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【#英语资源# 导语】英语美文的阅读有助于我们对英语知识的学习,提升我们的英语能力,©文档大全网整理了“高中英语作文:乡村教师Country Teacher”,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  【篇一】乡村教师Country Teacher

In the 1990s, as the call of the government that teachers should go to the country to serve the people, there are more and more teachers go to the country to continue their teaching education. People speak highly of the teachers, because they contribute their youth to the teaching education. I recognize a country teacher when I were in my internship, after a month in the country, I feel lonely and bored, I began to admire country teachers. They are so great, they choose to go to the village at their best youth, giving up the comfortable life in the city. I am wondering what make them make such decision. The teacher I know said that they thought they would here just for a few years, but as the time went by, they felt the kids needed them, so they stayed. I am so admire them, they are the real great men. 在1990年,随着国家呼唤教师下乡服务人民,越来越多的教师下乡从事他们的教育事业。人们高度评价教师,因为他们把自己的青春奉献给了教育事业。我在实习的时候认识了一名乡村教师,在乡村的一个月里,我觉得孤独和无聊,开始敬佩乡村教师。他们很伟大,选择在他们的年华下乡,放弃了城市里优越的生活。我想知道是什么让他们做这个决定。我认识的那个教师说他们以为会在这里呆个几年,但是随着时间的流逝,他们觉得孩子需要他们,所以决定留下来。我很佩服他们,他们是真正伟大的人。

  【篇二】出国旅游的梦想The Dream of Traveling Abroad

When I learned English, I had no idea why would I learn it, but as I was in high school, my English teacher showed me many things about the foreign country, then I came to know what the foreign country was like. They are so different from China, the world is so big, I must travel abroad someday, I want to see the other countries, having access to their tradition. I am very interested in the culture, I know our country’s culture well, I want to know more beyondChina. I learn thatParisis very fashionable,Egyptis an old city with its famous tower,Veniceis a water city, all of there are so interesting to me. English is a basic tool that I can communicate with the world, so I must learn English well, making enough money and realize my dream. 当我学英语的时候,我不知道我为什么要学,但是当我读高中的时候,我的英语老师向我展示了很多关于外国的东西,然后我开始知道外国是怎样的。它们跟中国很不同,世界很大,我将来一定要出国旅游,我想要看看其他国家,接触它们的传统。我对文化很感兴趣,我很了解中国的文化,我想要了解中国外更过的东西。我知道巴黎很时尚,埃及很古老,那里有出名的塔,威尼斯是水上城市,所有的这些对我来说都很有趣。英语是我和世界沟通的工具,所以我一定要学好英语,挣足够的钱来实现我的梦想。

  【篇三】如何控制人口增长How To Control The Population

Chinahas a large population, the world’s most population is here. Even though our government has carried out the policy of Family Plan many years ago, the population is still increasing that our economy is lagging behindAmericaand other developed countries. In order to improve citizens’ life level, the population must be control. People should have the consciousness that having many kids is not a good choice, giving a good birth and giving good care are the best way to raise kids, so Family Plan is a good policy, people should carry out. What’s more, raising only a kid means you have more time and money to enjoy life. If you raise more, all of your life you just keep worrying about the kids and ignore what you really want. The European has made a good example, they enjoy their life so much. Family Plan is good policy to control the population. 中国有很多人口,世界上最多的人口在这里。即使我们的政府在多年前就实行了计划生育的政策,人口仍然在增长,使得我们的经济落后于美国和其他发达国家。为了提高居民的生活水平,人口必须控制。人们应该意识到多要孩子不是个好的抉择,优生优育是培养孩子的方法,所以计划生育是一项好政策,人们应该执行。而且,养育一个孩子以为着你有时间享受生活。如果你多要孩子,你的一生都在担忧孩子,忽视了你真正想要的。欧洲人给我们做出了很好的示范,他们多么享受生活。计划生育是控制人口的好政策。

高中英语作文:乡村教师Country Teacher.doc
