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【#自考# 导语】你想获得优异成果的话,请谨慎地珍惜和支配自己的时间。你爱惜你的生命,从不浪费时间,因为你知道:时间就是塑造生命的材料。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《2018年10月自考英语(一)应试复习资料【4-6】》供您查阅。


  Text A Fallacies about Food


  1. fallacy n. 谬误;谬论;错误的推理或信念

  That the earth is flat used to be a popular fallacy.(地球是扁平的这一谬误曾一度很流行。)

  Needless to say, this statement is based on fallacy.(不用说,这是一个基于谬误推理的陈述。)

  2. quality n. 质量;品质,特性 adj. 优质的,高级的

  He is a man of many good qualities.(他具有许多优秀品质。)

  The quality of your products is superior to that of ours.(你们的产品质量比我们的好。)

  You have no reason to deprive me of the right to a quality education.


  qualify v. 使合适,使胜任

  I am not very sure if he is qualified for the job.(我不很肯定他是否胜任这份工作。)

  His skills qualify him for the job.(他的技艺使他有资格担任这一工作。)

  qualified adj. 有资格的;称职的

  He is trying hard to make himself a qualified teacher.(他在努力使自己成为一个称职的教师。)

  3. savage adj. 野蛮的,未开化的;凶猛的,残酷的 n.野蛮人,粗野的人

  Most of the time elephants are tame but they can be very savage.


  No one can put up with his savage manners.(谁也忍受不了他的粗暴态度。)

  4. tribe n. 种族,部落;(动植物)族,类

  This attitude still remains in some primitive tribes.(这种观念在一些原始部落中依然存在。)

  5. bravery n. 勇敢,大胆 brave adj. 勇敢的  v.冒(危险等);敢于做(某事)

  He made a brave attempt to prevent the group fighting.(他勇敢地试图阻止群殴。)

  They braved all the dangers and difficulties in completing their work.


  6. eager adj. 热切的,渴望的

  be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事

  be eager for/about sth. 渴求某事

  eager beaver 做事异常卖力的人;雄心勃勃的人

  The teacher found all the students were eager to express their opinions.


  I am eager for the performance to begin.(我热切地等待着演出的开始。)

  7. civilized adj. 文明的,开化的

  civilization n. 文明,文化

  8. root n. 根;根本,根源; v. (使)生根,(使)扎根

  She flushed to the root of her hair.(她羞得满脸通红。)

  He sat there rooted like a statue.(他像一尊雕塑一样一动不动地坐在那儿。)

  9. magic n. 魔法,魔力;魔术

  magical adj. 有魔力的;神秘的

  magician n. 魔术师;巫师

  The prince was turned by magic into a beast.(王子被魔法变成了一只野兽。)

  The magic of music is beyond words.(音乐的魅力无法用言语形容。)

  He used to believe that the old lady had magical powers.(他曾以为那个老太太有魔力。


  10. poisonous adj. 有毒的

  poison n.& v. 毒药;中毒,毒死;破坏

  11. overseas adv. 在海外,在国外  adj. 海外的,国外的

  He said he would travel overseas if he had a long holiday.(他说如果有长假,他就去国外旅游。)

  There is a vast overseas market for our goods.(我们的产品有广阔的海外市场。)

  12. widespread adj. 分布广的,普遍的

  Pollution problem is now attracting widespread attention.(污染问题正引起广泛关注。)

  13. digestive adj. 消化的,有消化力的

  digest v. 消化;领会

  digestion n. 消化;领悟

  indigestible adj. 难理解的;难消化的

  It will be very helpful for you to digest the important points in the book.


  14. foundation n. 根据;基金会;基地

  The early training gave her a very firm foundation.(早期的训练给她打下了坚实的基础。)

  In fact the rumor is without foundation.(事实上,这个谣传没有根据。)

  15. belief n. 相信;信念

  believe v. 相信;认为

  It is his belief that he will succeed sooner or later.(他相信他迟早会成功。)

  What he told me just now is really beyond my belief.(他刚才对我说的话令我难以置信。)

  16. combination n. 结合,联合;化合物

  combine v. 结合,联合

  The football players showed good combination.(足球队员们配合默契。)

  It will do us a lot of good if we can combine theory with practice.


  17.chiefly adv. 主要地

  chief n. 首领;长官  adj. 主要的

  I think this will become the chief concern of the world today.


  the editor in chief 总编     the chief engineer 总工程师

  chief executive 行政长官  chief justice 首席法官

  chief of staff 参谋长      chief of state 国家元首

  18. contain v. 包含;容纳;克制

  This mini-bus can contain 18 passengers.(这辆面包车可乘坐18人。)

  How much water can this water tank contain?(这只水箱能装多少水?)

