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【#英语资源# 导语】“当元旦烟火燃起的那一霎那,请把所有的不愉快都丢掉,用美好的心情去迎接这最开心的一天,去开启最幸福的一年。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!

1.元旦趣事英语作文范文 篇一

  This year's New Year's Day is coming. The streets are decorated with lanterns and festoons. There is a festive and peaceful atmosphere everywhere. Looking at this familiar scene, I can't help thinking of an interesting event that happened on New Year's Day last year.

  That afternoon, I clamoured for dumplings. While making dumplings, Grandma took out a copper coin and said mysteriously: "This copper coin represents peace. Whoever eats it will be safe this year." With that, Grandma washed the copper coins and wrapped them in the dumplings skillfully. After the glutinous rice balls were kneaded, they began to cook. Soon, the glutinous rice balls were cooked, and the "round and fat" glutinous rice balls rolled in the pot, as if in a swimming competition. Grandma scooped up six glutinous rice balls in each bowl, symbolizing the "six sixth great luck". I looked at these white and soft glutinous glutinous rice balls and said, "My mouth watered for three thousand feet." I wanted to eat them right away. Suddenly, I found that one dumpling was much bigger than the others, and I thought: There should be no "intrigue" in it, right? It's better to leave it to Mother. So I secretly "moved" the tangyuan into my mother's bowl. Unexpectedly, when my mother was "losing weight" this time, she "moved" to my father's bowl again. My father pretended to be "sad and indignant" and said, "I'm a man in the family. I won't argue with you little girls. You don't eat, I eat!" After saying that, my father forced himself to swallow. When his father was halfway through the meal, he suddenly stopped and asked strangely, "How did I eat a copper coin? Who put it in?" "Ah! That's the Peace Coin!" I cried out with exaggeration. Later, I said "bitterly": "That dumpling was originally mine, but I let you eat it. Alas, I won't do it!" My father said wittily, "I have eaten dumplings. If you want them, climb into my stomach and get them!" My father's funny language made the whole family laugh, and my tears came out.

  I like the happy atmosphere in my home!

2.元旦趣事英语作文范文 篇二

  On the afternoon of December 31, our class was very lively, and both sides of the classroom were crowded with students full of expectations; Some parents are standing on the platform to hang decorations, some are sticking colorful balloons on the high windowsill, and some are holding cameras at the back of the classroom to take photos and videos; The "actor" and the host seized the time to get the props and lines ready to play.

  With the students' orderly "five, four, three, two, one" sound, the 2014 New Year's Day get-together opened grandly, and I and three other hosts came onto the stage one after another. Although I lost my voice, I read the lines with rich feelings. The first to appear was a group of musical instruments: Liu Yijun's guitar solo Happy New Year and Jingle Bells; "Türkiye" by Xu Yihan and Liu Yu is fascinating to listen to, together with the cheerful accompaniment, it sounds very good; Che Ruixin's zither solo "On the Jinshan Mountain in Beijing" is very beautiful. In the process of their performance, everyone could not help clapping their hands, and gave warm applause after the performance.

  Then, the parent-child game pushed the atmosphere to a climax. The rules of the game are that parents cover their eyes, carry their children, bypass the chair, step on the balloon, pick up the cup, hand it to the children, and run back to the starting point. Of course, this needs children to guide the way. My mother and I also participated in this game. After fierce competition, with the joint efforts of our mother and son, we won the first place.

  Then there are martial arts performances and singing performances. Yan Baolin and Liu Ziyun perform Taekwondo; Zai Yongxiang's swordsmanship is deeply loved by everyone; Li Binbin performed Luohan Boxing. In the singing performance, each student showed his talent and talent for singing. We performed "I am a real villain" for three sentences and a half. Our performance made everyone laugh, won the first prize, and was praised by everyone. They were very happy. There are also wonderful programs such as Li Junchen's hip-hop dance and Zhao Ruiyu's science show.

  I have gained a lot from the New Year's party. I didn't expect you to be so versatile!

3.元旦趣事英语作文范文 篇三

  Early in the morning, just before dawn, I got up excitedly. Because today the school will hold a New Year's Day get-together!

