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大陆地区托福独立写作解析 (观点分析+中心句示范+核心词组拓展)

  Do you agree or disagree? We can learn about a person from the books and movies that person likes.


  我的立场是同意,即我们可以通过“她/他爱看的书和电影”,去了解他。 这道题其实属于一种证明类题目,即证明确实有这么回事即可。题目的关键点在于,抓住“了解这个人的哪方面”,一个人有很多方面,所以可以把一个人的方面剖细了来证明,这样就轻松多了。这道题目不需要太多的精巧的论证手段。


  1. the books a person likes, to a large extent, reflect his or her various abilities and knowledge structure.


  -----喜欢看哲学经济学书籍的人们,通常具备比较好的analytic ability,logical ability 和reasoning ability

  -----喜欢历史书籍的人们,往往具备比较好的systematic thinking ability, 或者他们期望能够获得对于人类历史的一个全景式的理解 (they desire to have a panoramic understanding of human history).

  2. Many people’s favorite movies reflect their taste and character.





  ---- 有些电影是关于人生奋斗的
  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

  One can learn a lot about another person from the books and the movies that the person likes.

  Spending a significant amount of time with someone is necessary to get to know their personalities and temperaments. Sometimes, people can also tell a person's quality and determine his or her personality by analyzing their behaviors. When it comes to the question of whether one can learn about another person from the books or movies that the person likes, I personally am in favor of this statement based on the following reasons.

  First off, by judging from the books or movies or even TV programs that someone like we can tell a person's interests and hobbies, consequently we can learn more about them. For example, My roommate back in college was really into auto magazines, TV shows and even movies featuring fancy sports cars. At first, I didn't know him so well to know his hobbies and interests, however, I was sure at that time that he must have been a big fan of cars. Indeed, my judgment was right and he was a car freak, he likes all kinds of vehicles like sedan, SUV, recreational vehicles, etc. It is not an exaggeration to claim that he can tell not only the brand but also the version of a specific vehicle by just checking out the picture of the cockpit of the car. Ultimately, we can tell a person's hobbies by the movies and books they like.

  Additionally, the genre of the books that someone reads says a lot about the person's character and temperament. Actually, it is natural for someone to shape their characters just because the characters in the novels or movies have a dramatic impact on the person's behavior and attitude, regardless of the types of the characters like fairy, alien or someone with superpower. For instance, girls who read a lot of romantic novels like Gone With the Wind might be very emotional and very committed to someone they love. For someone who read science fiction novels or watch movies featuring future events and exploration of outer space tend to be very creative and willing to take risks, to be more specific, they might be someone who friends can depend on when they got stuck in some sort of exploration.

  For someone who likes to read classics of all times like the works by Jane Austen or Ernest Hemingway, they tend to cherish the simplicities and trivialities in lives.

  In a nutshell, by judging from the genre of the book that someone reads, not only can we tell a lot about the person's interests and hobbies but also the person's character and temperament.

