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【#英语资源# 导语】家乡的端午节英语作文范文是许多学生写作的主题。端午节是中国传统节日之一,也是世界非物质文化遗产。为了帮助大家更好地了解端午节,©文档大全网为大家提供了一篇家乡的端午节英语作文范文,希望对大家有所帮助。

1.家乡的端午节英语作文范文 篇一

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, everyone should be eating Zongzi, but I am different. I make Zongzi on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Every time, I always sit in front of my grandmother with a small chair. I watched my grandmother again and again how to wrap it. Until I felt that I could, I would pick up a piece of zongzi leaf, wrap it into a sharp corner, put some glutinous rice in it, put a piece of meat, and then spread it all over again. Finally, I turned over the surplus zongzi leaf and tied it with a rope. I was happy to pick up Zongzi, and just wanted to talk. There was glutinous rice falling from a small hole in it. I was very disappointed and felt I could not do it. Here, my grandmother handed me a piece of zongzi leaf, Tell me, "It's okay, once it's raw and twice it's cooked, I'll wrap a few more and I'll wrap it." I hesitated for a moment and took over the zongzi leaves. Replace glutinous rice and meat. Finally, it's time to wrap it up. I checked it over and over again. Just tie it up with a rope. I tied four knots and was afraid that some glutinous rice would fall down. I carefully picked it up and shook it. The whole Zongzi was stuffed by me, without any noise. The glutinous rice was still lying in the leaves. All of a sudden, I was too excited to speak. Because I had a sense of achievement in my heart, I made Zongzi one by one. I didn't stop until I used up all the zongzi leaves.

  The next step is to cook Zongzi. To tell the truth, I always thought Zongzi was steamed. As soon as Zongzi was put on the pot, I began to wait. I would look through the transparent lid of the pot from time to time. Take a look at those lovely Zongzi, sometimes they will quietly open the lid of the pot. My face is very close to the pot. I like to smell the salty smell of the glutinous rice. I will not cover the lid until the steam is hot on my face.

  It took about three hours for Zongzi to be completely cooked. I couldn't wait to pick out a small Zongzi and put it in a bowl. Before I could eat it, a thick salty smell emanated from the inside out. The entrance is soft and sticky, and the meat has also been cooked to a pulp, making it very delicious.

  The Dragon Boat Festival passed quickly, but the salty fragrance of Zongzi still floated in my mind.

2.家乡的端午节英语作文范文 篇二

  There are many customs and festivals in my hometown, but my favorite is the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Legend has it that after Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, the local people injured him and died, so they drove a boat to rescue him, due to the custom of crossing the river unexpectedly; It was also said that people often put food to Shuishen to offer sacrifices to Qu Yuan, but most of it was eaten by Jiaolong. Xiang showed that because of Qu Yuan's dike, they used neem leaves to wrap rice, wrapped with colored silk, like Zongzi later.

  The customs of the Dragon Boat Festival mainly include: eating Zongzi and inserting wormwood or calamus on the door to exorcise evil spirits, tying long life strands, drinking rice wine or using it to sterilize, racing dragon boats, eating yellow croaker, eel, and delicious tofu. However, the most profound thing for me is to make Zongzi and eat Zongzi. The shape of Zongzi is a prismatic shape. Its outer skin is wrapped in green zongzi leaves. The stuffing inside is red dates, fresh meat, egg yolk... Its color is attractive, which makes people look delicious and very appetizing.

  To be honest, I have also experienced making Zongzi, which is also challenging!

  Firstly, we mix glutinous rice, pork, soy sauce, salt, and monosodium glutamate, and then mix them together. Once they are evenly mixed, we can start wrapping. We need to first make the zongzi into a small trumpet shaped like a triangle, with no holes in the middle, otherwise the live glutinous rice will leak out. Then, we will fold the remaining section of the zongzi leaves in one direction, and finally, wrap the red line a few more times, that's all!

  The Dragon Boat Festival is quite meaningful, so I really like this custom and festival!

3.家乡的端午节英语作文范文 篇三

  After the plums are ripe, the footsteps of the Dragon Boat Festival come step by step. She walked from the bright flowers, willows, and drizzling rain of Jiangnan, from the misty dreams of green willow trees, and from my deep gaze. This is the praise of contemporary lyricist Feng Hua for the Dragon Boat Festival. The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the most distinctive day in my hometown - the Dragon Boat Festival. Although the Dragon Boat Festival is a very popular and grand festival among the Chinese people, both in southern and northern China, there have been customs of the Dragon Boat Festival. However, I feel that the Dragon Boat Festival in the south is more interesting, with a stronger atmosphere and better expression of the characteristics of the Dragon Boat Festival than in the north.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is a very lively festival. Every family makes Zongzi and eats Zongzi, which is an inevitable custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. All kinds of Zongzi have many shapes. In the countryside, we also make a schoolbag shape for our younger brothers and sisters to carry around the waist and take it back to school to eat while walking. There are many flavors, including sweet, salty, fragrant, spicy, and even bitter. However, it seems that because of the different places, the Zongzi is different in flavor. People in each place are basically accustomed to making it at home, and many people are not accustomed to the flavor made in other places. For example, I am not used to eating Zongzi made by myself because of different fillings.

