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【#英语资源# 导语】教师的主要职责中有一条是爱岗敬业,只有热爱教育行业的人才能成为一名真正的好教师,才有可能在接下来的教学生涯教出风采!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Dear leaders, colleagues:

  hello everyone!

  Einstein once said: "I think for all, only love is the best teacher, he far exceeds the sense of responsibility." No matter what profession a person is engaged in, one must first love his own career. Only then will he devote himself wholeheartedly. The motivation for loving your career is to be happy at work.

  Mr Tao Xingzhi once made such an analysis of the professional characteristics of teachers: educators should know that education is a nameless, unprofitable, and honorable thing, a pure department service opportunity and a chance to contribute. And there is no fame, no honor. In order to adapt to the rapid changes of the current society, modern teachers face many challenges, such as the update of knowledge structure, improvement of teaching technology, the attempt of new teaching methods, and the increasingly difficult to cope with the miscellaneous things... In order to cope with these changes, teachers must pay a price, and the price paid often cannot obtain visible benefits. Because of this, teachers tend to gain dignity from social status rather than economic status. This is also different from many other professions. Teachers take their spiritual world as professional resources to a large extent, and do not win by actual counted benefits. Then we should find happiness in our work.

  First, love for the post and work is the source of the driving force of the music and education industry.

  Only under the guidance of the spirit of loving the post and working hard, closely linking the development of school education work, the prosperity of national education and their own destiny, teachers can learn the pleasure of being a teacher and be proud of being a teacher, Take the teacher as pride. Under the control of the spirit of "loving the post and working hard", teachers will not regard ordinary work as ordinary work, not trivial work as trivial work, but will take every link of education and teaching seriously, show spirit in the subtle places, work hard on small things, experience the value of life in simple but great education work, and under the condition of market economy, The key to the cultivation of teachers' morality is to cultivate the spirit of loving and dedicated to the post. He is the key because he is not only the core and foundation of teachers' morality, but also the source of motivation to promote teachers' poor progress.

  Secondly, loving the post and working hard is the foundation of maintaining the stability of the teachers.

  The ancients said: "the state will prosper, and the teacher will be valued, the state will decline, the humble teacher and the light Fu." In today's world, the development of education of a country or nation is directly related to whether the country or nation can flourish and remain invincible. If the development of education is related to the fate of the country and the nation, it is a key point to ensure the stability of the teachers. Therefore, we should strengthen the education of teachers' morality, promote teachers to cultivate their professional responsibility, duty, pride and honor, only when all teachers cultivate or develop their own dedication to work and work hard, Only when we devote ourselves to the teaching and educating, can the teachers develop steadily.

  Thirdly, loving the post and working hard is the necessary premise for doing something in the post.

  Whether teachers can work in love with their jobs is one of the main factors that determine his work performance. Only those who love them can make a difference in their work. This is because the unremitting pursuit of loving the post and dedication can lay a good foundation or provide necessary premise for teachers to correctly deal with and solve many contradictions in the process of education. Only by loving the post and working hard, teachers can face their social responsibility and social obligations. "The state and the people have entrusted children to teachers to educate the most vulnerable by age, to cultivate, educate and build this generation of young people, that is, to entrust their hopes and future to them," said galling This kind of delegation of the state and the people is not unconditional. At the same time, the responsibility and obligation of teachers are stipulated when the children are handed over to teachers. These responsibilities and obligations are put forward on the basis of comprehensive familiarity with the law of education development. That is, we should make clear that: loving the post and working for work is the teachers' self-conscious identification and internalization of various norms and requirements, and the performance of consciously committing to fulfill social responsibilities and obligations. So it is the basic guarantee for teachers to love their jobs and work hard. Anyone can be a teacher, but not everyone can be a qualified teacher.

