

时间:2023-09-02 01:17:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  Lesson 29 1c 2b 3a 4a 5a 6a 7b 8c 9d 10d 11c 12b
  1. The French, for instance, might find it hard to…
  *the French指整体意义上的法国人
  2. Most amusing stories are based on comic situations.
  *most of“大部分”of之后必须有限定词the, these, those, my, your
  Most people haven’t understood the question.多数人还没理解
  3. A man whose right leg had been broken was taken to hospital…
  *句子主干是A man … was taken to hospital
  4. He had no sooner arrived there than he began pestering his doctor…
  *见到no sooner找than一…就…
  5. The man compensated for his unpleasant experiences in hospital by drinking a little morethan…
  *题中需要一表方式的状语by doing表示通过…方式
  6. Though the doctor did all he could…
  *do one’s best
  *do all one can
  *do one’s utmost
  *make every effort
  *do all he could都表竭尽全力
  7. The doctor comforted him by…
  8. – and kept telling everyone to what extent he hated hospitals
  *to what extent与how much意思相同表程度
  *at great length极详细地,极周密地
  *to one’s cost亲自体验到
  9. He was still mumbling something to the same effect at the end…
  *to the same effect相同,同样
  He sent a letter and sent a fax to the same effect.发一封信并发一封内容相同的传真

