1.The car has had greater effect on the society than the airplane has.
choose cars.
1.with the widespread use of cars, our time schedule can be much more flexible.
2.cars are more affordable as opposed to those airplanes that could cost us millions dollars to purchase.
3.admittedly, airplanes can help us realize the dream of flying. However, when it comes to the frequency of taking airplane, it cannot be compared with the chances of driving a private car.
2.Technology has made our life more complicated rather than simpler.
choose: life is more complicated
1.Technological development has exposed us to various threats such as environmental deterioration, information explosion and privacy intrusion.
2.The use of many electronic devices has estranged us from our families and friends.
3.Admittedly, technology has improved our work efficiency. However, it also intensified the employment issue that many countries including America and China are facing.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The ability to maintain a small circle of close friends over a long period of time is more important for happiness than the ability to make new friends easily.
论点:现在人们太忙,没有时间结交新朋友city employees are too devoted to their career to make new friends.
解释:忙于工作,承受巨大的工作压力(suffer tremendous workloads). 甚至周末都在工作(The weekends are occupied by endless job assignments).
例子: 拿朋友举例(The personal experience of Daniel, one of my close friends, can prove why it is impossible for current citizens to make new friends) 从事计算机领域( works in the area of computer programming) 几乎每天熬夜(burn the midnight oil night after night). 去年为了完成一个公司要求完成的App,连续工作了两个月。因此可以看出他根本没有时间去认识新的朋友(In order to accomplish the task assigned by the company, he worked with his teammates for two months in a row. Therefore, there was no time for him to be acquainted with strangers)。
论点:老朋友更值得信任(old friends are more trustworthy)
解释:人们更愿意和老朋友分享他们的秘密(People are more willing to share their secrets with their old friends because trust is built on a long term relationship)
例子 :拿自己举例,我只会和我的好朋友分享我的一些秘密以及一些快乐的时光,在我中学毕业后,和家里发生了一些矛盾(had a quarrel with my parents)。然后和几个好朋友一起约着出去旅行,在旅途中和朋友们一起欣赏沿途风景(enjoy the beautiful sceneries along the journey),爬山过程中融入自然(be involved in the nature while climbing the mountain),最终由中学阶段的长期学习所积累的压力全部释放了(on the journey, the huge pressure caused by the long-term study in high school was released and I recognized the mistake I made after talking with my friends. Ultimately, I took an apology to my parents )。
4. The best way to improve the quality of education in a country is to increase teachers' salaries.
论点:设施更重要(Investing to the construction of infrastructure facilities is one of the key elements to improve the quality of education)
解释:学生的学习和生活依赖于先进的设施 (Students’ study and daily life largely depend on the advanced facilities nowadays )
例子:实验室/图书馆/宿舍(For instance, the laboratories with advanced apparatus are necessary for science students. A student majoring in Chemistry can observe the phenomena while doing the experiment to better understand how the chemical reaction happens. Besides, a student who studies history can read those old documented material to learn more about historical events.)
论点:引进的教授更重要(It is better to appeal to reputed professors to improve the quality of education)
5. people living in big cities are more satisfied than those living in the countryside.
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If people are on vacation (holiday), they should leave their mobile phones at home.
7. A big party inviting many people is better than a party inviting merely close friends and family members.
A big party is better
1.with more invited friends, we will be more likely to be enveloped in an atmosphere of joy.
2.meeting more people means the expansion of friend circle.
3.Admittedly, a party with close friends and family members can help us better consolidate relationship with them. However, there will be other better occasions for us to accompany with friends and family members. A party to celebrate some important events is supposed to offer us chances to relax and make new friends.
8. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way for people to relax is to spend time alone.
1.admittedly, spending time alone can avoid unexpected disruption. However, our normal days have been occupied by either job assignments or academic tasks and it would be impossible for us to communicate with others. Weekends and holidays are worthier to be used as a chance to stay with others.
2.spending time with friends can be a better chance for us to relax and strengthen our friendship.
3.Staying with families is another greater choice for us to relieve pressure since we can learn many life lessons from our families while exchanging wha we’ve been through with them.
9. It is as important for older people to learn new things as it is for younger people.
1.when it comes to job requirements, young people are supposed to be more skilled in learning new things to maintain competitiveness.
2.speaking of academic career, students have to be versed in learning new things or they can hardly graduate from schools.
3.Admittedly, learning new things can help old people avoid solitude. For instance,with the popularity of computers, old people can learn how to use them as an effective to kill some time.however, there will be better ways for old people to relax like doing morning exercises and traveling.
10. Which is the best way for students to make friends? a. participating in sport teams, b. volunteering for community service, c. traveling.
sports teams
1.sports will make them better aware of cooperation, competition as well as team spirit among teammates.
2.With the same goal, fighting for a success, teammates’ relations will be tightened.
3.Admittedly, volunteering for community service and traveling can offer us more chances to meet a number of people. However, most of those temporary friends will be forgotten easily.
11. The most important thing for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees.
1.increase the salaries
2.pay attention to maintaining the relationship with clients.
12. Do you agree or disagree :The government must make choices about how to spend its money in amusing the people. Given the choice between spending tax dollars on the arts or sports, it should choose to spend those dollars on the arts.
choose to invest to sports
1.investing to sporting facilities can help to improve citizens’ physical and mental health
2.the investment to sports can provide citizens with more chances to enlarge social circles.
13. It was easier to be successful in the past than it is today.
1.people’s can receive the education of higher quality.
2.there have been more job vacancies than before.
14. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The people in the past were friendlier than people today.
15. In the past, people were more interested in improving their neighborhoods than they are now.
1.people become increasingly reliant on those high-tech products, leading to the estrangement among friends and neighbors.
2.People are too devoted to their career to care about their neighborhood.
16. One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he lead.
3.对于所有的人而言- 现在获取信息的方式越来越依赖因特网,相比较书本比较难以携带,移动电子设备能够很好的满足人们的需求,而且电子设备能够储存大量的视频,音频或者文本文件
17. Workers would be more satisfied if they have various kinds of work to do during work day instead of doing the same job all day long.
1.with various tasks to accomplish, the job appears to be more interesting and challenging.
2.Worker’s capabilities can experience a huge development.
18. People nowadays spend much more time than they should using text messages and new technologies such as social media to communicate with each other.
1. 对于学生而言-现在的学生学习比较依赖网路和高科技产品,如学语言的时候电子词典充当一个很好的角色,网络能够提供大量的资源供学生参考,此外网上也有很多的公开课让学生能够在国内也能接触到世界上顶尖大学教授的课程。而且也有一些网上培训课程去帮助学生学习。
2. 对于工作的人而言-现在的商人不需要再像过去那样频繁的出差了,可以通过视频会议或者电话会议的方式,这样也使得这种跨国的企业能够更加有效率地运转。除此之外,邮件也被广泛的应用到工作当作,领导去传达和安排任务,以及下属对于工作的总结都能够及时的发送。而且,现在很多公司的销售和客服团队也会通过微信的方式与客户保持良好的沟通。
3. 对于所有的人而言- 现在获取信息的方式越来越依赖因特网,相比较书本比较难以携带,移动电子设备能够很好的满足人们的需求,而且电子设备能够储存大量的视频,音频或者文本文件
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