

时间:2023-08-29 16:42:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  1. ◎ pack n.包,捆;(猎犬、野兽等的)一群
  a pack of cigarettes/clothes a pack of thieves v. (为运输或储存而)打包
  pack sth away 收拾起来放好 pack sth (up) 将…包/捆起来
  pack sth/sb into sth 使…挤进… The room was packed with people.
  They packed into a tiny car.
  2. pain n. 疼痛 pains n. 苦功,大力气 His neck is in pain. 、He has a bad pain in his left foot.
  pleasures and pains 苦与乐 No pains, no gains. 不劳不获。
  3. pale: go pale.
  4. ●panic n/v panicked panicking 1).There’s no panic.
  2).They were in a state of panic. 3).There’s no point getting into panic about the exams .
  4).I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of my house. 5).The gunfire panicked my horse .
  5. paper n (u) /(c) 纸;报纸;论文;试卷 a sheet /piece of paper go through the papers
  6. park n (c) 公园 vt. 停放(车辆 飞机等) 1) Can we park the car here? 2) a parking lot 停车场
  7. part n 部分;成分;角色;零件 adj. 部分的
  play/act a part in a part-time teacher vt/vi 分开;分离
  1) He tried to part the two men who were fighting. (vt.) 2) They two parted at the gate.
  8. ●participate v参加,参与 Participant 参与者 participation 参与
  She didn’t participate in the discussion.
  9. ●particular adj 特殊的 particularly adv
  be particular about 对…..挑剔 in particular 特别 尤其
  He stressed the point in particular. 1). We must pay particular attention to the point .
  2).She is very particular ______her clothes .(对….挑剔)
  3).He loves science fiction ______particular .(尤其)
  4).The nurse asked me for my particulars .(个人资料)
  10. ●partly adv 部分地, 在一定程度上 1).The road is partly finished.
  2).I didn’t enjoy the trip very much , partly because of the weather.
  3).He was only partly responsible for the accident.
  11. pass vt. 传递 经过 通过 pass away 去世 pass by 经过 路过
  12. past adj 过去的; 前任的 a past president (前任总统)
  n. 过去 in the past adv. 经过 run/ walk past
  prep. 过 He is past sixty
  13. ◎patience n.容忍;耐心 have (no) patience with sb (不)能宽恕
  lose one’s patience with sb; be out of patience with sb 对某人失去耐心
  14. patient n.病人 adj.耐心的 be patient with
  15. pay (paid, paid) v. 支付 n. 工资 1)pay (sb) … for sth 2) pay off
  3) pay back 4) pay a visit to 5) get paid The workers get paid by the month.
  16. people n. (c) 人们;民族;人民 1)people of all walks of life 各界人士
  2) The Chinese are a hard –working people.
  3) He lived for the people and died for the people.
  17. percent n. 百分之….. 70 percent of the students are…
  18. ●perform v. 表演,履行,行动,运作
  1).She performs an important role in our organization.
  2).This operation has never been performed in this country.
  3).A computer can perform many tasks at once .
  4).The play was first performed in 1987.
  5).The company has been performing poorly over the past year .
  performer performance
  19. ◎permission n.允许,许可,同意 ask/request/apply for permission 申请许可
  get/obtain/receive permission 获得批准 with/without one’s permission (未)经某人许可

