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【#四六级考试# 导语】多做英语六级阅读可以让你在做阅读理解的过程中,掌握正确的阅读方法和阅读技巧,阅读速度大大提升。为了让大家能更好的备考,©文档大全网四六级频道特别整理了《2018年6月大学英语六级阅读练习题:家庭生活》,详情如下:

 Divorce doesn't necessarily make adults happy. But toughing it out in an unhappy marriage until it turns around just might do, a new study says.

  The research identified happy and unhappy spouses. culled (选出 ) from a national database. Of the unhappypartners who divorced. about half were happy five years later. But unhappy spouses who stuck it out often did better. About two-thirds were happy five years later. Study results contradict what seems to be commonsense, says David Blankenhorn of the Institute for American Values, a think-tank on the family. The institute helped sponsor the research leam based at the University of Chicago. Findings will be presented in Arlington, Va.. at the "Smart Marriage" conference. sponsored by the Coalition for Marriage. Families and Couples Education.

  The study looked at data on 5,232 married adults from the National Survey of Families and Households. It included .64.5 who were unhappy. The adults in the national sample were analyzed through 13 measures of psychological well being. Within the five years, 167 of the unhappy were divorced or separated and 478 stayedmarried.

  Divorce didn't reduce symptoms of depression, raise self-esteem or increase sense of mastery compared withthose who stayed married, the report says.

  Results were controlled for factors including race, age, gender and income. Staying married did not tend to trap unhappy spouses in violent relationships. What helped the unhappy married turn things around? To supplement the formal study data, the research team asked professional firms to recruit focus groups totaling 55 adults who were "marriage survivors". All had moved from unhappy to happy marriages. These 55 once-discontented married felt their unions got better via one of three routes, the report says:

  Marital endurance. "Wich time, job situations improved, children got older or better. or chronic ongoing problems got put into new perspective." Partners did not work on their marriages.

  Marital work. Spouses actively worked "to solve problems, change behavior of improve communication".

  Personal change. Partners found "alternative ways to improve their own happiness and build a good and happy life despite a mediocre marriage." In effect the unhappy partner changed.1. According to David Blankenhorn. people commonly believe that________.

  A) divorce is a better solution to an unhappy marriage than staying together

  B) divorce is not necessarily the only solution to an unhappy marriage

  C) keeping an unhappy marriage needs much courage and endurance

  D) to end an unhappy marriage or not is a tough decision for the spouses

  2. Which of the following is true about the research under discussion?

  A) It was conducted by che Institute for the American Values headed by David Blankenhorn.

  B) It was sponsored by the Coalition for Marriage, Families and Couples Education.

  C) Its subjects were chosen from a national database based at the University of Chicago.

  D) Its report will be included in the schedule of the "Smart Marriage"conference.

  3. The 13 measures of psychological well-being are used to_______.

  A) serve as the standards for choosing the subjects of the research

  B) serve as the ways to help adults to get over their unhappy marriage

  C) examine all the 5232 married adults

  D) examine all the adults in the database

  4. The author's attitude towards divorce may best be described as ________".

  A) critical

  B) impersonal

  C) arbitrary

  D) scornful

  5. According to the report, chose unhappily-wedded may not survive their marriage by_______.

  A) waiting for the living conditions to get improved

  B) achieving children’s understanding

  C) changing their own attitude towards mediocre marriages

  D) working on their problems and strengthening communication


  1.David Blankenhorn认为,人们通常认为_________。

  A) 对于一段不美满的婚姻,离婚比勉强在一起是更好的解决方法。

  B) 对于一段不美满的婚姻,离婚不一定是的解决方法。

  C) 要维系一段不美满的婚姻需要很大的勇气和容忍度。

  D)要不要结束一段不美满的婚姻对于夫 妻来说是一个很难做的决定。


  2. 下列关于正在讨论的研究哪一个是正确的?

  A) 研究是由David Blankenhorn任所长的美国价值观研究所主持的。

  B) 研究是由婚姻、家庭和夫 妻教育联盟资助的。

  C) 研究对象选自基于芝加哥大学的全国数据库。

  D) 研究报告会被纳入“智慧婚姻”大会的日程当中。

  [D]第2段末句表明“智慧婚姻”会议的内容包括宣读研究报告,由此可见,选项D是对第2段末句的近义改写。第2段第6句表明选项A中提到的研究所赞助该研究,并非“主持”开展该研究,而且原文也没有表示David Blankenhorn是该研究所的领导,故A不正确;第2段段末sponsored by 引出的名词结构修饰的对象是“智慧婚姻”会议,它并没有赞助该研究,故选项B不对;database在第2段首句提到,the University of Chicago在第6句提到,它们之间并没有关系,选项C也不对。

  3. 13项心理健康指标是用来__________。

  A) 作为选择研究对象的标准

  B) 作为帮助成年人解决不美满婚姻的方法

  C) 检测所有的5232名已婚人士

  D) 检测数据库中的所有成年人

  [C]第3段第3句中的The adults in the national sample指的就是已被抽样出来的受试者,即指第3段首句提到过的5232 married adults,因此本题答案为选项C。第3段第3句表明这13项指标是用于分析the adults in the national sample的,言下之意,sample(subjects) 都已经选好了,因此选项A的说法是错误的;该句也表示这13项指标是用于analyze受试者的,该段没有进一步说明如何帮助婚姻不幸福的夫妇克服困难,因此选项B不难确;本文的主题是婚姻状况,因此, 13项指标所分析的对象应该也与主题密切相关,不需要分析数据库中的所有成年人,只要关注有婚则状况的就行了,因此选项D覆盖范围过于宽泛,也不对。


  A) 批判的




  [B]首段的结构就像新闻报道的结构,将信息的来源放在了段末,指出本文将要介绍一项新研究的结果,其他段落的首句都含有research, study或report等词,表明本文作者只是客观地转述研究的过程和结果,没有发表自己的见解,因此B正确。虽然本文显示,在遇到不快乐的婚姻的时候,离婚并不一定使人快乐,但不能因此说作者对离婚抱着“批评”或“讽刺”的态度,因为本文主要介绍了一项研究及其结果,因此选项A和D都不正确;作者引用了研究中的很多数据,而且客观地陈述了研究的结果,对divorce的任何评价都来自于那项研究,并没有武断地妄下结论,因此选项C也不正确。

  5. 根据报告所称,婚姻不美满的人如果只是________也许不能挽救婚姻。

  A) 坐等生活水平提高

  B) 得到子女的理解

  C) 改变自己对于平庸婚姻的态度

  D) 着手解决自己的问题,加强沟通


