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1. be from 与 come from 来自 He is from America ---- Is he from America ? He comes from Europe --- Does he come from Europe ? 2 . She comes from Australia . She is Australian. She is an Australian student 她来自澳大利亚,她是澳大利亚人,她是一位澳大利亚学生 不能说:She is an Australian 3. I’m twelve years old , I’m in Class Six Grade One 我12 岁,我在一年级六班 4. Family name and given name 姓和名字 Jack Smith and Lang Daming 5. be (am is are ) 人称的搭配 6. with 表伴随 “和” “与”: Lucy with her parents lives in Shanghai= Lucy lives in Shanghai with her parents 7. practice doing 练习干事 Module2 1. can (may must should ) 情态动词 +V. 原形 2. play + 球类 play the +乐器 3. welcome to welcome students to the new school 4. ride a bike to school = go to school by bike 骑自行车上学 5. in 与 at in : in Beijing , in a university 大地方 at : at the factory小地方 (搭配 at school, at work ,at home ) in : in 1992 ( spring, January, a month ,a week ) 大时间 in the morning 泛指一天的部分时间 on: on January 1st , on Sunday morning 具体到某天或特指一天的部分时间 at: at 8:00 时刻 6. This is + 单数人称 These are + 复数人称 7.元音发音开头 :an apple , an English boy 非元音发音开头: a university , a European wolf 8. What is your father ? What’s your father’s job ? What does your do ? Module3 1. There be 句型 There be + 名词+地点 “某地有某人/某物”(谓语动词就近原则) There is a book and many pens on the desk. There are many books and a pen on the desk. Are there any computers in the classroom? (疑问句) Yes , there are. / No, there aren’t. (回答) 2. Miss Li’s desk Children’s Day 儿童节 Women’s Day 妇女节Teachers’ Day 教师节 Tom and Jim’s room (共用的房间) Tom’s and Jim’s rooms (各自的房间) 3. forty四十 / ninety 九十/ the twenty-first century二十一世纪 4. any 与 some 一些 (any 疑问和否定句中) (some 肯定句中) 6. 方位词: in front of 在….前面 / in the front of 在…前部 / behind 在….后面/ next to 挨着/ near 在…附近 / on 在.. 上面/ in 在…里面/ under 在..下面 / over 在…正上方: There is a bridge over the river. 7. There is one behind the library. (one 指代前面提到过的) Are there any shops here? Yes, there is one next to the school. Module4 1 how many + n. 复数 how much+ 不可数名词 how often 多常做某事(问频率) How many teeth do you have? How much information do you get? How often do you go there ? ---- Once a week. 2.family: 集体名词 His family is big. 个体名词 His family are having lunch.(家庭成员) 2. have got = have has got = has haven’t got = don’t have hasn’t got = doesn’t have I have got an uncle. = I have an uncle. She hasn’t got any sisters. = She doesn’t have any sisters. 3. and 并列 or 选择,否定 but 转折 4.thank sb for sth 因..而谢谢某人 thank you for your help/ email. thank you for helping me. 5. Tom with Betty Sees the film._ Tom Sees the film with Betty Tom and Betty see the film. 5. an English friend an American boy a useful book a university a European student 6. China ---- Chinese England--- English America---- American Australia--- Australian India ---- Indian Europe—European She is from China, She is Chinese, and she is a Chinese girl. 7. ---Do you like English or Chinese? (选择疑问句) --- I like English. 8. 代词 主 格+ 动 I you he she it we they 动 +宾 格 me you him her it us them 形容词性物主代词+ 名 my your his her its our their 名词性物主代词(不能再接名词) mine yours his hers its ours theirs Module5 1.drink n.饮料 一份饮料 e.g. Would you like some drink? 你想喝点什么? I’d like to have a cold / hot drink. 我想喝杯冷/热饮 v.喝、饮e.g. I want something to drink. 2.orange cn 橙子,橘子 There are some oranges in the basket. un 橙汁Would you like something to drink ? – A glass of orange, please. 橙色 What color do you like ? Orange. 3. fruit cn 水果种类 We can see many kinds of fruits in the market. un 水果(数量) Is there any fruit in the fridge? Yes, there is some. 4. food un What is your favourite food? My favourite food is apples and pears. 5. potato , tomato cn pl. +es: potatoes, tomatoes, heroes 注意:radios, photos 6. have got 某人拥有 肯:Sb have got something. I / You/ They/ Tony and Betty have got some apple juice. He/ She/ It/ Tony has got some apple juice. 