
时间:2022-09-02 02:53:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】军训的目的是通过严格的军事训练提高学生的政治觉悟,激发爱国热情,发扬革命英雄主义精神,培养艰苦奋斗,刻苦耐劳的坚强毅力和集体主义精神,增强国防观念和组织纪律性,养成良好的学风和生活作风,掌握基本军事知识和技能。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Today is the first day of military training. I originally participated in military training with a feeling of anxiety. According to past experience, I was deeply impressed and very strict by the training of instructors. But today is different. In the morning, we are divided into four groups to play games. Each game requires team cooperation, especially when we look at cards and guess the number arrangement. We all contribute to the team with our own wisdom, so that we can achieve the first good result. This makes me realize that the power of an individual may be small, but the power of a team is huge.

  This afternoon is the training in line. I thought it was very painful, but in fact it was full of joy. The basketball court echoed our loud slogans and orderly steps, and we would laugh because of a classmate's small mistake. There is also a story told by the instructor that when he joined the army, he was trained on the farm in the summer. The environment was very bad, but everyone was motionless. For the honor of the whole class, I was very moved. I feel my feet ache when I stand in the military position for five or six minutes, and I admire them very much for choosing the hard and tired road of being a soldier.


  Today is the first day of military training. Since I got up in the morning, I have been looking forward to the four-day military training. At the end of the day, I learned a lot and realized a lot of truth.

  In the morning, we train in formation, which tests our endurance and reflects our attitude. It's very difficult to stand still with your hands sticking out of your sleeves in the biting cold wind. Indeed, at the beginning, we hid our hands in our sleeves without the attention of the instructor. At this time, we were not in the state of military training. However, after several corrections by the instructor, we gradually entered a good situation. The military posture can stand very standard, and the salute and other training can be standardized at one time. After the morning training, we really entered the state of military training.

  In the afternoon we played games. It's not so much a game as a field practice. We deeply understand the importance of teamwork in the game process. Without good team cooperation, we can't do great things. Our group has achieved good results under good team cooperation.

  Today, I learned a lot, have a new mental outlook, understand the importance of teamwork, and look forward to the military training content tomorrow.


  Military training, with tears and sweat, deep breathing, highly nervous thoughts and quick and powerful actions, all constitute a beautiful landscape. When I put on the military uniform, I felt a sense of mission, and my spoiled habits were instantly transformed into strong and independent. Military training has tempered our will and pushed part of our lives to the limit. The students also gathered together in an instant, and our mental outlook took on a new look!

  In the military training, we suffered and laughed. We stood in the hot sun, and our skin became darker day by day. We were blown in the rain, and our whole body was wet. In order to practice our movements in order, we practice them repeatedly, with the sun rising until the sun sets. We learned to sing military songs, chatted with the instructor, and laughed. This is a painful and happy memory! I learned to stick, stick!

  The days of military training are like the soil after the wind and rain. After countless washes, it will eventually precipitate. People will be strong only after experiencing setbacks. Soldiers are the most lovely people. It is sad to think that instructors will always leave. My heart is always filled with the drillmaster's commands and their singing of military songs! I cautiously carry my dream, with faith and unswerving determination, I will actively forge ahead in junior high school life!


  Military training is not bitter. Military training is of course bitter, and sometimes we can't bear it. But we have to bear it no matter how hard it is. Military training is not only a synonym. In my opinion, it is also a battlefield without gunsmoke. There is no gunsmoke, no blood, and no artillery fire. In this battlefield, only sweat and hard work support us. The enemies on this battlefield are not others, They are not teammates of their company. The enemy is just themselves. To be more precise, the enemy should be yesterday's self. Every day's training, repeated over and over again, is to better defeat yesterday's self. Military training is not only a training, but also an opportunity to transform oneself.

  Returning to the original topic again, is military training bitter? Of course, military training is bitter. However, our new generation of young people should not be afraid of hardship. They should face the hardships and hit their limits again and again. As long as they are a little stronger than yesterday, this is success, that is, they change themselves bit by bit and transform themselves bit by bit.

  Military training is hard, but we should not be afraid of it, and we should also enjoy it.


  Today is the fourth day of military training. During the military training in the past few days, I felt deeply. The military training has always given me a sense of seriousness and concentration. Although it was a student military training, the instructors all showed 100% responsibility. The instructor's serious face, the husky voice of the command, the students' shouts of Changhong, the crystal sweat and the wet camouflage clothes on their forehead. Everything seems so monotonous, but the monotonous scenery makes me understand a lot.

