

时间:2022-04-22 18:52:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】4月16日,神舟十三号的三个宇航员返回地球,并在东风登陆地上安全降落。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Today is a major day. Our Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft has successfully returned with three astronauts! Huo Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu have lived on the space station for six months. This is the first time that Chinese astronauts have lived in space for so long. At first, people were worried that they would affect their health after living for so long, but they were in good health when they came back.

  Huo Zhigang was the first to come out. Because he has lived in space for too long, he can't walk on earth just now. But he was energetic. Like us in front of the TV, he waved and then said some words of thanks to the people. The second one is Wang Yaping. Wang Yaping first thanked the country and later expressed his love for women, because her daughter looks at the sky every night and looks for her mother. The last one is Ye Guangfu. He first said that his dream had been realized and, of course, expressed his gratitude to the country.

  I was in awe of the three astronauts. Decades ago, China's spacecraft could not carry people. In recent years, China's spacecraft can carry not only one person, but also many people; From astronauts living in space for only one day to living for several months. I am proud of the strength of my country!


  From "two bombs and one satellite", "Chang'e" asking the moon, to "Beidou" pointing the way, "Tiangong" range rover, "Tianwen" exploring the fire, and then to the "Shenzhou" series proudly visiting the Canggong. "Yihe" pursues the sun... Breakthroughs have been made and progress has been made step by step. The Chinese nation's exploration into space has extended from the moon and Mars to the sun: as far as the eyes of the Chinese people are concerned, they are looking up at the bright starry sky, seeking dark matter and gravitational waves, and even looking at deeper unknown areas in space. "The romance of Chinese astronauts is to turn the myth into reality.". Indeed, more and more Chinese aerospace figures in the vast space are writing the Chinese nation's romantic feelings for the vast stars into a realistic poem for exploring space. The astronauts of Shenzhou 12 will stay in orbit for six months, and the Chinese will spend the Spring Festival in space for the first time. We look forward to hearing the blessings of our compatriots from space for the first time when we watch the new year's Eve. On April 16, 2022, Shenzhou 13 successfully completed its mission and landed on the earth. What we see here is not only the change in the balance of power in space, but also the growth and decline of the country's comprehensive strength.

  Space is only part of a historic change. We are experiencing history and blessing China!


  The return module of Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site, marking the complete success of Shenzhou 13 manned mission. The Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft has achieved multiple "firsts", that is, the first independent and rapid radial rendezvous and docking with the three module assembly, the first long-term in orbit docking for six months, the long-term in orbit flight of four manned spacecraft, and the first emergency rescue capability of combining heaven and earth with multiple guarantees. These "firsts" seem to be the most unusual and strange. They are as easy as they are difficult. A country and a nation can climb to whatever altitude they have in spirit. Although we can't leave our footprints in the vast universe like the three astronauts of Shenzhou 13, we can vigorously carry forward the national spirit with patriotism as the core on the new Long March, be willing to be a "child cow", brave to be a "pioneer cow" and often be a "old scalper" in our posts, and continue to be patriotic The spirit of manned spaceflight casts the soul and replenishes calcium, always maintains the spirit of not afraid of hardship and the tenacity of rain and wind, and strives for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation all his life.


  From Shenzhou V to Shenzhou 13, from one person a day to three people for half a year, the pace of Chinese people going to the sea of stars has never stopped. More than half a century ago, a song "Oriental red" resounded all over the world. Nowadays, bright Chinese Red shines in space. From "two bombs and one satellite" to "manned spaceflight", the "spaceflight dream" has long been merged into the great "Chinese dream" and has become an amazing pen in the development of human civilization.

  On April 16, the return capsule of Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft floated in the sky with a red and white umbrella. With the attention of the whole world, it landed steadily at the Dongfeng landing site. Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu, who were on a business trip in space for half a year, were sent back to the motherland. So far, Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft has completed its mission excellently.