  He cannot contain himself for the joy.(他高兴得不能自制。)


  affixation 词缀法

  1.名词后缀 -ity quality

  2.名词后缀 -ation;-ion; combination, civilization, foundation, digestion

  3.名词后缀 -ture mixture

  4.形容词后缀 -ous poisonous

  5.形容词后缀 -ible indigestible

  6.形容词后缀 -ful helpful, powerful

  7.副词前缀 over- overseas

  compounding 合词法

  复合形容词 widespread; man-eating;




  1. Many primitive people believed that by eating an animal they could get some of the good qualities of that animal for themselves.

  本句中that 引导的是一个宾语从句。宾语从句在前几个单元中我们已有了比较多的了解。掌握宾语从句并不困难。请看下面的句子:

  1) He says that friendship is very important to him.(他说友谊对他很重要。)

  2) Can you tell me where the bookstore is?(你能告诉我书店在哪儿吗?)

  3) I don't know whether the letter is overweight.(我不知道这封信是否超重。)

  by 后面跟动词的现在分词表示某人做了某件事,并通过这件事产生了某个结果。请看下面的句子:

  They made a living by selling newspapers.(他们通过卖报谋生。)

  2. They thought that eating deer would make them run as fast as the deer.

  本句中that同样是引导一个宾语从句。在宾语从句中,动名词短语eating deer做主语。

  make sb. do sth.意思是“使某人做某事”。make 后面的复合宾语中动词不定式符号to要省去,但是用被动语态时一定要用to,请看下面的句子:

  1) The boss made them work from morning till night.(老板使他们从早到晚地干活。)

  2) She was made to finish the book in two days (by her father)。(父亲让她两天把书看完。)

  3. Some savage tribes believed that eating enemies that had shown bravery in battle would make them brave.

  本句中的第一个that 引导的又是一个宾语从句,而后一个that 引导的是定语从句,修饰enemies

  本句中them brave 是make 的复合宾语,请看下面的句子:

  1) Don't wait for him. He will make us late.(别等他了,他会使我们迟到的。)

  2) He was afraid that the story would make things worse.(他担心那个故事会使事情更糟。)

  3) I didn't know that the news had been made public.(我不知道这个消息已经公开了。)

  4. It was once thought …

  Eggs were thought to make the voice pretty.

  Tomatoes were believed to have magical powers

  They were called love apples and were supposed to make people who ate them fall in love.


  suppose 是一个常用词,请注意掌握。

  1) I suppose it was reasonable for him to want his money back.(我看他想要回他的钱是合理的。)

  2) I am not supposed to talk to you about this.(我不能和你谈这个。)

  3) Suppose / Supposing something should go wrong, what would you do?(如果有了什么差错,你怎么办?)

  5. How surprised the people who thought tomatoes poisonous would be if they could know that millions of pounds of tomatoes were supplied to soldiers overseas during WWII.

  “how surprised the people would be”是主句,这是一个感叹句;who 引导的定语从句修饰people;if 引导的是条件状语从句。

  感叹句通常用what 或how 引起。what 用来修饰一个名词,how 修饰一个形容词,副词或动词。

  本句中that 引导的是一个表语从句

  7. Washing food down with water as a substitute for chewing is not a good idea.

  substitute for 是一个常用词组,意思是“代替,代用品”;substitute也可以做动词用,意思是“替代”。请看例句:

  1) Don't you think it a good idea to use plastic as a substitute for wood?


  2) Daydreaming cannot substitute for hard work.(白日梦不能取代辛勤的努力。)

  8. Many people think of bread as a carbohydrate food.

  think of … as是一个习惯用法,意思是“把…看作是…”,“认为…是…”。请看下面的句子:

  1) People think of him as a hero.(人们把他看作英雄。)