否:Sb haven’t got anything. I / You/ They/ Tony and Betty haven’t got any apple juice. He/ She/ It/ Tony hasn’t got any apple juice. 疑:Have sb got anything? Have you got any apply juice? Yes, I have some. Has he got any apple juice? No, I don’t have any. 7. some / any some 肯定句 any否定句 疑问句www.xkb1.com ①some (一些)用于肯定句和以can, could, may, would, will 开头的,表示请求或提建议的一般疑问句。 如:There are some pens in my pencil-case. Can I have some fruit? ②any(一些)用于否定句和疑问句。 如:I haven’t got any brothers. Have you got any apples or oranges? ③some和any既可接可数名词也可接不可数名词 8.可数名词与不可数名词 (P81 Green book) 可数:a tomato, an apple, two potatoes, some noodles, many bananas… 不可数:a glass of milk, two pieces of bread, some water Module6 1.邀请某人:(1).Would you like to do sth? (p93) e.g. Would you like to go shopping with me? Yes, I’d love to. / I’d love to but I must do my homework (注意:Would you like some water? Yes, please. No, thanks) (2) Let’s do sth. ---That is a good idea./ OK/ All right. (3) What about doing sth 2. 介词 in, on, at 的用法: in +时间段( 年、季节、月份和早午晚) e.g. in 1999, in July/May…, in the morning/afternoon/ evening, in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter on+具体某一天,或早上、下午、晚上前有定语(如表示天气的词) e.g on Monday…, on December 24, on a cold morning… Module 7 1.时间表达法:1)询问时间What time is it? /What’s the time? ① 整点:用数字表示,或加上o’clock 如: at ten , at ten o’clock ② 半点:用half + past表示 eg: half past ten, half past five, half past twelve ③ <30’ : 用介词past:分钟+past+钟点 eg: 9:05 :five past nine 6:20 twenty past six ④ >30’: 用介词to, 分钟(60-所给分钟数)+ to+(所给钟点+1) 2:50 ten to three ⑤ 分钟是“15” 或“45” ,通常用a quarter(一刻钟)eg: 4:15 a quarter past four 9:45 a quarter to ten 2) 询问星期几: What day is it today? It’s Tuesday. (it 指代时间,天气或距离) 3) 询问日期: What’s the date today? It’s June 1st . 2. 介词 in, on, at 的用法: in +时间段( 年、季节、月份和早午晚) e.g. in 1999, in July/May…, in the morning/afternoon/ evening, in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winterwww.xkb1.com on+具体某一天,或早上、下午、晚上前有定语(如表示天气的词) e.g on Monday…, on December 24, on a cold morning… at+钟点时间 at 9 o’clock 3. We have Chinese at eight o’clok. 表示上什么课不用the .eg: have chemistry/ have English /have maths /have history/ have music/ have art/ have P.E./ have science 4. What about /How about + doing sth …怎么样? (表示征求意见) 5. 有用的短语get up / go home /have breakfast / have lunch / have dinner/next to/have a break / talk to(with) / do one’s homework/ go to bed Module8 1. 一般现在时: 频率副词的用法,放在行为动词前,主语或be动词后 always总是>usually通常>often经常>sometimes有时>seldom很少>never从不(程度依次减弱)seldom/never表否定 eg: He never/seldom sings or dances. 3. send sb sth = send sth to sb give sb sth = give sth to sb make sth for sb =make sb sth choose sth for sb= choose sb sth buy sth for sb=buy sb sth eg: We send him a card.= We send a card to him. I make a cake for her. = I make her a cake. 3. a concert ticket / two concert tickets 4. a pair of jeans/ two pairs of jeans 一/两条牛仔裤 类似的单词还有:shoes, glasses , gloves , shorts, scissors, chopsticks, trainers 数词+ pair(s) of +名词 5.许多:lots of = a lot of (多用于肯定),many+复n , much+不可n (多用于否定) eg: There isn’t much milk in the bottle. / There is a lot of money in his pocket. 询问:How much milk is there in the bottle? (直接问有多少牛奶) How many bottles of milk are there? (问有多少瓶牛奶,瓶是可数) 6.She buys CDs by her favourite singers. by:表示“由……,被……” eg: I like the songs by Liu Dehua. 我喜欢刘德华的歌。 七年级英语知识点归纳(2) Class: ____________Name_____________No_____________ Module 9—10 1. 动物名词的复数形式: goose --- geese wolf --- wolves fox – foxes sheep ---- sheep monkey ---- monkeys 2. 动物名词: Camel 骆驼 elephant 大象 giraffe 长颈鹿 kangaroo 袋鼠 lion 狮子 monkey 猴子 panda 熊猫 polar bear 北极熊 snake 蛇 tiger 老虎 wolf 狼 zebra 斑马 fox 狐狸 goose 鹅 sheep 羊 3. welcome ….. to 欢迎到某地 eg : Welcome to our school . 4. 数字的表达: 1. 表示具体数量,thousand / hundred / million 不加s . two hundred students 两百学生 three thousand teachers 三千老师 five million people 五百万人 2. 