  "Flying dreams never lose weight, and the tension of scientific dreams is infinite." As female astronaut Wang Yaping said before the expedition, as long as you dare to have dreams, pursue dreams, and build your own dream spacecraft with wisdom and sweat, you will be able to usher in the launch time of your dream and fly to the vast starry sky that belongs to you!


  Affected by the epidemic, we have just finished a week's online course. This weekend, the news of Shenzhou 13's return to earth was exciting. I sat in front of the TV early and watched the live TV broadcast of the triumph of the space hero.

  The three astronauts took off on October 16, 2021. After half a year's space trip, they successfully landed in Dongfeng landing site, a vast Gobi desert, this morning by taking a return capsule. With the help and cooperation of the on-site staff, they got out of the cabin smoothly. I was deeply impressed by their energetic spirit and their touching speeches in the interview. They owe their success to the strength of the great motherland, the support of the people all over the country and the care and companionship of the project staff day and night. Their ambition of "fighting according to the call of the party and the people, striving to make better achievements, and living up to the times and the great trust of the party and the people" is my belief in learning.

  As a good boy in the new era, I am willing to be a good student of star picking mother and aerospace Teacher Wang Yaping, study hard, keep climbing on the road of science, and create better achievements on a higher and larger platform of the motherland in the future.


  The return capsule of Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft landed successfully, and the three star picking heroes came home smoothly. It turned out that the stars we had looked up for thousands of years were not so far away.

  Whether it's the word-of-mouth Chang'e flying to the moon, or the thousands of literati and bureaucrats who aspired to enter the blue clouds in the Ming Dynasty, then the launch of dongfanghong-1, the first manned spaceflight of Shenzhou-5, and the smooth landing of shenzhou-13... The struggle of the Chinese people to pursue the universe and capture the stars has never stopped.

  With a long history, the long cherished wish of picking up the stars has finally been realized in the hands of our generation. It is valuable that the average age of China Aerospace Science and technology group is about 42 years old, and the average age of front-line researchers is only 35 years old. Adhering to the aerospace spirit of "self-reliance, hard work, strong coordination, selfless dedication, rigorous and pragmatic, and the courage to climb", they have created countless Aerospace miracles in just a few decades, The Chinese people are getting closer and closer to the blue sky in their dreams!

  Thank you for the space team behind us, the astronauts who broke through the clouds and overcome many difficulties, and our increasingly prosperous and rapidly developing motherland. Please rest assured that this universe will continue to be explored by our generation.


  At 0:23 on October 16, 2021, the Long March II of Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft was equipped with the f Yao 13 carrier rocket and launched accurately at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center according to the scheduled time. On April 16, 2022, the return module of Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft floated in the sky with a red and white umbrella. With the attention of the whole world, it landed steadily at the Dongfeng landing site. Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping Ye Guangfu's three astronauts returned to the motherland where they had been away for a long time.

  Aerospace technology has made remarkable achievements in the development of spacecraft high-position and high-speed resources to obtain, transmit and forward information, and has obtained great benefits, such as the wide application of communication satellites and remote sensing satellites. It means the successful completion of the mission of shenzhou-13, as well as the successful completion of the mission of Shenzhou-3.

  On the other hand, with the rapid development of military spacecraft, various new space weapons such as military satellites, manned spacecraft, ballistic missiles and anti ballistic missiles have formed an integrated space battlefield military system and will play an important role in joint campaigns. As we all know, without a solid national defense, it is difficult to guarantee our happy life.

  Without today's investment, there will be no tomorrow. The progress of aerospace industry will drive the development of relevant industries, and the application of Aerospace Science and technology will have a significant impact on mankind. Only with the continuous progress of society and the continuous development of science and technology, our life will be more and more beautiful.


  On April 16, 2022, after 183 days of space flight, the three astronauts of Shenzhou 13 finally came back! This is the longest time for Chinese astronauts to stay in space, setting a new record for the space residence time of Chinese astronauts on a single mission.

  Early in the morning, my sister and I sat in front of the TV and waited to watch the live broadcast for fear of missing this historic moment. At first, I only saw a bright spot in the dark moving towards the earth, slowly getting closer and closer. "The parachute is open!" We clapped with excitement.