  与think of …as 意思相近的习惯用法还有regard …as;consider…as;look upon…as;view…as;see …as 等等。


  1. be eager to         2. be supposed to

  3. fall in love          4. grow up

  5. be supplied to        6. substitute for

  7. have sth. to do with      8. at the meal

  9. as a matter of fact       10. think of …as…

  11. in the same way



  1. Many people believe that by eating an animal they could get some of the good qualities of that animal for themselves.

  2. They thought eating deer would make them run as fast as the deer.

  3. Some savage tribes believe that eating enemies that had shown bravery in battle would make them brave


  1. One idea was that fish is the best brain food.

  2. Another idea is that you should not drink water with meals.

  3. The reason was that the acid in the orange juice would make the milk curdle and become indigestible.

  4. A similar wrong idea is that fish and ice cream …for a poisonous combination.

  5. Still another idea is that proteins and carbohydrates should never be eaten at the same meal.


  1. How surprised that people…would be …。


  1. They thought eating deer would make them run as fast as deer.

  2. Man-eating may have started because people were eager to become as strong and brave as their enemies.

  3. One such idea is that fish is the best brain food.

  4. Fish is good brain food just as it is good muscle food and skin and bone food.

  5. But no one has been able to prove that fish is any better for the brain than many other kinds of food.

  6. It is just as foolish to say that one should never eat meat and potatoes together as it is to say that one should never eat bread or drink milk.

  Text B Do Animals Think?


  1. a great deal

  We learned a great deal from her.

  2. be like

  Look at the little boy, he is so much like his father.

  3. have time for

  Don't worry, we will have enough time for discussion.

  4. engage in

  It is not appropriate for a former president to engage in commerce.

  5. take care of

  She took care of her little brother while mother was away.

  6. in some / many respects

  in one / this respect

  He is different from the people around him in many respects.

  We are lagging behind at least in one respect.

  7. except

  8. connect with

  Good health is connected with diet.

  9. make improvement in

  10. by instinct

  Birds build their nests by instinct.

  11. speak of

  Professor Blake always speaks highly of his assistant.

  Did he speak of the serious earthquake that struck Taiwan last week?

  12. let out

  13. as if

  He looked at me as if I were mad.

  14. have one's wits about one〔机警,保持警觉〕

  In this part of the city you have to have your wits about you all the time.

  He felt it unnecessary to have his wits about him on such a friendly occasion.

  15. a variety of

  Don't bother him, he has a variety of duties to perform.

  The college library has a wide variety of books.

  16. difference between

  Will you please tell me the difference between the two countries?



  1. rare adj. 稀有的,难得的

  a rare word〔冷僻的词〕   rare metals〔稀有金属〕

  a rare disease(罕见的疾病)

  2. substance n. 物质;实质;大意;根据

  Ice, snow and water are the same substance in different forms.〔冰、雪、水是同一物质的三种不同形式。〕

  What was the point of going to a lecture with little substance?


  What he is saying in substance is that we should take effective measures to prevent pollution.


  There was no substance in his complaints.〔他的抱怨没有道理。〕

  3. slight adj. 轻微的;纤细的

  Mother said she had a slight headache.〔妈妈说她有点头疼。〕

  I didn't have the slightest idea about what had happened.〔我一点都不知道发生了什么事。〕

  4. extreme adj. 极端的,极度的;尽头的    n. 极端

  Extreme action will be taken if necessary.〔如有必要,我们将采取最严厉的行动。〕

  His hospitality was carried to an extreme.〔他好客得过分了。〕

  She found the book uninteresting to the extreme.〔她觉得那本书没意思透了。〕

  extreme joy/pain 〔极度的欢乐/痛苦〕 an extreme of sadness〔极度伤心〕

  go from one extreme to the other〔从一个极端走到另一个极端〕

  go to the other extreme 〔走到另一个极端〕

  in the extreme〔极度,非常〕

  extremes of poverty and wealth〔贫富的两极〕

  5. pressure n. 压力,压强

  Heavy study load and great expectation from parents may give children too much pressure.


  He was under constant pressure from his superiors.〔他的上司不断地给他压力。〕

  6. liquid adj. 液体的,液态的;清澈的,明亮的    n. 液体

  7. crack n. 裂缝    v. 破裂;打开

  His face cracked with a broad smile. 〔他咧开嘴笑了。〕

  The phone cracked the room's quiet.〔电话铃声打破了房间的寂静。〕

  They were unable to crack a highly competitive sales market.〔他们无法打进竞争激烈的销售市场。〕

  8. crust n. 地壳;面包皮,外皮

  It is very dangerous to walk on the thin crust of ice.〔在这样一层薄冰上行走是很危险的。〕

  9. crystal n. 水晶;晶粒    adj. 清澈透明

  I've made my point crystal clear that I would never agree to such a proposal.


  10. popular adj. 流行的,大众的;普及的;受欢迎的

  Popular music is well liked by young people.〔流行音乐深受年轻人的喜爱。〕

  Swimming is a sport popular with people of all ages.〔游泳是老老少少都喜欢的体育运动。〕

  He has always been popular with / among boys in his community.


