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【#儿童故事# 导语】成语故事从人们日常使用的大量成语中精选出一些成语以深刻形象的故事典故进行讲述,这些成语故事的语言生动、通俗易懂,能够帮助孩子了解历史、通达事理、学习知识、积累优美的语言素材,感受到中华传统文化的独特魅力。下面是©文档大全网整理分享的英语成语故事简单版,欢迎阅读与借鉴,希望对你们有帮助!

1.英语成语故事简单版 篇一

  In the spring and autumn period, a man in the state of song raised monkeys. The monkeys could understand what he said.
  As the man became poor, he wanted to reduce the monkeys' food. He first suggested that he give them three acorns(橡子) in the morning and four acorns in the evening.
  Thereupon, the monkeys protested angrily. Then their owner said, "how about four in the morning and three in the evening?" The monkeys were satisfied with that.
  This idiom originally meant to befool others with tricks. later it is used to mean to keep changing one's mind.

2.英语成语故事简单版 篇二

  Near China's northern borders lived a man well versed in the practices of Taoism. His horse, for no reason at all, got into the territory of the northern tribes. Everyone commiserated with him.
  "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing," said his father.
  After a few months, his animal came back, leading a fine horse from the north. Everyone congratulated him.
  "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of misfortune," said his father.
  Since he was well-off and kept good horses his son became fond of riding and eventually broke his thigh bone falling from a horse. Everyone commiserated with him.
  "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing," said his father.
  One year later, the northern tribes started a big invasion of the border regions. All able-bodied young men took up arms and fought against the invaders, and as a result, around the border nine out of ten men died. This man's son did not join in the fighting because he was crippled and so both the boy and his father survived.

3.英语成语故事简单版 篇三

  This idiom comes from Records of Three Kingdoms Kingdom of Wei Biography of Lu Yu. When Lu Yu, the minister of the State of Wei was young, his parents and brothers all died one after another, and he became an orphan. In such a difficult situation, he still studied very hard. Finally he became a talented person and served as a high officialof hisstate.Hewassouprightin performing his official duties that he was promoted to the minister of the Board of Civil Office, in charge of the officials' appointments and removals.
  Owing to the vacancy of Lu Yu's original post, it had to fill up a new official for it. Although there were many officials to recommend some well-known people for the post, all were refused by Emperor Wen. He only let Lu Yu do it and also pointed out:"It depends on you whether we can find the right person for the important post. But we can't choose someone only with fame in stead of his real ability. You see, the fame is just like drawing cakes on the ground to allay hungry."
  Then Lu expressed his idea:" You are right, YourMajesty, selections should depend on their real learning and abilities. But the real fame is still very important, such as self-possession and high moral character. So we should select people with both of them."
  Now we use it to describe comforting oneself with unrealistic thoughts, without solving practical problemsand feeding on illusions.

4.英语成语故事简单版 篇四

  On a vacation trip, Duke Huan of the state of Qi came to the ruin of the capital of Guo Shi , which perished long ago.
  Seeing the desolate and bleak prospects of broken tiles, collapsed walls, and clusters of weeds, he could not help asking the local people about the reason of the ruin of Guo Shi.
  They replied,"Guo Shi was fond of doing good deeds, and averse to evildoing, which led to the perdition."
  When the Duke could not understand the answer, people explained ," Though he liked doing good, he had never been able to do so; though he hated evildoing, never could he help not participating. That caused the ruin of his capital."

5.英语成语故事简单版 篇五

  A Man and a Satyr having struck up an acquaintance, sat down together to eat. The day being wintry and cold, the Man put his fingers to his mouse and blew opon them. "What's that for, my friend?" asked the Satyr. " My hands are so cold," said the Man, "I do it to warm them." In a little while some hot food was placed before them, and the Man, raising the dish to his mouse, again blew opon it. "And what's the meaning of that, now?" said the Satyr. "Oh," replied the Man, "my porridge is so hot, I do it to cool it." "Nay, then," said the Satyr, "from this moment I renounce your friendship, for I will have nothing to do with one who blows hot and cold with the same mouse."