  Teachers should have rich knowledge, reasonable knowledge structure and ability structure, noble moral sentiment, good psychological cultivation, which are mainly achieved by teachers' self-education, self-cultivation and self-improvement. So where are the motivations for these practices? The profound familiarity of teachers' objective requirements for educational activities and their own quality level comes from the unremitting pursuit of solving this contradiction and the deep-seated dedication to work. With the dedication of loving post, teachers can have a rational familiarity with their own quality level, and make it close to the objective requirements of education work in education. Through their continuous improvement and development, it can provide guarantee for better completion of education tasks. If constantly improving self is the basis for teachers to make a difference in their work, then loving the post and dedication is the basis of the foundation. Loving the post and working hard can help teachers to deal with various social relations, resolve various contradictions and improve their work efficiency. In order to achieve work achievements, teachers must have social understanding, support from colleagues, cooperation of parents and conscious efforts of students. The spirit of "loving the post and working hard" has great help in these aspects, and it helps teachers improve their work efficiency and consolidate and develop their education.

  In short, only teachers love their jobs and work hard can they gain some in their education activities. On the contrary, they can only achieve nothing, and sigh. A teacher who loves to work and works hard not only relies on experience teaching to educate people, but also sums up the educational law and teaches scientifically according to the requirements of the law of education; Whether preparing for class, class, correcting homework or managing class, it will put its educational behavior under the observation of scientific familiarity, carry out scientific planning, organization, implementation and teach according to their aptitude. Obviously, teachers' work not only has an attitude problem, but also contains the subjective requirements of exploring science and pursuing the best education effect, and effective education methods. In other words, teachers' professional dedication, as a moral choice, embodies the comprehensive pursuit of unity of motivation and effect. Human beings have entered a new century. The new century and the new historical period call for the rapid development of education and the new teachers with both moral and talent. In order to meet the needs of social development and cultivate a new generation, we must do it.

  My speech is over, thank you!


  Leaders, teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  In this world, there is one kind of emotion that can best embody selflessness meaning called love. It can clear the rubble of sadness, push down the wall of despair, and light the light of hope. Being a people's teacher must have a love first, because education itself means that one tree shakes another tree, one cloud pushes another cloud, one soul wakes up another soul. It is a process of moral education, conduct, enlighten wisdom, raise sex with sex and move emotion with emotion.

  For students, teachers' love is a magical and great power, and it is another great love in the world besides mother love. This love is selfless. But teacher love is different from mother love, because it is a combination of reason and soul, and a bridge between teachers and students. Teachers love can lead students to generate great internal motivation, and consciously and actively take the direction pointed out by the teacher. Only when teachers give students sincere love, give them a sense of closeness, trust and expectation, can students have a psychology of attachment and admiration to teachers, and can we open up their inner world to teachers. Only when we can "treat the right case" and receive the due effect. Therefore, teachers must use their own love to affect students, to achieve emotional, rational, moral, emotional combination, will produce emotional effect, and receive better moral education.

  Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator, once said a famous saying to the teacher: "watt is under your whip, Newton is in your cold eye, and Edison is in your ridicule.". At the same time, Mr. Tao also explained the meaning of "love" with his own words and behaviors. One day, Mr Tao Xingzhi saw a boy who wanted to smash his classmates with bricks, and ordered him to go to the principal's office. When Mr. Tao Xingzhi got to know something, he returned to the office and saw the boy waiting for him. Tao Xingzhi took out a piece of sugar and handed it to him: "it's for you because you come on time than I am." Then he took out a piece of sugar to the boy: "this is also for you. I won't let you beat people. You stop immediately, which means you respect me very much." The boy will take the candy with confidence. Tao Xingzhi added: "it is understood that you beat your classmates because he bullied the female classmates, indicating that you have a sense of justice." "And Mr Tao took out the third piece of sugar and said. At this time, the man cried: "headmaster, I am wrong, my classmates are no longer right, I can not take this way." Mr Tao took out the fourth candy and said, "you have admitted your mistake. I have another piece of sugar. My sugar is over, and our conversation is over." Some of the stories are worth pondering and playing with. Some teachers can not find the reason to praise and praise from the "backward students". Besides, it is not a reason to lack love except for not thinking about problems from many angles.

