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【#四六级考试# 导语】不管你的梦想是什么,做好当前的事情,终将会如愿以偿。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  during this time 在此期间

  【例】During this time, more women took various jobs. 在此期间,更多的妇女找到了各种各样的工作。

  apart from 除了……之外

  【例】Apart from the figures, the information below the table also suggests the growth of production. 除了数据之外,表格下面的信息同样也反应了生产量的增长。

  compared with 与……相比较

  【例】Compared with the percentage of the base year, it jumped by 15 percent. 与基准年相比,上升了百分之十五。

  from the above table/ chart/ graph 根据上图(表)所示

  【例】From the above chart, it can be seen that changes do occur in the society. 从上面的图表来看社会确实发生了变化。


  furthermore 此外

  moreover 而且

  besides 此外

  in fact 实际上

  also 而且,也

  indeed 的确

  again 另外,还

  in particular 尤其,特别

  naturally 当然,自然,必然

  【例】Naturally, he denied that he had committed the crime. 他必然不承认自己犯罪了。


  原因、结果关系:so…, as a result of this, consequently, in consequence

  转折关系:even though, though, regardless of

  并列关系:also, as well as, either…or…

  递进关系:not only…but also…, in order to do it…, accordingly

  比较关系:when in fact…, similarly, compared with

  对比关系:on the contrary, contrary to, conversely

  举例关系:as he explains, like, put it simply, for one thing…for another…

  强调关系:particularly, to be true, other things being equal

  条件关系:if so, if possible, provide that

  归纳总结关系:in brief, in short, the conclusion can be drawn that…
