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【#英语资源# 导语】圣诞节到了,每个门店几乎都装饰上了,还挂着小铃铛,轻轻一碰,就会发出叮当、叮当的动听的音乐。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。

1.圣诞节英语作文范文 篇一

  Of course, as we all know, today is December 25, which is also a Western holiday, namely Christmas. Before writing this composition, I want to ask you how did you enjoy Christmas this year? Is it happy? Or sad and helpless? Now I can officially tell you that I had a sad and happy Christmas, why?

  Today, 15 minutes before class, I was scolded by my team members. It's because when I was collecting their Chinese homework, one of them had not finished yet. It's not his fault. Indeed, there were too many Chinese homework last night. No wonder... I didn't say it to the teacher, but to cover him up. I told him that I had to hand it over to the department representative in a few minutes. Finish it quickly. However, before I finished speaking, he scolded me and made me sob in a low voice.

  What is gratifying is that my best friend Qiqi comforted me. And gave me a big gift. I turned around and drew a bear gift from my schoolbag to give her. We are inseparable.

  This Christmas, I have a full and happy life. Here, I wish everyone a happy Christmas.

2.圣诞节英语作文范文 篇二

  The long-awaited Christmas has finally arrived. Every day, Little Bear and his friends look forward to the early arrival of this day. Sometimes, Little Bear dreams of playing with his friends.

  On Christmas Day, Little Bear was very happy. Early in the morning, he put on his lovely Christmas hat and beautiful clothes and went to find his friends. When he just opened the door, he was surprised by the scenery in front of him. There was a vast expanse of white outside. The snowflakes flying in the sky were so beautiful, so charming, and so desirable. Little Bear felt as if he had entered the kingdom of ice and snow.

  Little Bear and his friends made many snowballs in the snow. They chased each other in the snow and enjoyed themselves very much. They also made two snow children. Because they made one, Little Bear was afraid that it would be lonely, so Little Bear and his friends decided to make two snow children. In order not to let the snow children feel cold, they made hats and clothes for the two snow children. Little Bear and his friends sang a happy song around the two snow children. The snow children felt warm and showed sweet smiling faces.

  In the evening, after finishing the Christmas dinner, Little Bear and his friends danced beautifully beside the Christmas tree under the twinkling lights. They were very happy and happy!

3.圣诞节英语作文范文 篇三

  Although Christmas is a western festival, many Chinese people love it now, perhaps because we can get many gifts on that day, or perhaps because it is interesting, but I love it not only because of these, but also because of the joy of our teachers and students together, the kind of love between teachers and students other than "red, green, white".

  Look forward to the stars and the moon, and finally look forward to a happy Christmas. That day, I just arrived at the school gate. Suddenly, I was shocked. I saw a Santa Claus with a saxophone, jumping and blowing there. It was very beautiful. There were gifts and lawns around it. I really wanted to touch it. By the way, it wanted a gift! "Alas! What a pity! It's impossible. Then, two or three Santa Claus came to me with some things in their hands, but I couldn't see what was inside. My strong curiosity was that I couldn't help but rush into the crowd and join in the fun." It was candy! "Although I seldom eat candy, I can't today. I will have a good meal even if half of my teeth are lost.

  When I walked into the classroom, I was even more surprised. The Christmas tree and the dancing Santa Claus...... Stunned me. The Christmas party started with a loud noise and the ribbons slowly falling. The students expressed their love for the teacher in songs for several years. After the students expressed their love for the children, the teacher also expressed his love for the children in his own way. This love was permeated in the teacher's words, and the students were moved and tearful. This thick teacher-student relationship permeates the whole classroom and remains intact in everyone's heart. The Christmas party is over, but the teacher-student relationship that no one else or anything can replace will always permeate the whole classroom and warm people's hearts.

  That happy and loving Christmas, I will always remember in my heart, forever, forever

4.圣诞节英语作文范文 篇四

  "Ding Ding", I walked on the road, listening and thinking: What is this sound? It's the church bell ringing ahead of time for Christmas! I wish I could get Christmas presents earlier!

  As soon as I got home, I wrote a note, which said: Grandpa Christmas, can you give me a Christmas gift earlier? Chinese children - Shi Yuyu. After writing, I put the note in the center of the table, and then went to wash and sleep.

  The next morning when I got up, I looked at the Christmas stockings beside the table! Christmas stockings are full of toys I want! The most eye-catching are the two beautiful and elegant Christmas trees in the corner of the table. Look, those two Christmas trees are like two lovely little angels. They are wearing shiny green shirts with small and exquisite ornaments on them, which is very popular. Not only are the Christmas trees beautiful, but also the toys are good. The workmanship of each toy is very exquisite. Some even have eyes made of glass balls and paint!

  Come and have fun! Welcome to this program. First of all, let's invite the rabbit contestants to sing where spring is; Next, we invite three contestants, including WaWa, to perform the dance of the Four Little Swans for us... It's so funny! Among them, what I like most is cooking for toys.

  This Christmas gift really makes me excited and unforgettable!

5.圣诞节英语作文范文 篇五

  Every Christmas Eve, I always open the window before going to bed, because my mother once told me: "Only children who work hard can receive gifts from Santa Claus."

  When I got up early this morning, I was surprised to find many beautiful gifts on my desk. There is a box of candy that looks like an apple. There is a blue packaging bag under the candy with a bow tied on it. Next, there is an electronic puzzle. I'm very happy. This must be a gift from Santa Claus. I'll open it quickly. When I first opened the electronic puzzle, then opened the candy, and finally opened the blue box, I found a box of writing brushes, inkstones and other study supplies. After opening it, I ran to my parents' bedroom and asked who gave them. My father said, "I bought the electronic puzzle for you, and the other one is a gift from Santa Claus!" My mother said that she gave me a box of candy to keep me safe all my life, while the box of study articles was used by Santa Claus to let me practice calligraphy. I am glad that Santa Claus can visit my home every year and give me gifts!

  Santa Claus has shown me the direction, and I will work hard! I will receive gifts next year!
