the teacher saw the greeting card I gave her, she must have a big smile on her face.

  We cannot hold onto Teacher's Day, but we must make sure that the teacher's smile remains forever.
