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【#英语资源# 导语】清明节是传统的重大春祭节日,扫墓祭祀、缅怀祖先,是中华民族自古以来的优良传统,不仅有利于弘扬孝道亲情、唤醒家族共同记忆,还可促进家族成员乃至民族的凝聚力和认同感。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Du Mu has a poem: "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." At this time, tomb sweeping, outing and making Qingming cakes are essential traditional customs. Facing the warm spring breeze, our group experienced the activities of picking cotton vegetables and making cotton vegetable cakes together.

  We got into Guo Yihan's mother's car and set off. Along the way, we laughed and made noise. Unknowingly, he reached his destination. I got out of the car, eh, where is this? Is this the destination? My mother told me, "yes, the destination Yongjia has arrived. Let's pick cotton vegetables." Oh, so it is. I picked a strange green grass from the nearby field: "is this soft vegetable?" The mother replied, "Oh, how can this be soft food? Soft food doesn't grow in such a place!" It's time to go up the mountain. We fought all the way up the mountain. The quiet Luodong village was shrouded in bursts of laughter.

  Walking, there was a bush in front of me. I didn't dare to go in. I stopped and blocked the intersection. Just then, my "roller coaster" came. Hehe, that's Mao Xingwei! I put my hands on his shoulders. He was in front and I was behind. I followed his steps and shuttled through the trees. Adults picked a cotton vegetable and showed it to us. It turned out that there were yellow flowers in the middle of the cotton vegetable and thin fluff on the three layers of leaves. We also picked cotton vegetables as usual. Although we are tired, we are happy.

  After about two to three o'clock, we were about to get on the bus. We reluctantly left Yongjia. But where are we going next? It turned out that I went to school to make cottonseed cakes.

  When we got to school, we started to do it. First wash the cotton vegetables, then press them into juice in the juicer, and then pour the juice into the blender to mix with the flour. In the middle, the adults are responsible for frying the stuffing. The more noisy and fragrant the shredded radish, meat and dried tofu in the pot, the more greedy we are. Yilei's mother divided the stirred soft vegetable dough into small pieces and put them in a pile. We began to wrap soft vegetable cakes. First press a hole in the middle of the skin and put delicious fillings, and then carefully round the sponge vegetable cake. The prepared soft vegetable cakes were put into the steamer one by one. Half an hour later, we tasted the fruits of our labor. How delicious!


  April 5, Tomb Sweeping Day. My mother, grandmother and uncle and I went to the countryside to sweep grandpa's grave. Everyone looked dignified, and the air was filled with a little sadness. This is our memory of our deceased grandfather.

  Walking along the winding path towards the mountain, the mountains are lush with trees. From time to time, I smell the fragrance of flowers, and my sadness is a little less. After walking for about ten minutes, we soon reached grandpa's grave. In one year, the grave was overgrown with weeds and a thick layer of fallen leaves was piled on the ground. After glutinous rice, we put together a new soil on the grave, and then the grandmother put on chicken, fish, meat, glutinous rice and other offerings, and three cups of Baijiu. The incense was lit and filled the grave, and the wisps of smoke drifted with the wind, with a strong feeling of nostalgia. Everyone held incense and worshipped in front of the grave, chanting words in their mouths. I was no exception. I lit three incense sticks and worshipped the grave three times. I hope my grandfather under the nine springs will bless me in peace, health and happiness, and I will be admitted to a good university in the future. At the same time, I also hope grandpa in another world can live happily.

  Paper money is flying and burning furniture and clothes made of paper, which is also something that must be done in worship. The yellow paper money is lit, the fire is in the sky, and the sorrow is swept away. This may be an interpretation of the Qingming Festival. People have passed away. The important thing is that living people should be optimistic about life, which is the way to be a man. The paper money is gradually burned out, which also indicates that the tomb sweeping is coming to an end. Then the firecrackers also crackled, and the sound was so loud that people couldn't help covering their ears, like a melodious march away from the past, ushering in a new life.


  The ancients said: "it rains in succession during the Qingming Festival. Pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance.". When I think of this poem by a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, I think it seems that the Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. The pace of Tomb Sweeping Day is not far away, and there is only one step left.

  Because the Tomb Sweeping Day is spent at school, you can't spend it at home. At home, it's really delicious to eat the Qingming fruit that you can't eat at ordinary times! Moreover, you can't go to the countryside to visit tombs (outing) with your family at home, greet the dead old people, pay New Year's greetings to them, and send Qingming fruit, a delicacy made at home. Let them bless my study better and my academic success.