  This restaurant offers meals at popular prices.〔这家饭店供应价格大众化的饭菜。〕

  11. handful n. 一把,一小撮

  He told the doctor that his hair fell out in handfuls.(他对医生说他的头发一把一把地脱落。)

  He gave me nothing except for a handful of books.〔除了少量的几本书他什么也没给我。〕


  12. formation n. 岩层;形成,构成

  Most diamonds are mined from rock formations inside the earth.


  The formation of good habits is very important for a child.〔好习惯的养成对孩子来说很重要。〕

  13. pipe n. 管子,导管;烟斗   v.用管道输送

  14. somewhat adv. 稍微,有点

  It is somewhat difficult for him to answer the question.(要他回答这个问题有点难。)

  15. blast n. 疾风,强风;爆炸   v.炸,炸掉

  A blast of cold air sent a shiver all over his body.〔一股冷气使他浑身战栗。〕

  They decided to blast through the mountains. 〔他们打算炸山开路。〕

  16.crush v. 压碎;*,压倒

  The machine can crush rocks into powder.〔那台机器能把石头碾成粉末。〕

  Can you imagine that debts are crushing them?〔你能想像到债务正压得他们喘不过气来吗?〕

  17. destroy v. 破坏,毁灭;消灭

  18. impressive adj.给人深刻印象的,感人的

  impression n. 印象

  impress v. 给…极深的印象

  I had the impression that he was a teacher.〔我记得他好像是个老师。〕

  What impressed me most were the great changes in this city.〔给我印象最深的是这座城市的巨大变化。〕

  19. experience n 经验;经历    v. 经历,遭受

  experienced adj. 有经验的

  20. immediately adv. 即刻地;紧密地

  immediate adj. 立刻的;最接近的

  He said he had to go to the hospital immediately.〔他说他得立即去医院。〕

  The post office is immediately next to the bank.〔邮局紧挨着银行。〕

  You have to give them an immediate reply.〔你得立刻答复他们。〕

  It is necessary that you get the support from your immediate superior.〔你必须得到顶头上司的支持。〕



  1.形容词后缀 -ful    beautiful,useful,

  2.形容词后缀 -ive    impressive

  3.形容词后缀 -y     greasy

  4.名词后缀 -ation    combination,formation

  5.名词后缀 -ure     pressure

  6.名词后缀 -y     discovery

  7.名词后缀 -er     traveler,miner

  8.名词后缀 -ful     handful

  9.副词后缀 -ly     finally,probably,immediately,carefully,

  10.副词后缀 -ward    upward




  1. They are the hardest substance found in nature.

  本句中found in nature是定语从句,修饰substance.定语从句中省略了that are.这种省略现象在定语从句中很常见,在前几个单元中,我们遇到过多次。请看下面的句子:

  1) There are many books (that) I'd like to read. (有很多书我想看。)

  2) He is a man (that) we all like and trust. (他是一个我们大家喜欢和信赖的人。)

  3) This is the most interesting film (that) I have ever seen. (这是我看过的最有意思的*)




  1) What do you mean by saying this to me? (你对我说这个是什么意思?)

  2) Friendship means everything to him. (友谊对他来说意味着一切。)

  3) The teacher's praise meant so much to the children. (老师的表扬对孩子们来说很重要。)

  4) I'm serious about this. I mean what I say. (我对此事是认真的,我说话算数。)

  5) I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. (对不起,我无意伤害你。)

  6) They meant to finish the work ahead of time. (他们的打算是提前完成这项工作。)

  7) I meant to call you but I forgot. (我原打算给你打电话的,但我忘记了。)


  3. Diamonds are made from carbon.

  由……制成,可以用be made from和be made of两个词组来表达。但是be made from通常指制成品已看不出原材料是什么,而be made of可以看出该物品由什么材料制成的。

  4. Scientists know that the combination of extreme heat and pressure changes carbon into diamonds.


  1) Extreme cold can wake a hibernating animal. (极度的寒冷能使正在冬眠的动物苏醒。)

  2) They will have to endure extreme discomfort in winter. (冬天时,他们将不得不忍受极度的不适。)


  1) Water changes into vapour when heated. (水加热后转变为蒸气。)

  2) Go to the bank and you can easily change these dollars into RMB. (你去银行就能很容易地把这些美元换成人民币。)

  5. Such heat and pressure exist only in the hot, liquid mass of molten rock deep inside the earth.


  1) I don't believe he could make such a mistake. (我相信他不会犯这样的错误的。)

  2) How can you go out on such a rainy day? (在这样的雨天里,你怎么能出门?)