  Stepping into the Jingjing campus, we face to face several big words: Building Teachers' morality, casting the spirit of teachers, practicing teachers' skills and building teachers' watch are our common heart voice and a firm oath of a middle school! I will never forget my responsibility, and I will plant love among children while spreading knowledge, because I know that in this world, there is a kind of emotion that can best embody selflessness meaning called love, which can clear the rubble of sadness, push down the desperate 'broken wall, and light the lamp of hope.

  There is love, everything.


  Dear leaders, teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Cai Yuanpei, an educator of a generation, once said: "to have a good society, we must first have good individuals; To have a good individual, we must first have a good education. " Generally speaking, good education requires excellent teachers.

  Some people compare teachers to "those who hold up the sun of tomorrow". This metaphor is very appropriate“ "Supporting" is not "protecting" chickens like hens; It's not "taming" animals like a circus. Education is a profound art, we need every educator to put in all our love to explain the meaning of "trust".

Without love, there will be no education. Without love, it is impossible to open the window of students' hearts, let alone make us qualified and excellent educators. Only with the support of love, we can cultivate a high-quality team, a team belonging to the 21st century.

  At all times and in all over the world, countless excellent educators have practiced and silently told us an irrefutable truth: only when we love every student like our own children can we open the window of every student's heart and educate them well. As a teacher, we may be familiar with the name of Wei Shusheng. He served as president and secretary. There were 38 part-time jobs in the society inside and outside the province. He did not change a composition or take an exam. Take two graduating classes taught by Wei Shusheng in 1988 as an example: 135 students in the summer entrance examination all reached the entrance mark line; Among the 14 middle schools in the city, there are 30 candidates with more than 600 scores, 10 of whom are in Wei Shusheng class; The first, second and third place in the city's total score and the first place in Chinese, politics, mathematics, chemistry, English and biology are all students of Wei Shusheng's class. " When I saw this passage, I was deeply shocked. I was also a teacher. How I wanted to be like him.

  There is no doubt that Wei Shusheng's teaching is certainly good, but only good teaching is not enough. There are many teachers who teach well, but the effect is not necessarily as good as him. Why? That is the lack of another important cornerstone of achievement, that is, love and respect for students.

  His respect is true, not hypocritical, and it's all there is to it. His respect for students is like the relationship between you and me. From my own point of view, there is no doubt that I also love my students. After class, I will also touch the students' heads and make fun of them; When students are ill, I will take them to the hospital; Every festival, I will also call the students home. However, in essence, I am still me and students are still students. When they make mistakes, I will still stand in the position of teachers and criticize them; When they contradict themselves, I also feel that they have offended the dignity of teachers. Therefore, the students only moved me for a moment, not willingly convinced. So when I come out of the classroom, some forced students are unwilling to study. That's the essence.

  But a friend is not. What a friend asks you to do must be done well, because you are afraid of failing him. Wei Shusheng's classroom should be like this. Students are friends respected by teacher Wei, and teacher Wei is friends respected by students. The exchange condition is that teachers give students the best democracy and students give teachers the best grades. Because Wei Shusheng gave up being tall, he gained closeness and success.

  If every teacher, like Mr. Wei, implements democracy, truly loves students from the bottom of his heart, and plays a humble role for teachers and a stronger role for students, then there will not only be success in scores, but also maturity in social morality. As educators, we are facing a group of new generation who dare to challenge and question. They have their own ideas and opinions. They are not credulous and follow blindly. They are not superstitious about the authority of teachers. This requires us to move them with all our love, just like strict father and loving mother.

  "It's a long way to go. I'll go up and down to seek it!", Colleagues here, in our educational career, there is still a long way to go, but no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we continue to use love to irrigate every student's heart, just as we treat our beloved children, we have no reason not to succeed! I firmly believe that the sun held up with love today will shine brilliantly tomorrow.