  With a cheerful mood, I hummed while walking. The sun is shining warm on the earth, and the birds are singing happily, as if they are accompanying me!

  Once in the classroom, the classroom is completely new. The ceiling is covered with colorful balloons. I seem to be in a lively amusement park. There are several ripe grapes and mushrooms on the wall, which makes people salivate. It's really lifelike! This jubilant atmosphere made the students eager to start the New Year's Day get-together.

  In a burst of overwhelming applause, the party finally officially kicked off!

  After the beautiful host said the opening remarks, everyone began to count down. Amid the cheers, the host invited me to be the little angel to present New Year's gifts to everyone. With a jubilant atmosphere, we played a fun "squatting fruit" game.

  Then came the link of "talent exhibition". First, everyone danced a group dance. With the hot music, everyone jumped up happily. Then, another student played the melodious and graceful gourd silk for everyone. This melodious voice seems to take us to the beautiful and quiet lake, so that we can see the beauty of the lake and feel the charm of winter.

  But what impressed me most was modern dance, because it was my own performance. When my little partner and I went on the court, we were still nervous, and our movements were unnatural. But in the end, my little partner and I cooperated with each other and acted generously. The following students burst into thunderous applause. This made me confident and got the prize as I wished.

  We played the interesting game of "stepping on balloons" again, and I also participated in it. At first, I dodged from side to side, fearing that others would break my balloon. However, the number of balloons under my feet is decreasing, which makes me very busy. It's a pity that I lost, but I'm not discouraged. The most important thing is to participate!

  Then, we played several games, which made us both excited and happy.

  At last, we danced horse riding dance. With the music, we couldn't help jumping up.

  In this way, the New Year's Day get-together ended in laughter.

4.元旦趣事英语作文范文 篇四

  Time flies like an arrow, year after year, the new year starts again and ushers in the beginning of the new year - New Year's Day. Speaking of New Year's Day, I can't help recalling the interesting things about New Year's Day in the past

  On the eve of New Year's Day, the classroom was busy: some people pasted wall paintings, some people blew balloons, some people hung colored lights... It was very lively. With the concerted efforts of everyone, the classroom was completely new.

  The day slowly darkened, and the New Year's party was officially opened. The host's mellow voice echoed in the classroom, and the program was staged!

  Interesting sketches made everyone laugh and clap on the table while laughing. It was very lively and elegant. The girls were beautiful and moving, dancing in the beat of notes, just like a fairy in the sky! Beautiful singing, interesting crosstalk, word games to develop the brain... The curtain has ended in everyone's laughter.

  After the show, the teacher led everyone to play a game. The first game was to clip balloons. The rule was that two people clip balloons, go to the opposite side and go back to continue to clip them. When the time came, it was decided which group had more clips, and which group members would be rewarded. Finally, the winner had a secret prize!

  At the beginning of the competition, the first group had no choice but to pick up the balloon when it fell off. This move could only be surpassed, and the second group became the winner. After a while, everyone was startled by the sound of "Pa". The members of the third group explained that they had accidentally stepped on the balloon just now and burst it, which was a burst of laughter. The second group won a set of books.

  Time is like flowing water. In the twinkling of an eye, the night is already deep, and everyone goes to sleep with regret and pleasure.

  The new year is new. No matter what troubles you have in 20xx, say goodbye and continue to work hard in 20xx!

5.元旦趣事英语作文范文 篇五

  The whole Chinese people know this from January 1 to New Year's Day. The New Year's Day holiday for primary school students must include a get-together, and this year is also the case.

  On Saturday, I can't wait to come to the school, but who knows that the classroom has been arranged: a large area in the middle, tables and chairs on both sides are neatly placed, windows and doors are hung with colorful ornaments... The students are also busy and happy; Soon, the get-together began.

