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【#银行招聘# 导语】银行招聘考试,主要分为三大部分:行测、综合知识、英语。其中行测包括逻辑推理、数字运算、言语理解、思维策略、资料分析;综合知识包括经济、金融、中行热点等;英语包含单选和阅读。©文档大全网为大家整理的《2019深圳银行秋季校园招聘试题及答案:英语单选》,希望对大家有所帮助!
1. The principal walked onto the platform and seated himself in a chair, ( ) for answering questions.

A. prepared

B. being prepared

C. prepared

D. preparing

【答案】C。考查非谓语动词。Sb. be prepared for sth. / to do sth. 准备做某事,相当于be ready to do sth。句意:校长走上讲台坐在一张椅子上,准备回答问题。prepared是形容词化的过去分词,本句相当于who was prepared for...。故选C。

2. — He is considered ( ) for London.

— Yes , I’m considering ( ) there as well.

A. leaving; going

B. to leave; to go

C. to have left; going

D. having left; to go

【答案】C。第一空考查词组:be considered to have done被认为已经做了什么,第二空考查consider doing考虑做…,句意:---他被认为已经去了伦敦。--是的,我在考虑也去那里。选C。

3. He threw away all the ( ) cigarettes, ( ) to give up smoking for the sake of his health.

A. remained; determining

B. leaving; determined

C. remaining; determined

D. left; determining

【答案】C。remaining留下的,剩下的,作定语时要前置,left剩下的,要后置,所以剩下的香烟应表达为remaining cigarettes,短语:be determined to do,决定做某事,在这里determined作状语。所以选C。

4. Carbon dioxide ( ) from burning fuels is the most common of the so-called greenhouse gases.

A. producing

B. having been produced

C. to be produced

D. produced

【答案】D。因为carbon dioxide与produce之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词表示被动。故选D。

5. He apologized for ( ).

A. his not being able to come

B. his being not able to come

C. his being able not to come

D. him not being able to come