  3) He spoke so fast that I couldn't follow. (他说话太快,我听不懂。)

  4) I'm so glad you could come. (你能来我真高兴。)


  1) a mass of hot air(一团热气)

  2) a mass of sand(一堆沙)

  3) Rain occurs when a mass of warm air is laden with water. (一团云聚集大量的水蒸气就形成了雨。)


  1) a mass meeting (群众大会)

  2) mass education (大众教育)

  3) mass media (大众传媒)

  4) Mass production could very well cut the cost. (大规模生产可以降低成本。)

  6. It is thought that millions of years ago this liquid mass pushed upward through cracks in the earth's crust.

  It is thought that…是一个很常用的句型,类似的句型在英语中很多,比如:

  1) It is / was, has been…, reported that…

  2) It is / was, has been…, stated that…

  3) It is / was, has been…, pointed out that…

  4) It is / was, has been…, mentioned that…

  5) It is / was, has been…, believed that…

  7. A. There are only four areas where very many diamonds have been formed.

  B. The first known area was in India, where diamonds were found thousands of years ago.


  1) Is there a shop around where we can get some fruit? (附近有什么商店可以买到水果吗?)

  2) This is the place where we met yesterday. (这是我们昨天碰头的地方。)

  3) The small town, where he once worked, has turned to be a modern city. (他曾经工作过的那座小城,已经变成现代化的城市了。)

  8. In the 1600's…(十七世纪)

  In the 1720's…(十八世纪二十年代)

  In the 1800's…(十九世纪)

  请注意年代的表达方法,以上的年代也可以表达为in the 1600s; in the 1720s; in the 1800s.如果我们要表达“在十七世纪初(中、末)期”,则可以说in the early(mid, late) 1600's/1600s.

  9. Diamonds became very popular with the kings and queens of Europe.

  become / be popular with / among是一个常用词组,意思是“受…欢迎”,

  10. India's supply of diamonds was finally running out after 2,500 yeas of mining the stones.


  run out是一个常用词组,意思是“用完,用尽”。请看例句:

  1) Time is running out. We have to hurry. (时间快到了,我们得快点。)

  2) My patience is running out. (我快要耐不住了。)

  3) His luck seemed to have run out. (他的好运似乎结束了。)

  我们也可以用run out来表达类似的意思,但run out of的主语应该是“某人”。如:

  1) They have run out of money, so they have to find a job. (他们钱用完了,所以得找一份工作。)

  2) I have run out of ink. (我的墨水用完了。)

  11. People would pick up handfuls of gravel from the bottom of the streams and sort out the diamonds.


  1) He gave me a basketful of beaches. (他给了我满满一篮子桃子。)

  2) She put a spoonful of salt in the soup. (她往汤里撒了满满一勺盐。)

  3) Tom is carrying an armful of books. (汤姆抱着一捆书。)

  sort out是一个常用词组,意思是“整理,分类”


  12. These diamonds were probably carried from where they were formed to India by great sheets of moving ice that covered parts of the earth 20,000 years ago.

  where they were formed是where引出的名词性从句,作介词from的宾语。请看下面的句子:

  He didn't say anything about where the accident took place. (他对事故在哪儿发生的只字未提。)

  13. It flows over boards thickly coated with grease.

  在本句中的定语从句thickly coated with greases前面省略了which/that are.coat一般做名词用,意思是“外套”或“(动物的)皮毛”。在本句中coat作动词用,意思是“在…上涂(包)着”,

  14. Since diamonds stick to grease, they are left behind by the rocks and mud which flow down the tables.

  Stick在本句中的意思是“粘住”。Stick to也可以表示“坚持,遵守”的意思。

  leave behind在本句中的意思是“留下”,这个词组还可以表示“忘带;把…丢在后面”。例如:

  1) Take care not to leave anything behind. (小心别丢下任何东西。)

  2) Look forward to the bright future and leave all your worries and fears behind. (期盼光明的未来,把所有的担心和恐惧抛在身后。)

  15. Experienced diamond miners can tell a diamond immediately.


  I cannot tell her from her twin sister. (我无法分辨出她和她的孪生妹妹。)

  Text B The Difference between Plants and Animals


  1. difference between…and

  Will you please tell me the difference between a horse and a seahorse?