  Under the announcement of the host, Wu Changhui and his uncle started their first program - drum kit. He was accompanied by Zhang Jie's "After Tomorrow". As soon as he reported the name of the song, he was immediately favored by the students. Even Mr. Jin, who is always serious, stood still and listened. With the perfect cooperation of guitar and drum set, Wu Changhui, with his superb skills, immersed his students and teachers in a special atmosphere, which was difficult to calm down for a long time. When the performance was finished, the students on both sides gave warm applause. Teacher Jin struck while the iron was hot and said, "Do you want to hear more?" We all said, "Yes!" Wu Changhui showed a triumphant look and played a piece of "Women's Flowers" again. The sound was very pleasant, as if people were in the realm of fantasy. But the good times didn't last long. After a while, the performance ended. However, Wu Changhui stepped off the stage with a space walk. Everyone shushed. Later, Hu Zhaohui performed magic tricks again, but at the critical moment, something unexpected happened: when he was proudly baking paper with fire, he might accidentally burn the paper because of a momentary mistake. The students burst into laughter. Then there are their sketches and crosstalk; Wang Yalong's songs are numerous.

  After a morning get-together, the students were still immersed in a happy atmosphere. Finally, the students reluctantly left the classroom. I love get-together and New Year's Day.

6.元旦趣事英语作文范文 篇六

  New Year's Day is coming. The streets are decorated with lanterns and decorations, and there is a festive atmosphere everywhere.

  Looking at the familiar scene, I remembered an interesting event that happened on New Year's Day last year. That afternoon, I wanted to eat dumplings, so Grandma made dumplings for me. She took out a coin and said, "This coin represents peace. Whoever eats it will be safe this year." Then Grandma washed the coins and put them in the dumplings. After the dumplings are wrapped, they are ready for cooking.

  Soon, the dumplings were ready. I looked at these hot dumplings and my mouth watered for 3000 feet. I wanted to finish them immediately. Suddenly, I found that one dumpling was much bigger than the others. I thought, "Is there anything in it?"? It's better to leave it to Mother.

  So I secretly put the dumplings in my mother's bowl. Unexpectedly, my mother was losing weight these days, and she put the dumplings in my father's bowl. Dad said, "I'm a man at home. If you don't eat, I will!" When Dad was halfway through the meal, he suddenly stopped and asked strangely, "How did I eat a coin? Who put it in?" "Ah! That's a peace coin!" I cried out with exaggeration.

  Later, I said with "great sadness": "That dumpling was originally mine, but you ate it." My father said, "I have eaten dumplings. If you want them, come into my stomach and get them!" Make the whole family laugh.

  I like the happy atmosphere in my home!

7.元旦趣事英语作文范文 篇七

  New Year's Day is the most favorite holiday for every child. Because every New Year's Day, there will be many interesting stories and many New Year's money can be received. It must be the same for New Year's Day in 20XX.

  I still remember that on New Year's Day in 20XX, my grandmother, uncle, aunt, father, mother, sister and brother went to the Little West Lake to play together. We had just arrived at the Little West Lake. My sister and I did not listen to the adults' command and jumped into the arms of the Little West Lake. I just walked to the other side of the lake and saw: "Wow, there are so many people, so the Little West Lake is so popular." On the bank, some people were playing with water, some people were taking photos, and some people were having a barbecue! Grandma took out the food. I saw it and ran to it. She picked up the food and gobbled it up. It was a fine day, but it was a little hot. As I ate the food, sweat ran down my head. "Look, you are hot. Come and bubble your feet with me!" Sister said. So I took off my shoes, rolled up my trouser legs, and put my feet into the water. Ah, how cool! My sister and I watched the scenery while soaking in the water. My mother said, "Yingying and Lele, let's go to pick up snails!" We picked up the snails and threw them into the lake. There were ripples on the lake, like wrinkles on Grandma's face. My sister and I were playing and jumping, just like two small fish playing in the lake. Our happy cries echoed in the sky of the small West Lake for a long time.

  Ah, the 20XX New Year is so interesting. I will never forget this happy New Year.

8.元旦趣事英语作文范文 篇八

  Every New Year's Day is a time for family reunion, which represents the arrival of the new year. During this period, of course, some interesting things will happen.

