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【#同等学力# 导语】不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。对于考试而言,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。©文档大全网为您提供同等学力英语词汇,快来看看吧!


  (be)made from 由...制造

  (be)made up of 由...组成/构成

  make for 走向,导致,有助于

  make out 书写,看出,辨认出,理解,了解

  make up 弥补,化妆,拼凑,构成,编造(故事,谎言等)

  make up for 补偿,弥补

  a great many /a good many 许多,大量

  as a matter of fact 实际情况,*

  no matter 无论,不管...

  by all means 一定,务必

  by any means 无论如何

  by no means 绝不

  by means of 用,凭借

  in memory of 纪念

  at the mercy of 在...支配下

  bear /have/keep...in mind 记在心里

  change one`s mind 改变主意

  make up one`s mind 决定,下决心

  never mind 不要紧,没关系

  by mistake 错误地

  mistake ...for 将...误认为

  mix up 混合,混淆,搞糊涂

  at the moment 此刻

  for the moment 暂时,目前

  in a moment 一会儿

  all the more 越发

  more or less 或多或少

  no more 不再

  no more than 只是,仅仅

  at most/at the most 最多,至多


  in the name of 以...的名义

  neither ...nor 既不...也不

  from now on 从今以后

  just now 刚才,刚刚

  now and then 时而,不时

  now that 既然,由于


  have on 穿着...,戴着...

  on and off 断断续续,不时地

  so on 等等

  (all)at once 突然

  once in a while 偶尔,有时

  once again /more/over 再一次,又一次

  once and again 一而再,再三

  once for all 再也不,一劳永逸

  once upon a time 从前

  not only ...but (also)不仅...而且

  bring /put into operation 使实施,使执行

  come /go into operation 实施,执行

  in order 整齐,秩序井然

  in order that 以便,为了

  in order to 为了

  out of order 发生故障,失调

  other than 除... all out 全力以赴

  out of 在...外,离开,出于,缺乏,没有

  all over 到处,遍及

  owing to 由于,因为

  on one`s own 独自,靠自己