  These days of military training have made me deeply feel the importance of treating people sincerely and uniting as one. When one member of the team makes a mistake and the whole team is punished, it has made me deeply understand that we are a collective and can not implicate everyone because of our own mistakes. So everyone is very serious when facing the training. When playing the forward step, all people need to have a uniform rhythm and orderly steps. And the difficulty is yes, we kick the step again and again. We are also honing our will while honing our actions. This makes us stronger and more united.

  The days of military training are like the soil after the wind and rain. After countless washes, it will eventually settle down until it is integrated into the bottom of my life.


  In a blink of an eye, half of the military training has passed, and every day's military training has left us with different insights.

  The drizzle, the posture of the instructor and the back of the students constitute a picture of youth. Look, the students' military fists are fierce and powerful. The voice is loud and makes Xiaoyu retreat. After correction again and again, the comrades sweat like rain, and the instructors give careful instruction, resulting in more standard and orderly actions and praise from the leaders.

  Military training is like coffee. It is bitter before sweet. It is like green tea. Although it is bitter in the mouth, it has endless aftertaste. The road of life is full of thorns, waiting for us to open up and explore. Military training is the tool for us to explore: perseverance, courage and self-confidence, so that we can firmly embark on the journey with a high attitude and walk out of the broad road of life!

  Life is short, enjoy it. If you don't struggle and work hard, how can you appreciate the joy of success after failure, and how can you remember the sweet that has remained for a long time? Comrades, with sweat, a bright tomorrow is in front of you, and the other side of victory is in front of you!


  Today is my first time to participate in military training. At the beginning, the situation was not particularly ideal. Some students failed to insist and gave in to difficulties. However, looking at more students who persevered, they dragged their tired bodies back to the team to participate in training. It can be seen that our class has a very strong cohesion. I believe that class 1505 will persist to the end, become a show class and win the victory.

  In the evening, we learned military songs. From the instructor's songs, I felt the strength of soldiers. Just as the lyrics say, "obeying orders is the bounden duty of soldiers", just like us in military training, we are soldiers!

  We must train hard, cultivate a firm will, and meet the next three years of junior high school study in a good state. Everything depends on persistence.


  Today is the last day of military training, and tomorrow it will enter the general rehearsal stage of inspection. Today's training content is still marching in unison, but it is more demanding on the degree of tidiness. However, the importance and difficulty of the degree of tidiness can not be underestimated. If we want to maintain a square array all the time, it is estimated that we will not be able to practice in ten days and a half months.

  During the rest time, our platoon, led by the platoon leader, trained several times together. Some people said that it was unnecessary, and some said that we were too crazy. However, when we walked in unison, we quickly showed our advantages. Don't line up. Some people don't look at the line, and sometimes they are fast and slow. "Uneven". Only our line is always neat in the mouth of the instructor. Therefore, we rest earlier than the other four lines. As the old saying goes, "Kung Fu is not bad for those who want it!"!

  Although we are temporary, I think there is still room for improvement. Tomorrow, we will formally show the results. So I decided to review the contents I learned before at home today and strive to show the side of tomorrow!


  Before I came to the Affiliated High School of Tsinghua University, I always thought that military training was a very useless and superfluous thing. However, after I started military training, I found that military training can temper people's willpower and enable a person to learn to be strong and learn to live independently.

  After the military training started, we got up every morning and ran in the morning. We should have run twice, but I couldn't run because of special reasons. Our teacher was very considerate of me. During the military training, other students also shouted bitterness, but they still insisted.

  We have three meals a day. The uncles and aunts in the canteen are very friendly. If the food is gone, they will add it to us. Here I also learned to be polite, that is, to bow and say hello to teachers, staff and instructors.

  In short, I benefited a lot from military training. I really look forward to my future study and life.


  His upright posture stood against the sun, sweat flowed from his high nose bridge, and his eyes were easy-going but sharp. With a confident "gathering", he began today's training.

  I've never been able to sit without standing and lie without sitting. I'm in the late stage of cancer and finally ushered in the first military training in my life.

  Today, we are still being trained by the chubby instructor Ren, whose curved smile is full of tenderness. However, once you make a mistake, you will never be lenient.

  The neat and uniform team is as straight as green pine trees. Although this is the second day of military training, I think my endurance has been much higher. Although standing in the military posture is very tired and the soles of my feet are very painful, I keep thinking Tell yourself that there is still the last minute, just the last minute. Stick to it, others can, and you can!

  Military training is only a small test given to us by the school, and it is also a necessary lesson in life. We should not shrink back and give up. This is what we should look like!