  My cousin Xiao Cao's father went abroad, but neither New Year's Day nor Spring Festival came. She was very sad, so his mother asked us to video call him. With a "ding", Xiaocao's father got through, and Xiaocao couldn't help himself: "Dad, where are you now? Are you still in Egypt?" "Of course I'm still in Egypt!" I saw the video over there: My uncle was wearing a red sports suit, with his shoulders exposed. I think it must be very hot! I saw his round "beer belly" propping up the sportswear round and round, and I almost sprayed the water out of my mouth. "Uncle, you have a lot of fat. It's time to lose weight!" I made a face at the phone. "Dad, how are you? How are you eating recently..." "Puff -" I vomited all the water on the ground, panting. Why? I saw a black thing in my uncle's white teeth just now. At first, I thought it was a black vegetable leaf! Who knew that when I looked close, I had no teeth! I laughed unkindly, "Uncle, what's wrong with your tooth?" "It's lost!" "Why did it fall?" The grass also hurriedly asked. "I washed it out when I was gargling and almost swallowed it." The grass asked, "Dad, can your teeth still grow?" We looked at each other and laughed. Then the grass seemed to understand the mistake: "No! No! It can't grow!" After saying that, he also laughed.

  This is really an interesting thing. If you have this kind of thing, tell me about it!

9.元旦趣事英语作文范文 篇九

  On New Year's Day, the classroom was decorated by the students, which changed the style of the solemn classroom into the warmest amusement park. We hung glittering ribbons on the four corners of the classroom. The desks in the classroom were piled up under the concerted efforts of the students, and the large space left became a place for us to celebrate New Year's Day.

  On New Year's Day, the school was the busiest. Every class had a New Year's party. The big New Year's Day dance in the school is in the daytime, and the New Year's Day party in the class is in the evening. When we passed the wonderful school dance in the day, the group activities in the class in the evening became the object of our expectation.

  There are many interesting things happened on New Year's Day, among which the chorus at the class evening party is probably the most memorable one for me. The school rules are strict, and we can relax only in this special moment. Most of the students in my class are fluent in English on weekdays. There is no way to say how to sing. They are almost disyllabic. Fortunately, the monitor in our class is a good singer. Whenever there is a big event in the school, the monitor of my class is sure to be on the list.

  Therefore, when the head teacher asked the class to sing a song on New Year's Eve, the students in the class could not help but lower their heads. There are even some students who can't help laughing. For nothing else, chorus has already happened in our class, but the effect is worrying.

  When the monitor walked onto the platform and asked the students of my class what songs they would sing, they hesitated and finally chose a song that the eldest brother would surely sing. Can you guess? Starting with the monitor, "Two tigers, two...", a children's song that everyone can sing, came out from our mouths with suppressed laughter. In the process of singing, many students in the class could not help laughing. When they felt that the song was over, the class was roaring with laughter, and everyone was out of breath. The singing voice of my classmates can even sing such a simple children's song out of tune. I believe that no class's singing voice is more amusing than that of my class.

10.元旦趣事英语作文范文 篇十

  The New Year is coming. In order to welcome the arrival of the New Year, we held a new interesting get-together - tug of war.

  The teacher asked us to register ourselves. All the boys were in high spirits and rushed to the platform. The teacher replaced the thin and small ones with tall and powerful boys, and all the girls volunteered. The teacher chose 15 tall and strong ones, while the slim ones could only serve as cheerleaders.

  The game is about to start. We play Class Five. All the thirty students rubbed their hands and said, "Look at them. They are thin as dried turnips. It's a piece of cake to deal with them." "Yes, we must win honor for Class 52." The physical education teacher whistled, and we began to work hard to fight for hemp rope. Unexpectedly, those radishes were not easy to deal with, and we lost the first game.

  The students were all dejected. The teacher helped us analyze the reasons: "The first one was to wear gloves and slip hands, which made it hard to use them; the second one should touch feet side by side, and the two rows should be closer to each other; the third one was to press the rope hard. We should work together to win the competition."

  The second game started. We acted according to the method the teacher said, and it was really effective. We pulled the rope bit by bit, and the other students were not willing to lag behind. They tried to pull the rope back. The two sides were deadlocked, only to hear the cheerleading team of our class desperately shouting, "Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on." We mustered our strength and pulled hard. A whistle of "Du" sounded, and we won. Then we went on to win another round. The students embraced happily. The teacher was too happy to shut up.

  The competition is over, and the students are unwilling to leave for a long time. We had a very interesting New Year's Day.