  During the Dragon Boat Festival, there is also an indispensable activity of rowing a dragon boat. On the broad river surface, three or four dragon boats were lowered, and a dozen people vigorously paddled their oars. One person sat on the dragon's head and played the gong, while the other sat in the boat playing the drums. Everyone shouted "one, two" and "one, two" in unison, with a formation comparable to the raging waves. The onlookers on the shore, facing the scorching sunshine, still remember to cheer for their beloved dragon boat. Looking into the river again, several dragon boats were like fierce axes breaking through the river, already racing to the death. Foreign friends picked up their cameras and quickly captured these magnificent scenes, fearing that they would never see such a magnificent sight again.

  I also want to brew Dragon Boat Festival wine in my hometown. After the first rain of spring, every household has already buried the Dragon Boat Festival wine underground for fermentation. Put 6 things inside, which are: North jujube, lychee, goji berries, olives, longan, and almonds. The Dragon Boat Festival wine has a refreshing fragrance in the mouth, which can be said to be "fragrant in the spring and clear in the wine." Dragon Boat Festival wine can also make people immortal!

  Look, this is the Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown!

4.家乡的端午节英语作文范文 篇四

  The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival. Although it does not have the grand atmosphere of the Spring Festival, it embodies our nostalgia for the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan. The main customs of the Dragon Boat Festival in our hometown are to wrap Zongzi and insert wormwood.

  Two days before the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother bought back zongzi leaves and mugwort early. Mom first washed and soaked the zongzi leaves in clean water, and poured the cleaned glutinous rice into a basin. I started to make Zongzi. My mother took some zongzi leaves, rolled them into a cone with her fingers, put glutinous rice in it, and put some dates and meat in the middle. Mother skillfully turned her hands, and soon a Zongzi bag was successful. My mother told me that Zongzi can be made into many patterns, such as triangular, rhombic, boat shaped, and square with cattail leaves. The wrapped Zongzi was put into the pot and boiled for thirty or forty minutes. A pot of delicious Zongzi came out of the pot. The fragrance was so delicious that I wanted to taste it immediately.

  When my mother made Zongzi, my father and I were also busy, that is, inserting wormwood. I divided the mugwort and calamus into several bundles and tied them with red thread. My father inserted the tied mugwort and calamus into the courtyard door, hall door, and kitchen door, respectively. Legend has it that this can ward off evil and receive blessings. Mugwort can also be used as medicinal herbs. Every summer, my grandmother uses dried mugwort to boil a large basin of hot water and take a bath for me. This not only prevents bacteria and diseases, but also prevents mosquitoes from biting me.

  I love the Dragon Boat Festival and also my hometown.

5.家乡的端午节英语作文范文 篇五

  More than two thousand years ago, the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan shouted up to the sky by the tearful river and then plunged into the rolling rapids. More than two thousand years later, the fifth day of May became the traditional festival of Dragon Boat Festival. Everyone makes Zongzi and races dragon boats to commemorate this great patriotic poet in various ways.

  "May 5th is the Dragon Boat Festival. It's time to insert wormwood leaves, wear sachets, eat Zongzi, sprinkle sugar, and launch the dragon boat happily." This is a children's song about the Dragon Boat Festival. When children sing this song, people know that the Dragon Boat Festival is coming,

  In the blink of an eye, the Dragon Boat Festival arrived and I woke up early in the morning. After breakfast, I hurriedly went out to watch the dragon boat race. Just as I arrived at Swan Lake (the scene of the dragon boat race), I saw the "sea of people". It turned out that the dragon boat race was about to start, "the good luck came in time," I thought. Suddenly, the audience became agitated and saw a dozen dragon boats rowing from afar. The dragon boat is slightly longer and narrower. The faucet is black. Grey. Red and other colors. Soon, the game began. The contestants are competing and unwilling to fall behind. The audience also cheered and cheered on. As we approached the finish line, the contestants were beating gongs and drums, singing limericks. At the finish line, the contestant from Liwan District won. Then comes the most interesting game of 'Duck Snatching'. The sponsor and some wealthy individuals with good intentions are not allowed to have more ducks still in the water. The contestants jumped into the water from the boat to catch ducks, and what they caught belonged to themselves. The onlookers were also unwilling to fall behind and jumped into the water one after another. The scene was chaotic.

  After the game, I went home and ate delicious Zongzi. The whole family was very happy! The Dragon Boat Festival will also be passed down with laughter and become a festival for people around the world.