  So on Saturday, my father was very free at home and decided to take me back to the countryside to visit my grandmother's grave. I immediately took the Qingming fruit made in my home, took a basket and spread a clean newspaper under it, and then carefully spread the Qingming fruit in it to avoid an unexpected "accident". Finally, I put the basket in the trunk of the car. When everything was ready, our family got into the car. On the bumpy mountain road, the car kept bumping. At this time, I thought of the delicious food in the trunk. I was very worried and worried. I told my father to drive slowly, especially where there are pits. Let's take the car slowly, just like an old cow dragging its legs.

  After half an hour of turbulence, we finally arrived at Grandma's grave. I took out the Qingming fruit and put it away. I took the incense and bowed deeply and worshipped several times. Ann to grandma and say hello to him. After he finished the etiquette of the Chinese nation, he took out firecrackers and rang. The sound was deafening, like thunder in the sky. Scared his brother into crying. Later, I silently made a wish in front of the grave "I hope my grandmother can bless me to make faster progress in my study, happy life for my family, good health and success in my studies".

  Worthy of being a traditional festival of our Chinese nation, it is so meaningful, unusual, much better, so interesting and unusual. There are activities, knowledge and delicacies. It is a festival different from other festivals. It is much more interesting and profound than western festivals.


  In the distance, the scenery of spring gradually came into my sight. Birds were singing the sonata of spring. The mountains were red, and the golden cauliflower was everywhere. The buds blew and the leaves fell, and the green buds grew out. Everywhere was another scene of spring and the recovery of all things.

  "It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls..." every year in this solar term, we will silently recite this poem by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, to express our yearning for our ancestors.

  On this day, we will come to the tomb, place a bunch of flowers and burn some paper money to express our thoughts and blessings to our loved ones, and silently pray for them in our hearts. We wish them to live happily and happily on the other side of heaven. At this time, we can't help but recall the years they spent with us. Those pictures seem to be still fresh in our eyes. Thinking of these, I can't help crying.

  In the distance, the scenery of spring gradually came into my sight. Birds were singing the sonata of spring. The mountains were red, and there were golden cauliflower everywhere. The tender buds blew and the leaves fell, and the green tender buds grew out. Everywhere, there was a scene of spring and the recovery of all things, which announced the beginning of the new life of the deceased, a beginning full of expectations and blessings.

  This is a season of spring, a season full of hope, a season for the beginning of a new life. At the same time, we should not cherish the past, but also cherish our life in vain.

  Qingming Festival, let us have a new understanding of life on such a special day.


  Among the 24 solar terms, Qingming is my favorite.

  The name "Qingming" alone is popular. "Clear and bright", clear and clear. Speaking out, it sounds refreshing and refreshing. Yes, in such a day, when you look at it, it is as green as the sea, with flowers like the tide. There are warblers singing and dancing everywhere, birds singing and flowers smelling. People walking are also full of vitality. How can you not make people feel refreshed and relaxed?

     Tomb Sweeping Day is the day of ancestor worship. On Tomb Sweeping Day, my family and I went to worship our ancestors to express our nostalgia and deep sorrow for our ancestors. Of course, it is also necessary to bring some traditional food. Qingming traditional food expresses a kind of commemoration, a kind of expectation and blessing for the harvest year, and a kind of respect for nature. The emotion left by farming civilization is such sincerity and simplicity.

  Come to my ancestors' grave, spend some paper money, put a bunch of flowers, display several sacrifices, stand in front of the grave for a while, have a silent communication with our ancestors after a long goodbye, and silently pray that our ancestors can bless our health and everything goes well. Of course, at this time, we are inevitably sad, but we are not depressed at all. On the contrary, let us cherish life more and give a heavy burden to the bright day of Qingming, making it heavy and richer.

  In this early spring, because the people who go to the grave go out of the door one after another, people holding willow branches, flowers and sacrifices can be seen at any time. They walk in groups on the path emitting the aroma of wild flowers and weeds. Along the road are the tombs of their ancestors. Breathing the air with the fragrance of grass spring, it is so harmonious with nature.

