Section 1咨询——健身运动俱乐部,10笔记Section 2介绍——博物馆, 4单选+6配对地图Section 3学生讨论——观鲸,5填空+2多选+3图示配对Section 4历史——邱那德造船,6单选+4笔记 二、具体题目分析:Section 1新旧情况:20082210161场景: 咨询——志愿者活动题型:10笔记 参考答案:1-10)笔记完成题1. 52. 5 weeks3. week4. driving license5. shopping6. friendly7. display8. rubbish9. tent10. reference (答案仅供参考)解析:本场考试S1依然是咨询场景,只是出现了的内容是志愿者活动方面的内容。场景内容比较偏门,但是出现的考查内容依然是比较简单的内容。参考练习:OGT8S1, C11T1S1 Section 2新旧情况:场景:介绍——博物馆题型:4单选+6配对地图11-14) 选择11. 选择使用的交通工具A. boat12.带来的影响congestion13. C14. B15-20) 地图题(楼层平面配置类地图题,答案待补充)(答案仅供参考)解析:楼层平面配置类地图题相对来说比较少见,但是在剑11中有相似的内容。并且C11T4S1的内容基本和本场考试博物馆的内容相吻合。参考练习: C11T4S2,C11T2S2
Section 3新旧情况:20082210163场景:学生讨论——观鲸题型:5填空+2多选+3图示配对参考答案:21-25) 填空21. watch time22. the state of sea: calm or choppy23. and state of weather24. visibility: 100 meters25. then talked details: the presence of fishing boats26-27) 多选appearance andbehaviourgroup size 28-30) 图片配对题Example: Blue whale - D the largest one in the ocean28. Northern Right Whale - C without fins29. Sperm whale - B and with wavy fins on the back30. mink whale - A with hump back fins which are wavy, Size is only a quarter of that of blue whale. (答案仅供参考)解析:本场S3出现了类似S4动物类话题的内容,并且有少见的图示类配对题,难度较高。参考练习:场景内容参考C10T3S2, C11T2S3
Section 4版本号:05400场景:历史——邱那德造船题型:6单选+4笔记参考答案:31-36) multiple choices31. where did he get the ship experience?A. sea voyage B. family C. first job32. the company experienced:A. immediately profitableB. deal with one commodityC. the business world widely33. Why did him want the mail contact?A. faster B. stronger C. more reliable34. What did he do when he won the bid?A. reduced the fleet of shipsB. opened a new companyC. appointed a new British agent35. Why did him choose Boston?B. had a good business environmentC. once he worked here36. What could be revealed about the 1844 event?B. Boston was not a good location for port37-40) completion37. How did he improve the sail safety? by radio communication38. Newspaper were produced on the board, so the passengers would not feel uneasy during the journey.39-40. Before 1912, paid more attention to the speed of the ships , afterwards, poured more money in the decoration,compared to hotels(答案仅供参考)解析:本场S4的选择题由于出现在S4,所以在干扰信息排除方面应该会有一些难度。而填空类题目如果仔细辨析的话还是能够较为简单地写出。参考练习:C9T4S4,C6T2S4