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  介词分为三种,一种是简单介词,如 at, in, on, beside, to , for 等;另一种是短语介词,即由两个以上的词组组成的短语,in front of, because of, out of, instead 如 of 等;还有一种二重介词,如 until after, from behind 等。

  (一) 介词的句法功能

  介词不能独立在句中做成份,介词后必须与名词、代词、或动名词构成介词短语在句中充当 一个成份,表示人、物、事件等与其它人、


  1、 作定语: The book on the table is mine.

  2、 作状语: have breakfast at seven. We (表时间)They were late for meeting because of the heavy ; rain.(表原因) ;They started the machine by pressing the button.(表方法)

  3、 作表语: My dictionary is in the bag.

  4、 作宾语补足语: I found him in the office.

  (二) 1.表示时间的介词

  (1) in表示“在某一时间段”或“在某一时候”,如用在月、季、年份、时代、世纪等时间名词的前面,或用来泛指一天的某一段时间。in也可以指“在……之后”,表示从说话起的若干时间内。

  如: in July/summer/2000/ancient times

  The bus will be here in ten minutes.

  (2) on表示“在特定的某一天”,也可用于带有修饰语的一天的某个时间段之前。如:on Saturday, on Saturday morning, on the morning of August 1st

  (3) at表示“在某一时间点”,或用来表示不确定的时间和短期的假日、时节等。

  如:at six o'clock, at Easter

  (4) over, through (out)两者均指“经过的全部时间”。

  如:Stay over the Christmas.

  (5) for与since:for表示动作或状态延续的全部时间长度,为“长达……”之意;since用于指从过去特定的某个时刻到说话时为止的一段时间;含有since时间短语的句子要用完成时,但含有for时间短语的句子不一定要用完成时。

  如:I have been there for six years.

  We have not seen each other since 1993.

  (6) during指“在……时期/时间内”,必须接表示一段时间的词或词组作宾语。

  如:She was ill for a week, and during that week she ate little.


  (1) above, below,over, under,on, on top of, beneath, underneath: above和below分别表示“高于”和“低于”的意思,不一定指垂直方向上的上下;over和under分别表示垂直方向上的上下或高低;on/on top of和beneath/underneath表示“和表面相接触”意义上的上下。以上三组介词互为反义词。

  如:The temple stands on top of the hill.

  The pen is beneath the book.

  There is a lamp on the desk.

  (2) at, on, in:at指小地点或集会场合;on表示线或面上的位置;in表示在立体、区域或环境内,特别是那些较大,能够容纳相应事物的环境。

  如:He works at Peking University.

  Your radio is on the desk.

  He's sitting in the sun.

  (3) between与among:between用来说明“在……两者之间”或“三个以上人或事物中的每两者之间的相互关系”;among用来说明“在……三者以上之间”的相互关系;among可以用来表示没有确定数目的物体之间的相互关系。

  如:There is a small river between the two villages.

  The book is the best among these modern novels.

  The relations between various countries are very important.


  (1) for常常表示褒贬、奖惩的原因或心理原因。

  如:They will reward you for your help.

  (2) from和out of常常表示动机或原因;through表示消极或间接的原因。

  如:He feels weak from lack of sleep.

  He broke down through overwork.


  for和to都可以引导目的地。for表示拟定的接收人或目的,for跟在含有出发或开始意义的动词后,如:leave, set out, start, depart, sail等;to表示实际的接收人或目的,to跟在含有方向性的动词后。

  如:go, come, run, walk, move, fly, drive, ride等。

  如:We have left for Hong Kong.

  He flew to America via Hong Kong.


  一般about用于比较随便的谈话或非正式的文体;on用于正式的讲话、著作或报告中;of用于动词talk, read, know, hear等的后面。

  如:What are you talking about?in terms of natural resources


  of和out of表示制成品的材料仍保持原材料的性质;from表示制成品已失去了原材料的性质。

  如:His house was built of brick.

  He made these toys out of old cigar-boxes.

  Steel is made from iron.



  如:Eggs are sold at 95 cents a dozen here.

  I bought it for five pounds.

