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【#英语资源# 导语】我们都会度过一个难忘的暑假,让我们一起来回顾这段美好的暑假时光吧!以下是©文档大全网整理的《难忘的暑假生活英语作文范文》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.难忘的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇一

  Summer vacation is really colorful. Either go here to play, or go there to play. However, the most unforgettable thing for me was what I encountered on the street that day.

  That morning, our whole family went to Penlong Park to play. We spent the afternoon playing in Benlong Park. At four o'clock in the afternoon, we were ready to go home. When we arrived at the station, we saw a "permanent" bicycle riding past like the wind. At the turning point, an elderly woman was about to cross the road. The young man riding the bike did not notice her, perhaps because he had a high level of cycling skills and only brushed past the old woman. The old woman turned around the road and then collapsed on the side of the road. The young man on the bike rode away without even looking back. I was about to call him, but he had already disappeared into the road. I wanted to help the elderly woman go to the hospital again, but on second thoughts, I realized that sending the elderly woman to the hospital would delay taking the bus. I was hesitating when a young woman rushed in and helped her up. Once again, the old woman had bleeding on her feet and had to be taken to the hospital. At this moment, I could see the young woman clearly. She was about 30 years old, with a round face, black hair, two small braids, black eyes, and a sparkling energy. A cherry like mouth. She helped the old woman wait for the bus. After waiting for about ten minutes, a car arrived. The young woman helped the old woman into the car. The car drove away and finally disappeared on the road. I only stood there quietly, regretting my own actions and not helping the old woman.

  Although it has been over two months since this incident, I am constantly thinking about it. I hope that others, like young women, care and love others, so as to make our country strong and prosperous.

2.难忘的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇二

  Summer vacation is our holiday, during which I not only completed various assignments but also hiked to Penglai, Shandong, where I stayed for about 20 days. I not only visited the beautiful scenery of Mount Xianshan in Penglai, but also tasted various seafood and swam in the sea.

  On July 7th, my grandfather, grandmother, and uncle and I departed from Anyang to Shijiazhuang, where we took a direct train to Yantai. Arriving in Yantai on the morning of the 8th, as soon as I got off the car, the first thing that caught my eye was the eight characters "Cultural Holy Land, Holiday Paradise". I want to:

  Is it really that good? With doubts in mind, we boarded the bus bound for Penglai and arrived there more than an hour later. However, it was not a beautiful day and it rained continuously. When we arrived at our place of residence, we had a simple meal, and I urged my grandfather, grandmother, and uncle to go to the beach. There, I saw the sea for the first time, and I was very happy. I jumped into the sea and started playing with the water. Ah, the sea! I'm coming! "I couldn't help but exclaim. Waves rise and fall one after another, wave after wave, that's really "the back wave slapped the front wave on the beach

  The next day, Grandpa bought me a swimming suit, a Swim ring, and my uncle bought me a shovel and a bucket. In the morning, I study at home and do my homework. In the afternoon, I go to the beach to play. I either chase the waves in the sea or go far away, and the waves push me step by step back to the shore. When I'm tired of playing, I lie on the beach and take a nap. It's so comfortable! It seems like lying on a soft carpet. When I sat up, I made a sandbox, made a large base with a shovel, then used small buckets to buckle up one by one, and finally poked a few holes, and it was done. When encountering low tide, small sandbags will swell up on the beach, just like the earthworm piles here. When we dig one by one, we find that it is a small sand crab. If we are lucky, we can also dig larger crabs.

  During our stay in Penglai Pavilion, we visited the "fairyland on earth", the "Eight Immortals Ferry", the "Three Immortals Mountain" and the "Ocean Polar World", the first in Asia.

  Ah! What a beautiful Penglai! What a beautiful scenery! What a fascinating legend! It's really refreshing and exhilarating, lingering on and forgetting to leave

3.难忘的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇三

  Summer life is like a colorful dream, making people yearn for it. An interesting event that happened during the summer vacation often brings me back to beautiful memories.

