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【#英语资源# 导语】作为一名高中生,总会有需要写有关励志青春的作文,下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  The word "struggle" in life. As an indomitable person, you should complete your life course without complaint or regret. It is a question worth thinking about how to finish this course.

  Is it a waste of time? Or down-to-earth, hard work? It's up to you. It's up to you to decide whether to be an elf in the sky or an ordinary clown on the land. Time flies, urging people to grow old, and the days and months are like shuttles. How short time is! How precious time is! When people haven't realized it, the old man of time has already stumbled through one life alley after another. If you don't seize the time, struggle and forge ahead, and strive for a piece of your own world, then you will be a sad and pitiful person. Because your life picture is so blank, so lack of brilliance. The painting that should have been painted by you was abandoned because of your waste. Are you sad or not?

  The purpose of a sword maker's ten-year grinding of a sword is to achieve the state of "the sword is fast enough to rely on heaven". Those who cut their hair like mud will benefit. The long ten years are so short in the eyes of the sword maker, because he has long ignored and forgotten the years and carefully studied sword casting in the self built bunker. It can be said that he didn't waste time. He can say proudly, "I have no regrets for living ten years for a sword!" However, such people are very few in life. You don't see Zhang Ming changing jobs one after another, you don't see Li Fan engaging in online love for a long time, and you don't see Ma Tao's happiness. In the impetuous social form, it would be good for them to settle down and do some business. How dare they expect them to "grind a sword in ten years"!

  The word "struggle" has infinite meaning. For your ideal, you are pragmatic, enterprising and practical, which is struggle; For your parents and family, you work hard in the workplace and have several jobs, which is also a struggle; In order to reproduce the campus for the poor students, you go to the streets, this is a struggle. It's better to seize it and make good use of it than let it pass in vain. I believe success always likes such people.

  A few years later, when you enter old age, you can say to yourself, "my youth is not wasted, my life has finally achieved something, I am happy, I am proud." This is an ideal result. In fact, when many people get old, they often feel very lost and helpless. Youth without regret can only be a lie to them. Middle age has nothing to do, which makes them regret. There is no regret medicine in the world. Once you miss it, you will become eternal hatred. Looking back, you have been a hundred years. There is no regret in life.

  Life is like a fleeting moment, suddenly. Years are passing in a hurry and mercilessly. We should calm down, seize the tail of time, ride the wind and waves, hang cloud sails directly, and enjoy the fun of fighting the sea. I believe that when we die, we can calmly say, "I came, I have no regrets, I am happy."

  Don't leave regrets, seize the time to struggle.


  In the lonely wind, we grow up quietly. In the most gorgeous time of youth, we forget the beautiful fairy tales. In the vast books, we grow up quietly and walk through the time of muddle. Youth is like a blooming flower, which starts inadvertently. We take neat steps, we forget the beautiful fairy tales, we begin to meet the wind and rain, we sing happy ballads, we have different dreams, and our hearts are far away.

  Just after the rain, the sky is still pale and overcast, and the air is filled with an inexplicable smell of grass. The original green leaves and grass have been baptized and become more and more green. Some water drops on the petals of the flowers will evaporate in the future, but now the flowers are more colorful like pearls, Charming and charming, like a beautiful girl, swaying his graceful style with the breeze. At this time, the sky seems to be a little please. The warm sun shines accurately on the beautiful flowers like a beautiful girl through the dense leaves, plating a layer of gold on the "beautiful girl", making the "beautiful girl" look more and more glorious, as holy and pure as an angel. Everything is so ordinary, but also so extraordinary.

  In adolescence, we are like blooming flowers. We are in the most beautiful time and the most cherished age in our life. After the years in bud, it has completely bloomed and began to welcome the devastation of the wind and the baptism of the rain. After being honed, you may receive the long lost rain. The sweat of success brings a trace of comfort and sweetness to the tired heart. But the tears of failure are indeed a portrayal of sadness. However, whether it is success or failure, in such a warm and cold world, young people need courage, and the setbacks and difficulties in our destiny still need to meet, face and challenge, because each of us has a dream, a dream about the future, For this dream, we have to be brave. Our destiny is our own. If we are not brave, who will be strong for us? But dear, when you are tired, even if you say "I'm tired" to others, don't say "I can't" to yourself.

  At the junction of the ends of the earth and the Cape of the sea, the wind is blowing and the clouds are flying. Time is shuttling, the past is regressing, what is the taste of existence. The wind chimes by the window jingle and strings of lonely and sad notes are played back in the quiet night, but they can't echo. Lying on the grass under the starry sky, the stars are bright. I'm afraid that after thousands of days, everything will regret. On the runway, I do not know whether it is tears or sweating, never the end of the point station, lonely helpless release, what kind of taste, in the long aftertaste?

  Postscr ipt: what came and went, what ended and began. In the reflection of fleeting years, who sighs for the withering of flowers? It just happens to be a passionate youth.


  Youth is invitation and creation. Youth has the passion to penetrate everything. A drowning heart jumps out to find what has been lost, feel another appearance, go back to the unforgettable years, and find the original love for the world.

  In the autumn of 1996, you fell to the ground with the coming of the rain. Your cry was like a flash of lightning, which stimulated their hearts. They beckoned you with all kinds of hands, but your cry could not stop. Finally, you finally cry to sleep, that little face is still hanging wet tears, causing people a burst of love.

  In the summer of 2004, a flash of lightning scared you to escape to your mother's quilt, and then the thunder scared you straight to your mother's arms. Your mother solemnly told you, "child, you should learn to be strong. Your mother can't protect you all your life. You should be independent and strong yourself." You looked at your mother with tears. Mother just nodded slightly. You get out of your mother's arms and go back to your bed, curled up and shivering under the covers. That night, you stayed up all night.

  In the summer of 2011, you are the first choice in your life with all your hopes. You stepped into the battlefield of the high school entrance examination with confidence, but you returned disappointed. But the failure did not completely knock you down, you like a small strong can not fight back to your battle center, once again on the March. You said, "there is no unsuccessful future, only an excuse for not trying; Without some bone chilling, you can't get the fragrance of plum blossoms. "

  In the winter of 2012, although you escaped the pursuit of the end of the world, you can't bear the inner haze. You think the end of the world will erase all your memories. You said, "my youth has not come to an end. How can I lose my youth like this." You were 17 years old that year. You never thought how long I had been with you. You looked at the sky and asked, "Mr. youth, you will come to everyone, but why don't you come to me“ I don't know how many spring, summer, autumn and winter I have spent with you.

  I watched you cry, and my heart was scratched with wounds; I watch you smile, my heart is as sweet as honey; I look at you sad, I will follow you sad; I look at your joy, and I rejoice with your happiness; My heart beats a sweet melody, playing one natural sound after another for you.

  The spring, summer, autumn and winter we spent together in those years. He took a thread to tie you in his hand, he let us hand in hand forever, heart to heart. Youth is like taking a train. The scenery is so beautiful that you can't let go; But sometimes you also need a person to hold up your umbrella silently and wait for the future train to take you to an unknown distance. Those passing time, intoxicating scenery and people met by chance are gradually moving away after all.

  Farewell to the clouds of youth, you must remember the good scenery of a year. I am youth, I speak for myself.

