

时间:2023-03-03 15:56:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  What point does the professor make when she talks aboutcadmium being poisonous to humans?
  A. That cadmium and zinc can serve a similarfunction in plant enzymes
  B. That both cadmium and zinc are rare inplant enzymes
  C. That most trace metals are poisonous tohumans
  D. That cadmium does not serve any biologicalpurpose
  Kelly, you've got aquestion?
  Yeah, I thoughtcadmium was toxic, didn't you say that?
  It is poisonous to humans. Um,actually, we used to think that it was toxic to all biological life, that itdidn't serve any biological purpose.But new study suggests that cadmiumcan actually substitute for zinc, that organism can use it instead of zinc whenthere is not enough zinc in their environment.
  正确选项为A,你很可能选成了D。原文意思是这种金属对人是有毒的,我们过去以为它对所有生物体都有毒,没有任何目的,但新研究表明它可以替代zinc。你应该已经知道为什么D错了,它错在与原文相反是吗?如果只到这一步,那么恭喜你,下面这几点你和你的老师都没有想到。一,很可能你的笔记害了你,记了toxic biological purpose,于是看到D你就选了,按我课上的话说,你连听懂的机会都没给自己,就败给了笔记。二,不懂语气,不懂预判。音频里老师说它“对人”是有毒的,你想到后面会出现什么内容了吗?对!但是它对”别的东西“可能没毒。之后又说我们“过去”以为它都有毒没有目的,那么后面就会出现转折,说其实是有目的的!所谓这里的语气和预判,就是你料定了后面会出现转折,等着转折信号词的出现,那么不管具体表述形式是什么,接下来要讲的内容你已经胸有成竹了!所以,如果我来讲,我会说D是与原文相反,但我更会讲,这道题就是原词出现,ETS料定你的笔记可能响你料定你可能做不到预判,于是只要给你设置明显原词的选项,那么你就选定了!
  As I was saying, the Renaissance period,which started in the 1400s in Europe, the Renaissance was still a prettyreligious period, and that's reflected in the artwork of that time. But artistswere starting to experiment with a more secular point of view as well, atendency to also use the natural world as the subject matter for their art.
  And there were different ways that thesenatural themes were explored.For instance, many artists would paint portraits,while others, although this was more common in Northern Europe, would makelandscapes the subject of their works.
  But today i like to consider an influentialItalian Renaissance artist, Leon Battista Alberti, who took a slightlydifferent approach.
  之前讲的内容是文艺复兴时期主题从宗教到世俗的变化,并提到了不同的艺术呈现方式。今天要讲一个意大利艺术家。主题题错误选项A为Reasons for the transition fromreligious to secular themes in Renaissance art。于是很多人说,无中生有啊,哪有提到原因。那么请问,如果A改成thetransition from religious to secular themes in Renaissance art就可以选了吗?照样不可以!你get到点了吗,错不在reasons,而在是之前内容的后半句!也就是说,不管A说的是reason还是Influence还是characteristic还是其它任何blahblah,全部都不能选。那么这道题,由我来讲,无中生有没任何价值,这是在考察你能不能判断上节课内容!l