  The most unforgettable thing for me during the summer vacation was swimming. During the summer vacation, my father, mother, brother, and I went to a water park to play together. First, buy the tickets. After buying the tickets, go put on your swimsuit. The fitting room here is public.

  There are three swimming pools here, one for adults, another for adults, and one for children. On the children's swimming pool, there are many equipment, such as boats and slides.

  After I put on my swimsuit, I started playing in the water. The first time I went was in the deep water area, and as soon as I got down, I felt very cold, so I came up. I'll try the shallow water area again, wow! It's warm, so comfortable! Then, I saw many people sliding down that slide, as if it was fun, so I gave it a try.

  Halfway through the slide, the bucket on top of the slide suddenly poured water, causing me to be covered in water and my hair to get wet. As soon as I grabbed the handrail of the slide, it was really slippery. I slipped into the water in a flash with 'plop'. I felt uncomfortable lying in the water, so I struggled desperately and finally got up. Later, I didn't dare to play with that anymore. I sat on the small boat again, which seemed unstable. As soon as I got on it, it overturned and my younger brother saw it. He was still laughing on the side. At this moment, my parents called us home, and I reluctantly went back.

  An interesting whole summer vacation passed in the blink of an eye, and those interesting summer events were like sweet dreams, unforgettable to me.

4.难忘的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇四

  Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and moon fly like a shuttle. In the blink of an eye, the tense study life ended and the happy summer vacation began. I am like a bird flying out of a cage, soaring in the blue sky. Summer vacation life is so rich and colorful, especially that incident that I still remember.

  During the summer vacation, my mother and I went to my grandmother's house in the countryside. She kept a little flower cat at her house, which was my very good companion. We chased and played together, always inseparable. I remember once I saw my grandfather shaving in front of the mirror, his face covered with white foam, which was very interesting. A thought flashed through my mind: The little flower cat's beard is so long, why don't I shave it! So, while the whole family was away, I picked up the little kitten and prepared to shave it.

  At first, it was quite obedient, but later it screamed and shouted, struggling to the death. I was angry and said to it, "You big slug, your beard is so long and I don't know how to shave it. It's really lazy!" After putting in a lot of effort, I finally helped it shave its beard, and I was extremely proud. But the little flower cat ran to the corner and was unusually calm. After my father returned home, I proudly told him about the little flower cat. I thought my father would praise me, but he scolded me and said, "You little fool! The cat's beard helps it catch mice. If you shave off its beard, it will never catch mice again!" I looked at the little flower cat in the corner and blushed.

  Looking back now, this incident is both funny and annoying. Summer vacation life is really interesting!

5.难忘的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇五

  During the summer vacation, there were many happy and sad things, but the one that kept me fresh in my memory was that one.

  As I entered the summer vacation, the opportunities for writing became increasingly scarce. Apart from completing my summer homework, I never wrote again. In this way, my handwriting is becoming increasingly scribbled, and I can no longer compare to the beautiful and commendable handwriting I used to have.

  One day, I made up my mind to practice my handwriting well. I took out the tablet that my father bought me, and it was already covered in a thick layer of dust. Hoo! "I blew hard, and dust immediately covered the entire room.

  I put the writing board on the writing desk and wrote seriously. However, the heat was only three minutes long. I had not written long before I became angry: "What kind of characters can I practice? I'm Usseewa, so I can't type." "Pa!" I threw the practice board heavily on the writing desk.

  I ran into the room angrily, feeling frustrated all by myself and saying, "I can't do it anymore." I picked up my pillow and threw it at the door, hitting my dad who was entering. Dad came to adjust my mood, but I gave him a "pillow stick". Suddenly, my face turned red like an apple, and I lowered my head, afraid to look directly at my father.

  Dad seemed to see my thoughts and said, "It's okay, I don't blame you. Why did you get so angry?" "I feel tired of practicing calligraphy for a while, so? Then, I continued to practice calligraphy.

  In the end, I developed a good hand at handwriting.