  2.neither …nor

  I have neither seen him nor heard from him since we last met.

  3. look up

  The little boy didn't dare to look up at his teacher.

  4. a matter of

  Don't panic. This is a matter of record and there is nothing to worry about.

  5. throughout

  He said that a person should be honest and upright throughout his life.

  6. be satisfied with

  The teacher was satisfied with the students' performance.

  7. take place

  The accident took place when people were all fast asleep.

  8. lie in

  The importance of this book lies in its later influence.

  9. be classed as

  He was classed as a genius.

  10. hold good

  This rule may hold good for you but not for me.

  11. live on

  Cows live on grass.

  The old man lives on the government pension.

  12. work wonders

  I don't think this medicine will work wonders.

  13. take in

  Their club took in some new members last week.

  14. suck up

  The plants suck up a lot of water.

  15. take up

  He took up the newspaper and began to read.

  She took up English when she was only five.

  All the window seats had been taken up when I got on the bus.





  如:The earth moves around the world.地球绕着太阳转。(客观性的真理)

  Light travels faster than sound.光速比声速快。(科学事实)

  I often go to the gym..我经常去健身房。(经常性的事件)

  I go to see my grandma every week.我每周都去看我奶奶。(经常性的动作)

  当一般现在时表示经常性的动作的时候,常和一些表示频率的时间副词连用,如:always, frequently, usually, sometimes, often等.

  如:He is always late.他总是迟到。

  注:a)一般现在时还可以用来表示正在发生的动作。用在以here或there 开头的句中,表示目前短暂的动作。

  如:Here comes your wife.=Your wife is coming.你妻子走过来了。

  There goes the bus.= The bus is going.那辆车开走了。

  b)一般现在时用在条件状语从句中和时间状语从句中,表示将来的动作。 主要用在条件状语从句中(if, unless)和时间状语从句(when, as soon as, before, after等)中,表示将来的动作。

  如:I will be glad if you come over to visit me.如果你来看我,我会很高兴的。

  Please let me know when he comes back.他回来时,请告诉我一声。

  Do not leave until he comes back..等他回来你再走。


  2.一般过去时:did something

  1)一般过去时表示在过去时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和过去特定的时间状语,如:yesterday, last night, three moths ago等连用。

  如: I bought the computer three days ago.我三天前卖了这台电脑。

  I was tired last night, so I went to bed early.我昨晚很累,所以很早就睡了。


  如:When he was in Beijing, he came to see me every week.他当初在北京时,每周都来看我。

  We often practiced swimming last year.去年我们经常练习游泳。


  如:Did you want anything to drink?你想喝点什么吗?

  Could I have a look? 我能看一下吗?


  如: It is high time we went.是我们该走的时候了。

  I wish I were a bird.我要是只鸟多好。

  3.一般将来时表示在未来的某个时间将要发生的动作或状态。其形式will do或be going to do。

  如:We will have a picnic tomorrow.

  We are going to have a picnic tomorrow. 我们明天要去郊游。

  1)will 和be going to 的区别

  a)一般将来时表示预测时,我们可以用will或be going to。但是有以下的区别:

  be going to 表示根据明显迹象来推断某件事将要发生。will表明说话人认为或相信某件事要发生。

  如:Look at those black clouds! It is going to rain.看天上那些乌云。快要下雨了。(根据乌云,推断的下雨)。

  The bridge will collapse.这座桥会坍塌的。(说话人作为造桥专家知道这座桥设计有问题,做出的预测)

  b) 一般将来时表示计划时,用be going to;表示意愿,要用will

  be going to 表示说话人对未来行动的计划和打算,通常指经过事先考虑并含有已经为这一行动作了某些准备。


  如:I have bought a computer and I am going to learn the computer science.我已经买了一台电脑,我计划学习计算机科学。(已经作了准备――买了电脑)

  A:The box is too heavy.

  B:I will help you to carry it.这个箱子很重,我来帮你拿。(立即做出的决定,没有事先考虑)

  如果没有明显的计划或意愿的证据,则用will和be going to都可以,但是意义上有所不同。

  如:Husband: There is no milk left in the fridge.

