

时间:2022-03-30 15:46:26 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#二年级# 导语】写日记能帮助我们珍藏回忆,即使我们忘了也不要紧,因为当我们翻开日记的时候,往日就会重现。写日记能让人思考生活,思考人生,学会用有理性的思想,感性的任职,树立正确的人生观和世界观。写日记能让人抒发心理的感受有利于心理的健康。以下是®文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望对您有所帮助!

1. This morning, my mother took me to climb the mountain again, but today I am very unlucky.

When I climbed the mountain, my brother and I were very happy. At that time, my brother fell down and stuck my trousers'feet, which made me fall too. The whole trousers were mud behind. All the way, people looked at me with different eyes.

Downhill, I was in a bad mood, so I quickened my pace and walked in front of my mother and brother. Walking along, I stepped on a pile of wet leaves and almost fell down. Fortunately, I grabbed the grass beside me. My mother and brother were frightened by me. Now I think it's scary. If I hadn't grasped the consequences, it would be unbelievable!

The road slips because it rained last night.

2. Yesterday, I saw the experiment of "invisible" words on TV. I watched the experiment on TV intently for fear of missing a detail. Today, I prepared some materials, such as lemon, pen, white paper, candle and lighter.

The experiment started. First, I pricked a large hole in the lemon, squeezed the lemon juice out, sucked it in with a pen, and filled the ink bag with lemon juice. Then, I wrote a good word on paper A, because the lemon juice is transparent, so I can't see any words. I couldn't wait to put the paper on a light candle to roast. I was careful not to burn the paper, but the paper still burned.

I sorted it out and started the experiment again. I wrote the four words "love science" on the paper and baked them carefully with fire for fear of making mistakes. This is the four words "love science" on the paper.

The experiment was successful!