  After a period of waiting, the return capsule landed steadily in the predetermined area. Uncle Yang Liwei in the live broadcast room said excitedly, "this is the first time in 16 years to land upright! It shows that the information of meteorology, environmental conditions and other aspects is becoming more and more accurate, and it also reflects the improvement of the comprehensive ability of aerospace technology!" While the re-entry module landed, the air search and rescue team found the re-entry module and arrived quickly. The medical insurance personnel entered the module for preliminary physical examination of the astronauts. The astronauts finally came out of the re-entry capsule after the tense, orderly and united cooperation of various teams. Looking at their bright smiles, I couldn't help laughing.

  There is a voice in the bottom of my heart: the country is becoming stronger and stronger, the scientific and technological strength is becoming stronger and stronger, there is no war, there is no hunger, we live in such a happy country, what is the reason to waste our time? I must study hard and build our motherland stronger and better!


  Once, when we looked up at the sky, we couldn't help lamenting the vastness of the universe and the smallness of ourselves. Fortunately, with the continuous development of the space industry, space heroes such as Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu have acted as the eyes of the people, allowing us to know what we once knew. At the same time, we should also admire those aerospace workers and even more standing behind them. Space flight has never been a person's business. Everyone can contribute to it. This person can be you or me. As a member of Beihua Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, I am deeply looking forward to my future work. I am determined to complete my college studies, be diligent and take joining this great cause as my life goal in the future. It can reach the moon in nine days and catch turtles in five oceans. The return of Shenzhou 13 to earth fully shows us that China has become the China in Chairman Mao's heart. From the successful launch of Dongfanghong 1 to the safe landing of Shenzhou 13, China has never stopped exploring space. More than 180 days in space, Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping, ye Guangfu and three excellent astronauts returned home with a full load of the Chinese dream.

  The manned space industry needs the support of big data, advanced science and technology, close cooperation between various departments, coordinated and unified scheduling, etc. without the joint efforts of all astronauts, the manned space industry is difficult to complete. Today's success is inseparable from everyone who has worked hard for the space industry. Pay tribute to them.


  Today is an extraordinary and memorable day for the whole Chinese people, because our Shenzhou 13 returned smoothly and successfully completed its mission after more than half a year.

  Time goes back to October 16, 2021, which is destined to be very extraordinary and the beginning of everything. At first, I knew very little about this matter and didn't know the significance of this rocket launch. It was not until December 10 of the same year that Mr. Xie led us to watch the first Tianguan lecture. I got an opportunity to learn from the Chinese people's own space capsule that I knew that the precision of the instruments on it could do experiments that are difficult to do on earth, and the importance would be known without saying. Of course, there was a second time more than half a month ago. I'm still looking forward to the next time, but I don't know how long it will wait.

  Watching the video of them leaving the cabin, I was very excited. The sentence "I have left the cabin and feel good." Lingering in my ears for a long time, this is not only the victory of the three astronauts, but also the victory of China's aerospace and even the whole Chinese nation!

  Listening to their dialogue, they seemed to feel very relaxed, "ready to meet gravity" and "shaking". In fact, this is just a surface image. The separation of the propulsion module should be completed at the time of entering the atmosphere. At this time, the falling speed of the spacecraft is 7.5 kilometers per second. Falling at a high speed will deform the muscles, which ordinary people can't bear at all. Therefore, strict selection of astronauts will be carried out.

  Throughout the history of China's aerospace development, "dongfanghong-1" was launched in 1970, which opened the prelude to the exploration of the universe by the Chinese nation; In 2003, China's first spaceship "Shenzhou V" was successfully launched, becoming the third country to send people into space after the United States and the Soviet Union; In 2007, China's first moon orbiting satellite was successfully launched; It marks the beginning of the era of Chinese lunar exploration

  China has not stopped its pace of space exploration. The complete completion of the Shenzhou 13 mission is both the end and the beginning.

