
时间:2023-07-26 10:20:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.),菊科向日葵属草本植物,茎粗壮,被白色粗硬毛;花托盘状,花黄色,舌状花不结实,管状花极多数;瘦果扁压倒卵形;叶互生,有长柄,心状卵圆形至卵圆形,边缘有粗锯齿,被短糙毛;向日葵的花期为7~9月;果期为8~9月。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《描写写向日葵的英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.描写写向日葵的英语作文 篇一

  Some people like white and flawless lilies, while others like noble and delicate roses. However, I like the sunflowers that are uplifting and unknown every day.

  There is an open space in front of Grandpa's door, with a large area of golden sunflowers planted on it. Every autumn, the sunflowers are golden and yellow, as if covered in a golden carpet from a distance. From a close look, its stem is over a meter high! Whenever the sun rises, it stands tall and faces the sun. It seems like waving to the sun! There are many fine thorns on the stem, as if constantly reminding us to only look and not touch! Look, its leaves are green and round and large. It's like a round fan. Whenever it rains, small raindrops roll back and forth on the leaves, as if dancing happily. It's incredibly beautiful. You have to count its golden flowers to see. It looks like a golden sun, surrounded by a circle of yellow petals. As big as a face, it always blooms towards the sun, so people call it a sunflower. It can also help me discern direction!

  Every autumn, when the golden petals bear full fruits, this is the melon seeds we usually eat. Every time I go to my grandmother's house, she brings me fragrant melon seeds to taste, making me feast my mouth. It has many other functions! For example, using it to extract oil can produce fragrant and delicious, absolutely pure natural food. Do you like it!

  On the way back from my grandmother's house, I thought of those sunflowers in my heart. They grew from a single seed to a tall and large one, and when they matured, they were so full and full. I silently lowered my head, enduring the wind and rain, and still grew strong, providing delicious melon seeds for people, and offering sweet and fragrant seeds to people without any complaints.

  I also want to grow steadfastly and silently contribute like sunflowers.

2.描写写向日葵的英语作文 篇二

  Today, my mother and I drove to the seaside to admire sunflowers. The sunflowers there are one after another, which can really be called a sea of flowers.

  Under the sky, the huge sun scorched the earth, and everything felt dry. But as soon as the car arrived at the sea of sunflowers, it was immediately eye-catching, wow! It's really beautiful, it's really spectacular. The sunflowers held their heads high, as if they were about to compete with the angry sun. As soon as we saw such a landscape, we completely ignored the scorching summer heat and opened the car door, rushing straight into the embrace of the sea of flowers.

  Well, this fragrant and vibrant plant is truly beautiful! This plant stands out like a golden flame under the blue sky. This plant is still in bud, with small stamens that make it difficult to imagine what huge and dazzling flowers it will bloom in the future.

  Just as I was intoxicated by the beauty, I suddenly turned my eyes and saw a sunflower silently hanging its head. The leaves of that sunflower were covered in rust, and it was really old. Not only that, but its petals fell off like an old man's teeth, leaving only bare stamens. I carefully lifted the stamens and saw, wow, the densely packed melon seeds were stuffed into a plate sized stamen, so full and neat, it was really amazing. I couldn't help but laugh and took out a melon seed from the big plate, gently sliced it open, took out the melon seed, and put it in my mouth to taste. Mmm, it's really delicious and delicious. I think this sunflower has a special charm. It made me realize that all mature and knowledgeable people will not take pride in themselves, they are like sunflowers full of fruits, silently lowering their heads, humble, and not showing off.

3.描写写向日葵的英语作文 篇三

  One morning last summer, the sun scorched the earth with poison. The grass seemed unable to withstand the sun's exposure, and had already taken off its green spring clothes and replaced them with dry, slightly yellowish summer clothes. Occasionally, a gust of hot wind comes head-on, as if suffocating.

  In this environment, I took a walk on the square and looked at the scenery beside me. The grass was yellow and there were only a few Rohdea japonica. Hi! How boring! Suddenly, my gaze fell on the sunflowers facing the sun, wow! All the grass and flowers were listless under the sun, except for the sunflower, which had been facing the merciless scorching sun without fear and bloomed brilliantly. I immediately felt a sense of admiration and adorability, like the eyes of summer, bringing some beauty to summer.

  Sunflowers have the color of chrysanthemums, eggplant like leaves, straight and not withered. It's like the messenger of summer, it has the perseverance that other trees and grass don't have, which is shocking to me!

  The cutest thing is its flowers, with their sunny colors and increasingly bright flowers that are not afraid of the sun. Do you think it's a yellow dish for vegetables? It will laugh at you! It is like a golden sun shining brightly, dedicating all its beauty to others. Its lush and slightly prickly stem is as straight as a soldier's waist, full of vitality.

  In life, why not have people like sunflowers? Brave, strong, dedicated, not demanding, unknown

4.描写写向日葵的英语作文 篇四

  This spring, there was another 'unexpected guest' on my flower bed, sunflower. Its glossy leaves reflect an exceptionally bright luster, adding a ray of vitality to the flower bed.

  Sunflowers are a common flower, ordinary enough to be seen everywhere, and great enough to make people laugh. Although the body is so weak, it still lives incredibly tenacious. The four seasons cycle, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Although it is sometimes ravaged by the wind and sometimes attacked by rainstorm, it does not speak. The next day, facing the sun again, with a bright smile in full bloom. Brilliant with its true life. Devote everything you have to all things in heaven and earth, humbly and calmly guarding the freshness of your life.

  Time is slowly passing, and my sunflowers are becoming stronger and stronger. I am worried that this barren and barren land will make it increasingly wither away. However, the fact has proven that I am worrying excessively. Sunflowers do not shrink but grow instead, growing longer and taller. At the top, even a small flower bud appeared, waiting to bloom, shyly emitting a hint of gold.

  Not long after, the flowers finally bloomed! The golden petals are like small swimming snakes, and the stamens are discussing together in clusters, as if they are daydreaming endlessly for their beautiful future.

  A few weeks later, a more exciting scene appeared again, with several small bags bulging up at the fork of the flower stem, and a slightly shy golden hue, blooming again! I was extremely surprised. But the fact tells me that even more strange things are still ahead, and the flower buds appear as if they have received a summoning order, competing to emerge!

  Sunflowers live an ordinary life, ordinary as they grow and wither. But live great, great to the point of dedicating everything!

5.描写写向日葵的英语作文 篇五

  Sunflowers represent prosperity and upward sunshine, making people full of hope for the future.

  Sunday is my birthday, and my father gave me a sunflower.

  This sunflower looks particularly tall and straight, with a green straight pole holding a large flower tray. There are several small leaves growing on the branches, which are fluffy and itchy. This sunflower has not yet bloomed, and the goose yellow petals wrap around the stamens. It seems like a little elf is sleeping inside - when the flowers are fully open, the elf will, say hello to you, smile at you, and say good morning.

  This sunflower was cut off. After returning home, I placed the sunflowers in a vase filled with water. Take a closer look, there is a leaf that has been bitten several times by insects.

  The next day, there was no change in the sunflower, even a faint change, and I waited anxiously. Three days have passed, and the sunflower has slightly opened a few petals, making people feel love and pity.

  Mom, come and see, the sunflowers are blooming. "On the seventh morning, I shouted excitedly, asking Mom to come and see the sunflowers. In front of us, a tall and upright sunflower bloomed, blooming so beautifully, like a small sun, radiating beautiful rays in the sky.

  I was shocked by the indomitable spirit of sunflowers, which can continue to grow even after being cut off. As long as there is a little hope, do not give up on growth, and strive to bloom! How worthy it is for us to learn.
