
时间:2021-09-15 15:24:28 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#二年级# 导语】寒假不仅仅应只是让孩子玩的快乐,要知道语文是一个积累过程,通过不断积累,来摄取相应知识。从而锻炼语文上的识字与写字能力、创新能力、学习习惯养成、写作能力、阅读理解能力、口语交际能力等等。以下是©文档大全网整理的《小学二年级英语寒假作业答案》相关资料,希望帮助到您。



  Read and Write: 1. I like playing football. 2. I like playing the piano. 3. I like playing with toys. 4. I like to play with a dog. 5. I like to draw pictures. 6. I like to go to the Great Wall.


  1. my 2. I 3. mine 4. your 5. mine 6. my 7. yours 8. They 9. He


  1. I often study in the classroom.

  2. I often draw pictures in the art room.

  3. I often have dinner in the dining room.

  4. I often read books in the library.

  5. I often have sports in the sports center.

  1. can 2.does 3.Can 4.What 5.wants to 6. Can


  1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B

  1. Father doesn’t read newspaper everyday.

  2. He doesn’t like reading comic books.

  3. Does Tom clean the floor for his mum?

  4. Does Bob like doing maths?


  1. There is a boat on the river.

  2. There are some children playing soccer on the playground.

  3. There are two cats sleeping in the shoes.

  4. There are not pretty ducks walking in the garden.

  5. There is not a boy sleeping in the classroom.

  范文:I’ve got a beautiful school. It is a lovely place. I like my school. There is a swimming pool, a library, a playground and a lot of classrooms in my school. I often read books and play on the playground at school.


  a. 反义词:small, thin, short, dirty, slow, weak, young, cold, short, above, sad, loud

  b. 比较级:bigger, fatter, taller, cleaner, quicker, stronger, older, hotter, longer, smaller, happier, quieter, thinner, shorter, colder, slower, sadder, nosier, dirtier.


  1. tallest 2. easier 3. reach 4. off 5. easily 6. many 7. stand 8. choosing

  参考答案:I don’t want to be the tallest man in the world. Because I can’t do many things, for example, I can’t buy the right shoes, clothes or the right bed. That makes me sad


  1—5 ACBAB

  (A) 6—10 ACBBC

  (B) 11—15 YYNYN

  (A) 16—20 CBCAA
  (B) 21—25 YNNYN

  26.box 27.pencils 28.them 29.sing 30.sad

  (A) 31.computer 32.nurse 33.cake 34.hot 35.plane

  (B) 36.is singing 37.rain 38.leaves 39.go to bed 40.having a holiday / on holiday / on vacation

  (C) 41.The girl can’t hear the music.

  42.What are you going to do?

  43.Are there ten rulers in the pencil case?

  44.What a nice day it is!

  45.How many friends do you have?

  46—50 BADAC 51—55 ABCDB

  (A) 56—60 ACCBD

  (B) 61—65 CADFE

  66.player 67.was 68.in 69.children’s 70.toys

  (A) 71.It’s ten to seven / six fifty in the morning.

  72.The girl with a schoolbag on her back is Linda

  73.She’s in the plane.

  74.No,it isn’t.


  (B) 76.fly kites

  77.in bushes

  78.twin brother



  82.It’s the moon

  83.3 (一个人有两只胳膊,六个人有12只胳膊,一张椅子有四条腿,12÷4=3)


  85.I’m a carrot.


