

时间:2021-08-10 00:30:52 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】学习永远没有尽头,日子永远忙忙碌碌,身体需要自己保护,健康才是真有用途,空时可以跟我倾诉,短信送来节日祝福。国庆长假,放松心情快乐欢呼!以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  It is another golden autumn October. The autumn wind is cool and fruitful; In this land of China, sweet scented osmanthus fragrance, layers of forests are dyed. We enjoy this happiness, live harmoniously and happily in this hot land of the motherland, reunite with our family in the warm embrace of the motherland and celebrate the national day.

  Different from previous years, this year's Mid Autumn Festival and national day have come together. I returned to my hometown with a happy mood to reunite with my family and spend these two happy festivals together.

  On the first morning in my hometown, I woke up with the sound of birds. After a simple wash, I walked alone on the quiet hills. It is said to be a village, with neat buildings and clean cement roads, which really has the style of the city. As I walked, I slowed down. I saw that the fertile rice fields under my eyes had raised golden rice, the streams under the trees in the distance were gurgling, the houses were like chickens and dogs, and the birds were flying freely in the blue sky. The villagers are busy with farming, with a simple smile on their faces. They are happy and blend into a beautiful picture with the fields in the mountains. Everything in the world gets along so harmoniously. What a paradise. I can't help sighing. Suddenly, my heart was grateful, ah, the motherland!

  "There are so many charming rivers and mountains that countless heroes are bent over." The current happy life is bought by our ancestors in order to defend our motherland. Nor can we forget the national humiliation, the aggression of the great powers against us again and again, the unequal treaties one after another, and the innocent lives and brave heroes. The five-star red flag flying in the air and the bright red scarf are all bought by heroes with blood when life and death are at stake!

  XX years ago today, the Chinese nation * three mountains, the people's Republic of China was founded, and the Chinese people, who have experienced the vicissitudes of war and backwardness, finally stood up; After XX years of reform and opening up, the Chinese nation has become rich; After XX years of journey, the Chinese nation has initially built a well-off society and become stronger, standing in the forest of nations with a new majestic posture. From railways to high-speed railways, from satellites to manned spaceflight, both economic development and scientific and technological progress reflect the strength of the motherland. All Chinese people rejoice and are proud of it.

  Looking around, I deeply know that no matter the tall buildings or the ears of rice in the fields, they are inseparable from the development and prosperity of the country and the efforts of countless working people. As teenagers, we should enjoy this happiness with gratitude, remember this history, and contribute to the development of the country.

  Because in China, we can safely reunite with our family under the moon. China, a country that makes more than one billion people proud; China, a country full of miracles, I love you!


  Autumn is clear and crisp. Another golden autumn season is coming. No, we have also ushered in the XX anniversary of the founding of new China, and the whole country is jubilant. Looking back on the past, how many hardships did the mother of the motherland go through before she came to the point of abundant food and clothing today!

  When I was a child, my grandmother told me that life was terrible when she was a child! A family has seven or eight children. Some families herd cattle in their fields because they can't afford to go to school; Others have no land at home, so they hoe and herd sheep for rich people. If you do something wrong, you will be beaten and scolded by landlords and bullies, which is very pitiful. Granny said that she had several brothers and sisters at that time. Because she was poor, she didn't have money to buy rice for some time. Granny's mother would carry her youngest sister to the rich family to beg. At that time, a landlord saw that her little sister was cute and said to sell her to them, but granny refused. Even if she begged every day, she would raise her daughter and would never sell her!

  When I grew up, my grandmother told me that their life was relatively better at that time, but it was still very hard. Grandma has one brother and three sisters. Grandma is the youngest. Every time grandma makes clothes, she can only try to do better in quality. Several people take turns to wear them. When grandma wears them, they can't see the original appearance. Grandma also said that when she was in primary school, the rubber she used was only one or two cents, and it was used for one or two years. She was very frugal. At that time, only one or two families in a large village had televisions, which were placed in the yard. At night, almost the whole village took small benches to watch TV. I didn't expect that black-and-white TV had such a great charm at that time!

  Understand the past life and think about our present life. We stretch out our clothes and open our mouths. We have KFC and McDonald's that we can't eat all day. Every family has a wide screen color TV, computer and electric car. Some people also have private cars. Traveling on holidays is not new. Today's young people, clothes are piled up in the wardrobe, colorful and dazzling... In short, our life has changed dramatically compared with the past!

  With a flick of the finger, XX years of stormy life, XX years of ups and downs, XX years of leap and change, and 68 years of brilliant achievements. You have given us such good living conditions, we must study hard, be a useful person to the society in the future, and build the motherland into prosperity and strength!

  On the occasion of the XX anniversary of the founding of new China, please accept the sincere wishes of the Chinese people: "mother of the motherland, you have worked hard! We are proud of you, we are proud of you! Happy birthday! "


  The most beautiful light show is a gift from Guangzhou for the motherland's 71st birthday. He infused my love for your country into our souls.

  The winner of the most beautiful lighting show is in Huacheng square in the center of Guangzhou. Huacheng square is surrounded by high-rise buildings with modern glass structure. Every building was enchanted on the birthday of the motherland. Put on a colorful and glittering dress. Their clothes have magic. When night falls, they begin to perform magic.

  Look, wow! The building in the East shook and immediately turned into a golden curtain. A huge five-star red flag jumped out in the middle. The five stars were dazzling, and the red flag was dazzling. Oh! As soon as I looked back, the building in the West turned into a red and glittering Crystal Palace, jumping out of the golden 70, and turning out the golden blessing of "Happy Birthday to the motherland" in the blink of an eye. Ah! The North Building turned into a golden red love, popping with the ruby light of "I love you China", shining into people's hearts. Ah! The south building has become a red, yellow, purple, blue and green color curtain, beating pictures of the people's good life. Even the flowers, grass, trees and trees on the roadside were enchanted. Some became glittering five pointed stars, some became red love, some became colorful small flags, and the trees became shiny colored cakes with different shapes and great beauty.

  The protagonist of this show is the towering Guangzhou tower, and the supporting role is the wonderful music fountain. The magician is 300 piano masters. At that time, the needle pointed to 8 p.m., 300 pairs of magic hands knocked on the black-and-white keyboard, and the National Anthem resounded through the sky. The bright red five-star red flag rose slowly from the bottom of Guangzhou tower and rose to the sky in 46 seconds. The five-star red flag radiated light onto the earth. The music fountain and we were so excited that we forgot to breathe. We fixed our eyes and saluted together. Another happy birthday song sounded. The music fountain and magic lights danced happily, and we sang the birthday song together. Guangzhou tower sent out a colorful big cake. The cake went straight to the top of the tower. Countless rays of light, like countless knives, inserted it from all directions, cut the cake into countless pieces, and then gave it to people. As my motherland and I sounded, every drop of water in the music fountain hugged each other tightly. Guangzhou tower and the surrounding high-rise buildings emit countless rays of light, as if extending countless pairs of warm hands and hugging people tightly. We seem to snuggle in the arms of our motherland.

  Look, the Pearl River has changed into colorful clothes, and the cruise ship has become a shining spirit. People seem to become light fairies and give themselves to their motherland.

  The magicians of the most beautiful light show are really powerful. They have injected countless "I love your motherland" into my heart