表示不确定的数量时,通常在数词后加-s, 后面再带介词of. Hundreds of students 几百个学生Thousands of animals 几千头动物Millions of people 几百万人 5. Every student has a computer . 每个学生都有电脑。 6. many more “还有许多其它的” In the zoo, there are lions, bears, pandas and many more. 7. come from = be from “来自” eg: He comes from England . = He is from England. He doesn’t come from America. = He isn’t from America. 8. Does the tiger come from Europe ?当主语为第三人称单数时,其一般疑问句Does + 主语+ 动词原型 eg : Does your sister drive to work? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t . 9. 表达邀请的句子:新课标第一网 Would you like to see a film?/Let’s see a film./How about seeing a film?/What about seeing a film? Why not see a film?回答的句子:Yes, I’d love to. / That’s a good idea. / Yes, please. / I’d love to but ….. / No, thanks. / Sorry, I am busy. 10. Look, there she is . = Look, she is there. 倒装句 eg: Here I am . = I am here. 我在这。 The bus is here. = Here is the bus. 汽车来了。 11. kangaroo ---- Australia polar bear --- Arctic panda --- China wolf – Europe tiger --- Asia 12. Australia ---- Australian Africa ---- African England --- English America ---- American China --- Chinese Japan --- Japanese Asia ---- Asian Europe ---- European Oceania ---Oceanian 13. leaf ---- leaves wife --- wives life ---- lives wolf --- wolves knife ---- knives 14. in the desert / forest / jungle / grassland 15. all around the world / in the world / all over the world 遍布全世界 16. in the wild 野生 15 kilos of bamboo a day 一天15公斤竹子 12 hours a day 17. They usually need …… They don’t need ….. 18. stay healthy = keep fit = keep healthy 保健 19. give sth to sb = give sb sth 20. 在世界上 in the world Module 10 20. 特殊疑问词: when 何时/ what/ how 怎样/ what time 几点/ how often多常 / where 在哪里 eg: How does she go to school ? She goes to school by bike. 21. switch off 关掉 switch on 打开 eg: He switches on the computer and begins to work. 22. first / next / then / finally 23. go online /make travel plan / download information / visit a website / send an email / on the Internet / download music / check the timetable / save the document / play computer games / do one’s homework www.xkb1.com 24. 频率副词的位置:be 动词后,行为动词前,助动词后。 eg : She is always happy. My father often writes novels on the computer. He never goes to the cinema or plays computer games. She doesn’t often go shopping. 25. a lot of /lots of /much information 大量信息 一、综合选择题 ( )1. The Greens _____ a garden in the house A. there is B. has got C. have got ( )2 Daming asks his mother _______ to the cinema A. not to go B. don’t to go C. not go ( )3 __Let’s go to the cinema next Saturday -----__________ A. That’s a good idea B. That’s right C. Yes, I’d love to ( )4. ----Can you see_ __man over there? ----Yes, I can see__ _old man. A. a, a B. a, an C. an ,a ( )5. How old are you, Tom?----____. A. I’m nine years B. I’m ten years old C. I’m eleventh ( )6. ---____,Paul?----- Fifteen. What about you? A. How do you do B. Here are you C. How old are you ( )7. Which class are you in?----I’m in__ ___. A. One Class B. Class One C. class one ( )8 ---Can your brother basketball? ----Yes he can .He’s basketball player. A. plays B. play C. to play ( )9. ----__ _?----He’s a hotel manager. A. What’s his name B. What’s his job C. Where does he work ( )10. This is _______ European wolf and that’s _______African Camel . A. an ; a B. a ; an C. an; an ( ) 11. _____ do you use a computer ? ----- Once a week. A. How B. How often C. Where ( ) 12. We often get ________ on the Internet. A. information B. informations C. money ( ) 13. He _____ the computer in the evening. A. uses usually B. usually uses C. uses often ( ) 14. Please_______ the computer, I must do my homework on it. A. switch on B. switch off C. open ( )15. There _______ children in the room. A. isn’t any B. aren’t some C. aren’t any ( )16. _______ do you use your computer? ----- Every day. A. How B. How many C. How often ( )17Thank you ______ sending me photos. A. to B. for C. with ( )18. ----- ____________. --- It is behind the gym. A .Where is the library? B What is in the library? C Who is in the library? ( )19 There are ninety students ---- _______ boys and sixty girls. A. thirteen B. thirty C. sixteen ( )20.There ___juice in my bottle. Can you give me _____? A is ,any B are, some C isn’t any, some ( )21.