

时间:2023-03-28 19:22:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  Undergraduate Course
  Each of the 11 faculties offers undergraduate programs. Students enrolled in one of the undergraduate programs will normally study for four years. At the completion of the program, students will be awarded a bachelor’s degree. Students enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine (Medical course), School of Dentistry and School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutical course) are expected to study for six years to complete the program.
  All undergraduate students are required to take liberal education subjects for their first three semesters (one and a half years) after entering the university. The general education program is offered at the Toyonaka Campus.
  Osaka University offers special screening for unsponsored international students. The new admission guideline is posted in late September, and applications are normally accepted around early January. Aside from admissions as an unsponsored international student, the special entrance examination for the Degree Program conducted in English is also available. The explanation below is for the special entrance examination for unsponsored international students.

