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【#英语资源# 导语】英语是世界上最流行的语言,也是所有语言中使用最广泛的语言,学好英语有利于我们对外交流。下面是©文档大全网整理发布的“初中英语作文”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  【篇一】我爱我的祖国 I Love My Country

Once, the old China was poor and lagged behind the world, but since the policy of Reform and Open has been carried out, China develops very fast and now its market is booming. A lot of foreigners come to China to seek for cooperation and more foreigners learn mandarin. When they come to this big country, they fall in love with the food and are attracted by its diversity. I am so proud that I am part of this country. Every time when I see the news about our government, I feel so proud. When we are in danger, the government will send the rescue team immediately. I love my country.

  【篇二】爱丽丝的最后章节 The Last Chapter of Alice

Many years ago, I saw a very exciting movie, which called Resident Evil. The protagonist was a girl, whose name was Alice. She woke up one day and found the world was different. A lot of people turned into walking dead and she had to fight for the evil. I love this movie so much. Alice is a brave girl. she is smart and equipped with all kinds of skills. Now the last chapter has come. The movie will end and Alice will finish the task. It is hard to say goodbye to this exciting movie, which has become a part of my childhood memory.

  【篇三】国足的进步 The Improvement of Chinese Football Team

Last night, my father went home early. After finishing dinner, he opened TV and then watched the football match. It was such an exciting game. Chinese football team fought against Korean team, which was a strong team. The result surprised everyone. Chinese football team won the match. My father jumped up from the chair and cheered out loudly. The news always reported the bad sides about Chinese football team, but now this great winning inspired the team and brought back confidence. After so many years’ losing, a great winning is in need and now this is the moment. It still has a long way to go for Chinese football team and we are happy to see the improvement.

初中英语作文:我爱我的祖国 I Love My Country.doc
