
时间:2022-09-02 01:33:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#六年级# 导语】争取时间就是争取成功,提高效率就是提高分数。©文档大全网为大家准备了《小学六年级上册英语第一单元练习题5篇》,供大家参考阅读。



  1. The shoes fit me very _____ (good).

  2.Are you good at _____ (draw)?

  3. It was sunny yesterday, many_____ (child) played in the park.


  ( ) 1.Long long ago, there a lot of monkeys.

  A. are B. was C. were

  ( )2. It’s time have lunch.

  A. to B. for C. on

  ( ) 3.These are the new clothes.

  A. boy B. boys’ C. boys’s

  ( ) 4.Can you new clothes my mother?

  A. make; to B. make; for C. do; for



  ⒈ The boy is very c_____. He is good at Maths.

  ⒉ Don’t s_____ in the library. Be quiet, please.

  ⒊ Two men could m_____ magic clothes for the king.

  ⒋ The f_____ king walked through the city without any clothes.

  ⒌ It’s Sam’s t_____ to tell the story.


  1. 一天, 狮子变成了王子。

  One day, the lions _____ _____ _____ .

  2. 不要把你的孩子给那个老奶奶。

  Don’t _____ the old woman your_____ .


  The old woman often _____ the girl _____.

  4. 我们正在努力思考怎么为你制作一个飞机。

  We _____ _____ _____ how to _____a plane _____you.

  5. 轮到你唱下一首歌吗?

  Is it _____ _____ _____ _____the_____ song?


  1. What an _______(interest)film!
  2. Turn left at the _______(bookstore).
  3. I want _______(have)a cat.
  4. Let me _______(carry)it for you.
  5. How can I _______(get)to the hospital?

  ( )A.Where is the nearest restaurant.
  ( )B.How can we get there?
  ( )C.OK!
  ( )D.I'm hungry.mum.I want to eat some food.Let's go to the restaurant.
  ( )E.Turn right at the cinema.Then go straight.It’s on the right.
  ( )F.It’s near the KFC.



  1. There is a park next to the post office.(改为一般疑问句)


  2. —________________________________________________________________?

   —Go straight and turn left at the park. Then you can see the cinema.

  3. —Is there a restaurant behind the hospital? (做肯定回答)


  4. we to the bookstore how get can (?)(连词成句)


  5. Where is the new library? (beside, the science museum)(根据提示写出答语)



   Hello. I’m Mike. Look! This is a map. There is a library in the middle of it. We often read books in it on the weekend. On the left, there is a museum. We can see robots in it. On the right, there is a cinema. I often see a film with my family. Can you see the hospital? It’s behind the library. There are many doctors and nurses. In front of the library there is a post office.

  ( ) 1. The library is in the middle of the map.

  ( ) 2. There is a cinema on the left of the library.

  ( ) 3. We can see robots in the museum.

  ( ) 4. The library is behind the hospital.

  ( ) 5. The post office is in front of the library.



  ( ) 1. A. right B. turn C. left

  ( ) 2. A. park B. school C. next to

  ( ) 3. A. post office B. near C. behind

  ( ) 4. A. great B. cinema C. bookstore

  ( ) 5. A. museum B. hospital C. straight


  ( ) 1. —________ Is there a hospital near here?


  A. I’m sorry   B. OK   C. Excuse me

  ( ) 2. I want to see a film. I can go to the ________.

  A. cinema   B. hospital   C. post office

  ( ) 3. —Where is the science museum?

   —It’s ________ to the bookstore.

  A. in front   B. far   C. next