  Wife: I will buy some after work.(说话此刻做出的决定)

  Wife: I am going to buy some after work. (妻子在丈夫发现之前就知道没有牛奶了,已经决定要去买一些)


  a)be to +动词原形。这个结构表示约定、命令或按计划要做的事情。

  如:When are they to come? 他们什么时候回来。

  We are to meet at the school gate.我们约好在校门口见。

  You are to finish the work by noon.你必须在中午以前完成工作。

  b)be about to+动词原形。这个结构表示“即将做”或“马上做”的意思。

  如:He is about to leave.他马上要动身。

  The vacation is about to start.假期即将开始。


  1.现在进行时:表示正在进行的动作或者现阶段正在持续的动作。其形式为am/is/are doing.常与进行时连用的时间状语有:now, at this moment, at present等。

  如:What are you reading now? 你在看什么?

  I am reading today's Evening News. 我在看今天的晚报。(表示正在进行)

  These days I am translating a book. 这几天我在翻译一本书。(表示持续性的动作)

  注:a)现在进行时表示计划安排好要做的事情。这一用法只适用于某些动词,如:go, come, leave, start, arrive, return 等。

  如:Are you going abroad next year? 明年你要出国吗?

  I am leaving by train tonight.我今晚坐火车走。

  b)现在进行时与always, forever, constantly等连用,往往表示抱怨、厌烦、不合理或使人不愉快的事情。

  如:Jack is always borrowing money and forgetting to pay you back.杰克常常借钱忘还。

  My father is forever criticizing me.我父亲总是批评我。

  c) 在不少情况下,表示正在进行的动作的汉语句子中没有“正在”的字样,但在译为英语的时候必须用进行时态。如:

  How is everything going.事情进展的怎么样了?

  How are you getting on with your classmates.你和同学相处的如何?

  d) 不能用进行时的动词有:

  表示感觉或感情的词:hear, see, smell, taste, feel

  表示存在或所属的词:exist, stay, remain, have

  表示认识或理解的词:understand, remember, forget, believe

  2.过去进行时:过去进行时表示过去某时正在发生的动作或者过去某段时间持续的动作。其形式:was(were) doing.过去进行时的时间状语往往是表示过去某一点时间的短语或句子。

  at nine yesterday, at that time, when I arrived等。

  如:We were having dinner when they came.他们来的时候,我们正在吃饭。(表示过去某时正在发生的动作)

  I was staying at home all last week.上周我一直都呆在家里。(过去某段时间持续的动作)


  如:I was wondering if you could help me.不知您能否帮帮我。


  如:I cut my finger when I was cooking the dinner last night.昨晚做饭时我割了手指。

  I was watching TV when the phone rang.我当时正在看电视,这时电话响了。


  I was telephoning Harry when she arrived.(在我打电话过程中,她到了。先telephone,后arrive)

  I telephoned Harry when she arrived.(她回来之后我才打电话,先arrive, 后telephone.)


  如:He didn't know whether she was coming.他不知道她是否回来。

  3.将来进行时表示从现在着眼,从将来某时开始并且持续进行的动作。其形式shall/will be doing 如:

  We will be having some new subjects for the next semester. 我们下学期会学一些课程。

  What will you be doing this time tomorrow? 你明天这个时候将干什么?


  1.现在完成时: have(has) done.





  如:I have lived there for three years.我已经住在那里三年了。

  She has taught in the school since I came here.自从我来到这里她就在学校里教书。


  a.) since+时间点

  如:I have worked in this company since 1998.自从1998年我就在这家公司工作

  b).for +时间段

  如:I have worked in this company for three years.我在这家公司工作三年了。

  c) “到目前为止”

  until now, up until now, up to now, so far

  如: We have up until now failed to take any action to decide on a common language that would further communication between nation.到目前为止,我们尚未采取任何行动来决定一门国际通用语言,以促进国际间交流。

  d) “在最近几世纪/年/月以来”

  in the past few years, over the past few years, during the last three months, through centuries等。

  如:Through history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die.自古以来,人类就必须接受这样的事实:一切生命体都会消亡。

  2) 现在完成时表示不确定的过去发生的某一动作对现在仍有影响。谓语动词一般为短暂性动词。

  如: He has broken his leg.他的腿跌断了。(言外之意就是他可能现在不能和别的同学一样出去郊游)

  注:a)这种现在完成时的动词是短暂性动词,如:come, go , leave , kill, die, lose, buy, start等,因此与他们连用的时间状语不能是指“一段时间”的。

  如:不可以说:He has left his hometown for three years.

  可以改为:He left his hometown three years ago.

  It is three years since he left his hometown.

  He has been away from his hometown for three years.

  b)这种完成时可以不和任何时间状语连用,也可以和一些表示不确定的时间状语连用。如:already, yet, lately, just, never等。

  如:Has it stopped raining yet?雨停了吗?