  People walking on the road can't help thinking: will going to the grave on Qingming Day let people go out of the door and feel the purpose of spring? I felt our ancestors' strong love for nature. We are a nation that loves nature. It is only our nation that can closely connect the past people with the present people, mankind and nature. Our nation is unique.

  Qingming, spring rain, worship ancestors; Qingming, wheat seedlings are green, and farmers are busy. Qingming is the beginning of a beautiful hope.


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." Although this year's Qingming Festival does not have a lot of rain, our deep thoughts for our dead relatives will never change.

  On April 4, our family drove to Baishiyi Longju Mountain Cemetery to visit Grandpa's grave. Although we went early, the cemetery was already crowded. The car in the parking lot is also full. It took us a lot of time to put the car in place. When we came to Grandpa's curtain, we wiped grandpa's tomb with a prepared wet rag. Because dad said that the so-called "Tomb Sweeping" is to clean the cemetery. Then, I respectfully put the flowers in front of Grandpa's tombstone. Our family worshipped according to the conventional etiquette. I looked at the smiling picture on Grandpa's tombstone, I couldn't help talking to grandpa in my heart: "Grandpa, we've come to see you again. How are you doing in heaven? I'm tall again. I've been going to and from school by myself since the next phase of the third grade. Walking alone on the road, I often think of the days when you insisted on picking me up with illness and your kind smile. Grandpa, don't worry, I did well in school. I've always been a squadron leader and won a prize last semester He won the title of "Lei Feng style good boy" in the district. I got another 100 points in the latest math test. By the way, I also pay attention to safety at school and after school... However, there are still some unhappy things. Our class lost miserably in the just concluded school sports meeting, and the teacher severely criticized us... "Am I too nagging? It's all right. My grandpa likes listening to me most. As long as grandpa is happy, that's good! Time passed quickly. We were going home. I reluctantly said goodbye to my grandfather and left the cemetery.

  Qingming Festival is a traditional festival to express condolences to relatives far away in heaven. Although the traditional customs are superstitious, they are full of the living's thoughts, filial piety and family affection for the dead. China is a country of etiquette, so I hope this festival will last forever!


  Every year when the Tomb Sweeping Day approaches, there will always be a faint and inexplicable sadness in my heart. It is not very strong, but it still lingers. In this way, I am entangled in the composition of the Tomb Sweeping Day. The weather these days is very good. I don't know whether the drizzle on Qingming Day will come as scheduled. It seems that with the rain, Qingming can better show its faint sadness and memory. It was the Qingming Festival that made the rain complete, and it was the rain that set off the Qingming Festival. Looking at the drizzle, we can more attract the faint sadness and missing in people's hearts.

  Aftertaste of youth, Qingming Festival and rain, in my impression is just a beautiful picture. In the drizzle falling with the wind, a poor poet riding on a horse bent over a little shepherd boy. The shepherd boy stood by the road, holding a whip in one hand and pointing to a straw house in the distance. Over the thatched cottage, a red wine flag loomed and appeared in the thin drizzle. This is probably from the poem "Qingming". "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." In my carefree years, what this poem gives me is such a beautiful artistic conception.

  The carefree time of youth is always short, just like a kite flying in childhood. When it breaks the line, it disappears without a trace and can't be found everywhere. Gradually, the Qingming Festival added a touch of sadness to me, which became more and more serious, especially after grandpa left. In my impression, grandpa is a kind old man. He is very kind to me. Maybe it's because I'm better. After grandpa left, every year's Qingming Festival and his memorial day will be very sad in my heart. Some people say that the longing for others will fade with the passage of time. I think maybe the missing of loved ones is just the opposite. Even after a long time, every time we recall their faces and faces, our hearts will always feel sour and cool. Even if it is a decade or decades, this feeling will not weaken or disappear, but will become stronger. Because of this, the Qingming Festival will become a day that has been handed down for thousands of years; The drizzle in the Qingming Festival will come one after another. This is probably the feeling of sadness in people's hearts.

  It's Qingming again. "A man's tears don't flick easily". I can't cry. I can only ask the Qingming drizzle. I hope she will arrive as scheduled, even if it's the tears that the world wants to shed but can't shed


  Another Tomb Sweeping Day, another day to remember the martyrs. We came to the tomb to pay tribute to the heroes of the martyrs who slept here.