----Would you like some orange juice? -----______. I’m very thirty(口渴). A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. Yes, I would D. That’s OK ( )22. The boy bought a pen ____the morning of November 16th. A on B at C in ( )23Can you give me one ____ book. A. any B. some C. more ( ) 24 He sees a beautiful bird ____ a rainy morning . A. in B. on C. at ( )25.Let Lily ____ to the cinema with us. A. goes B. to go C. go ( )26.What’s the time ?It’s____. A Sunday B eight o’clock C November 11th ( )27 I never have ___________sweet in the evening. A something B anything C nothing ( )28. “It’s two thirty now.” means “It’s__________ now.” A half past two B half to two C thirty to two ( )29.We _____ P.E. on Monday. We have it on Wednesday. A don’t have B doesn’t have C aren’t have ( )31.. Tom ______ science very much. It’s his favorite lesson A like B likes C doesn’t like ( )32.-We have computer _______ half past ten ______Tuesday. A. at; in B. at; on C. on; at ( )33. Class is over. Let’s go out and________. A go to bed B have a break C have a swim ( )34. New school term usually _____ in September in China. A starts B finishes C ends ( )35-Your clothes_______ dirty. Please take ______off A. is, them B. are, them C. is, it ( )36.His trousers_______ short, but this pair of trousers_____ too long for him. A. are, is B. is ,are C. are ,are ( )36 He usually has milk and bread ____ breakfast. A. with B. from C. for ( )37. It’s Lily’s birthday. Let’s buy ______ a nice present. A him B her C you ( )38. Her father bought a bike ______ her ____ birthday present. A to, for B for, as C to, as ( )39 .The pair of jeans ______ very nice. A. look B. looks C. looking ( ) 40. –Would you please help me _____ the light? It’s too dark. A. open B. switch on C. switch off 二、单词拼写xkb1.com 1. Are there any ___ ___(字典) in your desk. 2..There are___ _________________ (二十一) boys in my class. 3. You can call __________ (他)Daming. 4. Can you send ___________ (邮件) to me? 5.Cabbages are _________________(健康的)food. 6. There are many ______________(橘子)in our classroom. 7.. I don’t like _____________(喝)Coke, because it is _____________(饮料). 8. My mother often buys some _____________(蔬菜)for our dinner. 9.Uncle Wong __________ (邀请) us to have dinner. Thanks for your __________. (邀请) 10.It’s hot! Let’s go _______________(游泳) 11.They usually play basketball on the _________________ (操场). 12. There is a good show in the __________________(剧院). 13. There is a _______________ (魔术 ) show on Sunday evening. 14. Mother __________________ (要求) me to clean my bedroom. 15. Do they _____________ ( 有)any brothers? 三、完成句子 1..你哥哥是干什么的?他是酒店经理。 What ____________________________?He’s ___________________ ___ 2. 冰箱里有很多食物。______________________________food in the fridge. 3. 他奶奶没有兄弟姐妹。 _________________________ brothers ________ sisters. 4.你想要喝点东西?Would you like______________________________________ 5.我四点半离开学校。六点吃晚饭。八点做作业。十点睡觉。 I _______________ at half past four and _______________ at six. And I _________________ at eight and _________________ at ten. 6. 我没有在那家工厂干活了。I _______________ at the facory. 7. 张先生经常早上听新闻。 Mr Zhang ____________________ the news in the morning. 8.他经常发邮件给他的朋友。He __________________________ his friends. 9.网上有各种各样的网站。 There are _________________________________ websites on the Internet. 10. 首先连接主机和显示器。 First, ___________ the computer _______ the monitor. 11.谢谢你帮助我学英语。 ____________________________ helping me to learn English

