

时间:2024-06-26 03:06:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#三年级# 导语】如今,英语已经成为了世界语,渗透在全世界的每一个角落,政治、经济、文化、娱乐,可以说,我们每天的生活,以及生活的每个方面,都在这种语言的影响之下。所以,从小教育孩子学习英语,是为了将来更好融入社会而刻不容缓的事情!以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您!


  1.( ) A. book B. ball C. doll

  2.( ) A. tree B. here C. three

  3.( ) A. Mr B. Miss C. me

  4.( ) A. puppy B. parrot C. please

  5.( ) A. my B. you C. your

  6.( ) A. rubber B. ruler C. robot

  7.( ) A. stand up B. sit down C. drink milk

  8.( ) A. on the box B. behind the box C. under the box

  9.( ) A. come in B. over there C. How beautiful !

  10.( ) A. Don’t shout . B. Don’t sleep . C. Don’t run.


  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  ( ) Is this your toy car ?

  ( ) What’s that on the floor ?

  ( ) Don’t shout in the classroom .

  ( ) Where is my mother ?

  ( ) The dog is behind the tree.


  ( ) 1.Where’s your bird?

  ( ) 2.Is it your new pencil case?

  ( ) 3.My pen is on the English book.

  ( ) 4.Now it’s behind my desk.

  ( ) 5.That isn’t my school bag.


  ( )1. A. No, thank you. B. Yes , Mr Green . C. It’s nice .

  ( )2. A. Yes , please. B. Yes , it is . C. I’m sorry .

  ( )3. A. No, it isn’t. B. It’s in the tree . C. Yes, it’s on the car.

  ( )4. A.It’s behind the door. B. It’s a door . C. Yes , it’s a door .

  ( )5. A. It’s in my bag. B.She’s in the library. C.He’s in the classroom


  1. - A: Where’s the pen? - B: It’s_______ the book.

  2. - A: Is this your _______? - B: Yes, it is.

  3. - A: Don’t_________ in class. - B: I’m sorry.

  4. - A: Is your rubber________ your bag? - B: No, it isn’t.

  5. - A: _______ the book, please. - B: OK.



  ( )1. A. blackboard B. chair C. black

  ( )2. A. eat B. cake C. drink

  ( )3. A. he B. she C. my

  ( )4. A. where B. this C. that

  ( )5. A. on B. is C. in

  ( )6. A. schoolbag B. robot C. rubber

  ( )7. A. black B. white C. crayon

  ( )8. A. stand B. sit C. down


  ( )1. ________ the blackboard, please. OK

  A. Look B. Look at C. Open

  ( )2._________ shout in the library. I’m sorry.

  A. Please B. Isn’t C. Don’t

  ( )3.Is this a parrot ?---

  A. Yes, it isn’t . B. No, it isn’t . C. Yes , please .

  ( ) 4.I like to _______ juice(果汁).

  A. eat B. drink C. sleep

  ( )5.What’s ______ over there? It’s a car.

  A. this B that C. Is

  ( )6. __________ is your jacket? It’s brown.

  A. Where B. What C. What colour

  ( )7. Don’t drink _______here.

  A. 不填 B. in C. at

  ( )8. Is that _______ book? Yes, it’s your book.

  A. you B your C. my

  ( )9. ________ my puppy? It’s in the box.

  A. What’s B. Where C. Where’s

  ( ) 10. It’s too cold(冷). _______ the window, please.

  A. Open B. Close C. Don’t

  四、从Ⅰ栏中找出Ⅱ栏相应的答句,将序号填入题前括号( 每小题1分,共6)。

  Ⅰ                    Ⅱ

  ( )1.Where’s Mike?          A. How beautiful!

  ( )2.Is your pen in the book?     B. Thank you.

  ( )3.Where’s the cat? Guess!     C. He’s in the library.

  ( )4.Look at the parrot.        D.It’s in the tree.

  ( )5.Here you are.           E. No, it isn’t.

  ( )6.Don’t eat my pie.        F. Yes ,Miss Li.

  五、连词成句,注意大小写形式及标点符号。( 每小题2分,共10分)

  1. pen , your , Is, that, (?)

  2. is, Where, English, my, book, (?)

  3. listen, the , to, Don’t, parrot, (.)

  4. is , It, here, not, (.)

  5. tree, Is, it, in, the, now, (?)


  ( )1. 你想知道自己的短裙在哪里,你可以问:

  A. Is this my skirt? B. Where is your skirt? C. Where is my skirt?

  ( )2. 你想告诉同学这不是你的小汽车,你可以说:

  A. This is a car. B. Is that my car? C. This isn’t my car.

  ( )3. 同学给你看他新买的夹克衫,你可以说:

  A. Here you are. B. It’s red. C. Wow, how beautiful!

  ( )4. 你想提醒朋友不要在公交车上跑,你可以说:

  A. Don’t eat,my puppy. B. Don’t sleep, my dear .

  C. Don’t run, my friend.

  ( )5. 风筝飞到了树上,你可以说:

  A. It’s on the tree. B. It’s in the tree. C. He’s in the tree.

  ( )6. 当妈妈找不到饭盒,你发现了,可以说:

  A. It’s here. B. It’s not my lunch box. C. Thank you.

  七、 根据图片内容,填入所缺单词,注意大小写。(8分)

  1. A: _______ this your pen, Liu Tao?

  B: No, _______ isn’t.

  A: _______ your pen?

  B: It’s ________the book.

  2. This________a robot. ______ a rubber.

  3. This is a_________ . ______ is a lunch box.


  A. Thank you.

  B. Hello, Helen. Is this my rubber?

  C. No, it isn’t. It’s my rubber.

  D. Hello, Mike.

  E. Where’s my rubber?

  F. Look! It’s under the chair. Here you are.