  He has already arrived.他已经到了。


  如:The president has been assassinated.总统被暗杀了。


  如:We have taken three tests so far this week.我们目前这周已经考过三次试了。(重复发生的动作)


  a) this/that/it is +序数词+名词+that +现在完成时

  如: It is the first time that I have come to Beijing.这是我第一次来北京。

  b)this/that /it is +级或only修饰名词+现在完成时

  如:This is the best wine I have ever drunk.这是我喝过的的葡萄酒。

  This is the only book he has written. 这是他写过的的一本书。




  如:He has broken his leg.他的腿摔断了。(表明现在不能和同学们一起郊游)

  He broke his leg. 他的腿摔断了。(指表明过去的一种经历,但现在腿好了)


  如:I have smoked for two years.(我有两年的烟龄了)

  I smoked for two years.(我抽过两年的烟,但现在戒了)

  He has been in the army for 6 years.(他入伍以来已经6年了)

  He was in the army for 6 years.(他当过6年的兵,现在不是了)

  2.过去完成时:had done


  如:I had stayed in America for two years when he moved here.当他到这里的时候我已经在美国住了两年了。(moved是过去的动作,stayed 发生在moved之前,即过去的过去。在moved 之后还将会继续stayed)

  I had learned 1000 words by the end of last year.截止到去年年底我已经学了1000个单词了。(learned在过去时间the end of last year之前已经发生,到去年年底之后还可能继续)


  如:She had made everything ready before I came.在我来之前她已经做好了准备。(made everything ready这个动作发生在came之前,并且已经结束。)


  如:I had written her 100 letters when she finally promised to marry me.在她最后答应嫁给我之前我已经给她写了100信了。(promised发生在过去,而had written 则是过去时间里重复发生的事情)


  intend, mean, hope, want, plan, suppose, think, expect等动词的过去完成时可以表示过去未能实现的计划、设想、意图或希望等。

  如:I had intended to see you, but I was busy.我本来打算去看你但是我很忙。

  They had hoped to see you off at the airport, but they got there too late.他们本来希望到机场送你,但是他们去晚了。


  如:If you had been at the party, you would have met him.如果你去了晚会,你就会见到他的。

  3.将来完成时态:shall/will have done

  表示将来某时之前完成的动作,这一动作往往对将来某时产生影响。常与表将来的时间状语或never, soon连用。

  如:I shall have finished writing the article by the end of the week.



  1.现在完成进行时:have/has been doing


  如:It began raining at 8 o'clock. Now it is raining. It has been raining since 8 o'clock.



  如:I have been looking for you for the last half hour.过去的半小时我一直在找你。(不再持续)

  What have you been doing? 你刚才一直在做什么?(表示不久前刚结束)


  如:We have been writing to each other for years.我们相互通信多年了。(重复发生)



  I have been learning English for ten years.

  I have learned English for ten years.


  如:I have worked in this company.我在这家公司做过。

  I have been working in this company.我一直在这家公司工作。



  如:I have been painting the house.我一直在给房子刷漆。

  I have painted the house green.我把房子刷成了绿色。


  如:I have been getting up early since I entered the college.自从上大学以来,我一直坚持早起。

  不能说:I have got up early since I entered the college.

  (get up是短暂性动词)


  1.He _______ (be) eighteen next year.

  填will be.本句描述的是随时间发展会自然发生的事情。

  2.Mozart ________(write) more than 600 pieces of music.


  3.If it _______ (rain) tomorrow, we will have to stay at home.


  4.I __________(go) to the shopping center.

  填am going. 动词go , come, arrive 等可以用现在进行时表示将来。

  5.How fast ________he __________(drive) when the accident happened.


  6.You _________ (always, watch) TV. You should do something more active.

  填are always watching. 现在进行时和always连用表示责怪。

  7.It ________ (rain) every day so far this month.

  填has rained.so far 常和现在完成时搭配使用。表示到目前为止。

  8.By the time Mr.Smith left school, he_______(teach) that course for 25 years.

  填had taught.表示过去的过去,用过去完成时。

  9.Perhaps he ________(finish) reading the book by this time tomorrow.

  填will have finished. by this time tomorrow 表示将来的短语,谓语动词将来完成时。

  10.This is the second time that I __________ (be) to Paris.

  填have been. It is the second time句型中的时态 是现在完成时。

  11. My uncle_____(live) in Shanghai for the past two years.

  填has lived.句中for+表示时间段的状语,时态要用现在完成时。

