

时间:2021-09-11 08:39:04 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#圣诞节# 导语】光阴似箭,岁月如梭,一年一度的圣诞佳节又到来了。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Snow is a happy spirit. In the snowflakes on Christmas Eve, we weave happy stories, in which the joy is unforgettable to me. Christmas is coming.

  That afternoon, it was snowing heavily. Some of our good friends were playing in the downtown square. We all opened our hands and looked at the sky. The little snowflake fell into our necks. It was so cold! It fell into my mouth. It was also very cold, a little sweet and a little salty. Fall on the hand, the snowflake is gone, is melted by our heat. We're running in the snow. It's crazy. It's so cool. Snowflakes were chased all over the ground and flying all over the sky. The little snowflakes were tired and fell gently to the ground. We were about to catch her when she flew up again, gently and softly. We looked at the snowflake. It seemed that the snowflake blushed and turned away from us.

  We ran around the square, and there was a "poof poof" sound under our feet, like a deep song. We grabbed the snow on the ground and threw it into the sky. We were as happy as in Snow White's palace. We drew a big heart on the snow, wrote "we are all snow white" in it, and sang happily around the heart. We also painted flowers and children on the edge of the heart.

  Later, we all started to build a snowdrift together. After finishing, we made a big round platform and a smaller round platform on it. This is the body of a big cake. Then he sprinkled some thin snow on it and wrote eight big words: we love snow and happy Christmas. Really, snow, we love you.

  Santa, welcome.


  The annual Christmas is coming.

  Mr. Wu assigned a strange assignment today: let's go to the street to find him, but the time is only 30 minutes. It doesn't matter. We're ready.

  On Christmas Eve, I made an appointment with Jiang Junzhi, Xie Jiayu and other students for Christmas. We enjoyed a delicious dinner first. Next, the search operation began!      We went into the street hand in hand. When we arrived at datonghua square, everyone scattered to look for "Santa Wu". Liu Yuchun ran left and right around the square. Xie Jiayu stood there, staring at something, as if she was afraid of Mr. Wu escaping from under her eyes. Jiang Junzhi was even more funny. She looked in the flowers and trees, as if she thought Mr. Wu was playing hide and seek with us. I stood on the stone chair and looked into the distance. Because as the saying goes, "climb high and see far".

  After looking around, everyone seems to be tired. I said, "let's have a rest," but Wang Leyu said, "if we flinch when we encounter this little difficulty, it's better not to come out!" as a result, everyone looked again. It was getting colder and colder, which made us freeze like shrinking turtles one by one. My mother couldn't bear to ask us to go home first. As soon as we got home, Mr. Wu called. We scrambled to say hello to Mr. Wu, and Mr. Wu also said hello to us. Zhu Jiahui has been asking Miss Wu. It seems that she has endless questions. We found Mr. Wu on the phone. We are very happy to celebrate Christmas together.

  We also played games such as "Dancing" and "sending messages". This Christmas Eve was full of our happy laughter.


  Santa is getting more and more unhappy and depressed. Because Christmas is coming, but because the weather is too cold, Santa Claus is ill. He can't give Christmas gifts to lovely children. How sad! Santa Claus is trying to do something about it.

  Suddenly, Santa came up with a good idea. He made a lot of deer sledges and red cotton padded clothes. And made many beautiful greeting cards. He sent these things to the children who like Santa Claus all over the country. Every lucky child is very excited. He can be a real Santa Claus, and a good child can get a big gift bag.

  On Christmas night, every child dressed up as Santa Claus. They were very excited to send gifts everywhere. But a child looked at the gifts in the cloth bag. He liked them very much. So he put these gifts into his home. And tell Santa that he has finished giving Christmas presents. Santa was very happy and let the child go home without asking him anything. The child came home, hurried to open each gift and saw Santa Claus's blessing for each child. He opened his present again, but there was nothing but a very angry Santa Claus. The child thought for a while and came to Santa Claus again. Because he thought Santa must know what he did, and maybe he won't receive Christmas gifts in the future. He prayed Santa Claus to forgive him in front of Santa Claus. Santa Claus saw that he had the courage to admit his mistakes, forgave him, and gave him a Christmas gift again.

  Since then, Santa Claus has asked some children to give gifts every year to see who is the most honest, but no one has cheated Santa Claus and done some bad things.


  Christmas is too much. It's really not very interesting. meaningful. I think Christmas is still in the beginning. High school is more interesting, so this year's Christmas is more delicious than ever.

  Finally looking forward to a warm Christmas, but the students who don't understand interest are ready. At noon, the old class didn't intend to have a party. Several students could not hold their breath, which opened the prelude to the riot. I don't know which brother proposed a mischief, and the students in the class responded one after another at noon. Compatriots Q can be said to have taken out the devil mask of deceiving children. It's really childish. L holds two tubes of snow spray. Although it is very, it is already out of date. Later, Q felt that he was not strong enough. With the privilege of the health committee, he took off the curtain and put it on his body. Inspired by the past, Xiao Z made a new cut and made a great effort to hang a rag with a plastic rope. I don't know how he did it.

  The prank has begun! The prelude to the spoof activity was a bad man. As soon as he entered the door, he was frightened by Q ghost and quit the class. Such a childish thing scared a big man. The bad man will be infamous for thousands of years in the future. set the whole room roaring with laughter. Several female compatriots were sprayed with; Some gay men were also hit and brainwashed with rags.

  In the afternoon, when the whole class learned that class 1 was going to have a party, they all sighed that they were bound by Liu sir, who was extremely disgusted with foreign worship. However, the old class said something like that. It's really inexplicable.

  As for gifts such as fruits, although the old class has repeatedly prohibited them, the strong wording and serious expression are just to scare us. I think the teacher will not pick our thorns at leisure.

  We, in this Christmas, grow, grow.


  Christmas, a beautiful fairy tale Wang Yihao Christmas, a very beautiful and pure fairy tale. Perhaps no one in the world will believe that Christmas will really come, because it is a very beautiful but distant fairy tale - it is inscribed that every Christmas is the children's favorite festival when they were young. Because in a beautiful Christmas, you can receive gifts from Santa Claus. When I was a child, I thought so too. Maybe this idea is naive and simple. Even many intellectual adults think Christmas is a very absurd Festival, but in order to realize the children's dreams, they have to act as Santa Claus. But who can think that Santa Claus will really appear? I once commented on a composition written by my good friend Phoebe on Xiaohe: "Phoebe, in fact, Santa Claus is in a corner of the global village. It's not a myth or absurd. As long as you believe in miracles, the divine glory will reappear in the world. I wish you a merry Christmas again." really, Christmas is a beautiful fairy tale, and it's like a cup of light tea, If you don't taste it carefully, you can't find the taste and fragrance.

  In New York, the weather is not cold. Without the dance of ice and snow angels, it is no longer a white Christmas. Above the city, the warm sun shines on the world. Although Santa Claus will not appear in the world and give gifts as we imagine, Christmas is a beautiful and unreachable fairy tale. The short and meaning of fairy tales are so wonderful. Maybe there will never be Santa Claus in the world, but the meaning he brings is eternal and the best! Yes, Christmas is a beautiful fairy tale. Even if there is no moonlight, no salute joy, no beautiful ice and snow, it will always be the most beautiful - a beautiful fairy tale in the cold winter.

