【#四六级考试# 导语】人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。
One of the much-talked-about present-day social problems is juvenile delinquency, and its rateof frequency is seemingly on the rise.It is reported in newspapers that the delinquents range in age from 12 to 18. Only a smallportion have committed serious crimes like kidnapping and murdering. Those cases arehandled through the court system. Most of the delinquencies fall into four categories: brawling, including gang fighting with deadly weapons; theft, mostly petty, sexually promiscuousbehaviour and addiction to drugs. The delinquents are generally placed under temporarysupervision by neighbourhood committees, work units or reform schools.
The causes of juvenile delinquency are varied. Through media we often come across thefollowing cases:
Ill-treatment to teenagers by their step-fathers or stepmothers often lead to family tragedies. School pupil delinquents, being not properly cared for, have chronic behaviour problems. Theirparents are too busy either with business or with gambling. Still, there are cases resulted fromparents' or grandparents' indulgence to their darlings. Petty theft once or twice is notpunished but encouraged. Gradually these petty thieves grow addicted to stealing . Adolescentstried drugs mostly out of curiosity before they finally became habitual drug-takers.
Not a few examples can be found around us in our daily life. Limited by time and space, I haveto skip them over. However, juvenile delinquency, being a serious social problem concerningthe young generation, certainly deserves special attention. I think of all the things we can do, the most fundamental one is deepening and strengthening education so as to ultimately savethe young.
"Nowadays parents are too permissive with their children." Do you agree or disagreewith this statement?Today, few people would defend the traditional attitude to children. If you recall whathappened in old days, you would be astonished at the severe and strict education forchildren, for instance, old-fashioned spanking was common punishment for children. As a result, while the parents thus established their own authority, the poor children would never recoverfrom the dreadful traumatic experience when they grew up.
However, as you know, things often go to extremes. Nowadays, parents' confidence in theirown authority has been greatly undermined. Countless articles in magazines and newspapersand tv programmes publicize childcare. When so much over-enthusiastic advice flying about, mum and dad just don't know what to do any more. In the end, they do nothing.
So from early childhood, the kids are in charge and parents' lives are regulated according tothe needs of their off spring. When the little dears develop into teenagers, they take completecontrol. If the young people are going to have a party, for example, parents are asked to leavethe house. Their presence merely spoils the fun. What else can the poor parents do but obey?
In my mind, a child certainly needs love, and a lot of it. But the excessive pe rmissiveness ofmodern parents is surely doing more harm than good. The spread of juvenile delinquency islargely due to parental laxity. Mother, believing that her little baobao can look after himself, isnot at home when he returns f rom school, so little baobao roams the street. The dividing-linebetween permissiveness and sheer negligence is very fine indeed.
There is no doubt that some people are selfish and greedy. For example, some merchants selltheir fake commodities at the market place for more profit. They are rich and want to be richer. There are also government officials who sell people's trust. Senior officials who take bribes byselling the power in their hands are not a few. Those people believe in the precept "everyonefor himself and the devil take the hindmost."However, the majority of people are neither selfish nor greedy. They contribute much and askfor little. Countless examples can be found around us, the PLA soldiers who sacrificedthemselves for saving people's lives in fighting the disastrous floods and the warriors in whitewho risked their lives to save SARS victims being two of the most typical. In contr ast to theselfish and corrupt official they are heroes, who set up glorious images for us.
The idea that nowadays people are selfish and greedy is probably attributed to the influence ofthe mass media which tend to over exaggerate the negative aspects of life. Manynewspapers, particularly many local evening papers, and TV films play up nastiness by reportingand showing too much about violence and sex. A lot of books, too, portray selfishness andgreed to seek sensational effect and economic profit. I wonder whether they are selfish andgreedy, too?