  Martyrs, at a time when the Chinese nation is in danger of life and death, it is you who built the Great Wall with your own flesh and blood and fought with the Japanese imperialist invaders. You fell, but thousands of "people who don't want to be slaves" stood up, singing "March of the volunteers" to inherit your unfinished business; Martyrs, it was you who turned your love for the country and the working masses into a spiritual force to fight the enemy in battle. You were not afraid of sacrifice, moved forward bravely, and established a new China in which the people were the masters of the country; Martyrs, at the moment when socialist construction is most needed, it is you who threw away everything from your family and individuals. Without hesitation, you stepped forward, selflessly dedicated your precious life to the motherland and the people, and sprinkled your blood all over the motherland. How can we not respect you? Your brilliant achievements will be deeply engraved in the historical records! Your English name will shine with the sun and moon and coexist with rivers! We admire you, selfless heroes! It is precisely because of you countless revolutionary martyrs, your lofty and selfless that we have today's peaceful environment and the prosperity of our motherland.

  The age of war reflects the courage and strength of the martyrs. The peaceful and beautiful environment provides us with the opportunity to learn knowledge, grow talents and contribute to the motherland. We have confidence, because we have an example! Students, we are the lucky ones of the times. We should understand that a happy life is not easy to come by. We should also understand the historical responsibility and historical mission we shoulder. We should love ourselves, but also our motherland. We should work hard to learn, add glory and luster to her!

  Students, let's inherit the legacy of the martyrs, study hard for the construction of our hometown and the prosperity of our motherland, and create a better tomorrow!


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My parents said that today is a traditional folk festival and one of the important festivals in China,

  As the saying goes, it rains in succession during the Qingming Festival. Pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance. " Just like the famous poems of Du Mu, a great poet in the Tang Dynasty, the Qingming Festival comes every year with a drizzle,

  He always gives people a feeling of sadness. No, the annual Qingming Festival comes with a drizzle.

  This morning, it was a strong day again. After wandering for a while, I felt particularly sad and still inappropriate! My father called me to have breakfast, took fire, paper and hoe and swept the grave. Following the thorns on the road and the muddy path, we came to my wife's grave. After my father lit a firecracker on the grass, my wife set another firecracker on my grave; I didn't listen to the sound of birds and insects. I just came to the grave earlier. After a while, we arrived. Looking at the lonely grave, I can't help feeling sad. After my father hoed the grass and lit the fire, he took out the fire paper and scattered them all on the grave

  The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the flower quilt was knocked upside down, and the surrounding was dead. This situation and scene made me yearn: thinking about their love for me and the joy they brought me, I couldn't help a burst of melancholy and burst into tears. At this time, my father also shed tears. The rain did not subside. We had cried into tears and stood up for a long time.

  At this time, I saw the red azalea in the distance. Listen to my mother, azalea is also known as Qingming flower. It blooms during Qingming Festival because it is an object to commemorate and appease the dead. So I ran over and picked the graves of my grandparents, hoping that they could all get a few bunches. There was Qingming every year, and there was different happiness every year. Not everyone could feel it. I yearn for happiness in the rain, so I yearn for Qingming.


  Today, it's Tomb Sweeping Day. I'm alone at home. My parents are out. I turn on the TV and see the revolutionary martyrs Museum on TV. I was fascinated and saw it very clearly. The first thing I saw was the statue of Uncle Cai Yongxiang at the door. I saw him holding a big wood on his chest and his perseverance on his face. And see a sign next to it! It says: Uncle Cai Yongxiang is a soldier guarding the bridge. One day, when on duty, he found a big log lying on the track in front of him. Seeing the train getting closer and closer, uncle Cai Yongxiang rushed forward recklessly, picked up the big log and rushed out, but it was too late. A train roared... Uncle Cai Yongxiang died like this. I am in a sad mood. I feel sorry for uncle Cai Yongxiang, although I didn't see it with my own eyes. But it's also very touching!

  However, what impressed me most was Fang Ping's younger brother: on the afternoon of June 7, 1988, Fang Ping heard the voice of help and ran to see that it was his classmates in the deep pool. Fang Ping recklessly went into the water to save people. Unfortunately, he died because he was small and weak. He was only 11 years old. It's heartbreaking that such a child should be so kind to sacrifice himself in order to save his classmates!

  It turns out that there are so many people in the world who have sacrificed for their country. I am really gratified! If I go out with my mother and them today, I won't know the people who serve the people in the world!

  In fact, everyone has done good things! Just learn from Lei Feng and do good deeds without leaving a name!

