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【#英语资源# #有关万圣节的英语作文(精选15篇)#】为庆祝万圣节的来临,小孩会装扮成各种可爱的鬼怪向逐家逐户地敲门,要求获得糖果,否则就会捣蛋。而同时传说这一晚,各种鬼怪也会装扮成小孩混入群众之中一起庆祝万圣节的来临,而西洋人为了让鬼怪更融洽才装扮成各种鬼怪。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《有关万圣节的英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇一

  On the weekend, I came to the English tutoring class, and as soon as I came in, I saw that the place was dressed up eerily everywhere. What black cloth strips, spider webs, big black spiders! There are also ghost faces floating in the air... Seeing these, I suddenly remembered last week that the teacher said we were going to celebrate Halloween next class.

  I walked into the classroom excitedly, and I saw that everyone was also excited, and there were also some classmates dressed up as ghosts and playing pranks.

  Class started, and the teacher walked into the classroom with a smile. Everyone's eyes turned to the teacher. Let's start celebrating Halloween! "When the teacher finished saying this, the classroom that had just been silent was suddenly filled with screams and cheers.

  The teacher led us out of the classroom and came to the haunted house. The teacher said to us, "Four people in a group, freely divide into small groups, and enter one group each time

  It's our turn, I'll take a look inside: it's black inside, but through the red curtains, I can still see a hint of sunlight. Suddenly, a trembling voice came to us, and at that moment we found two "ghosts" sitting in the corner of the door and the wall. They were wearing black cape capes and lowering their heads. One of the "ghosts" asked us, "Do you see the blood on the blackboard?" We saw several lines drawn with red pens on the blackboard, but under the influence of this environment, it really seemed like blood. The ghost said, "Go blow out the fire in the pumpkin lantern, but use English words to blow it out." We remembered the teacher who taught us English words for pumpkin lanterns. I tried to blow it out with that word, but it couldn't be blown out. At this moment, the "ghost" slowly walked over, but before we could blow it out, someone started screaming. We heard her cry, and we were also anxious. But as we became more anxious, we couldn't blow it out. The "ghost" approached us and touched us. Finally, I blew it out. We tried to run out of the ghost house, but my hand was tightly held by the "ghost" and couldn't move. Later, The other three classmates helped me run out of the haunted house.

  Later, the ghostly uncle gave us a few candies. We went to play other games again.

  Halloween is really fun!

2.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇二

  On the morning of Halloween, the surroundings were shrouded in mist. From a distance, the school looks like a "ghost city".

  I put down my telescope, took off my pajamas and fatigue, stuffed my already prepared clothes into my backpack, put on my school uniform, and ran out of the door.

  Throughout the morning, the students' eyes and words were filled with excitement and anticipation. Teacher Feng said that our hearts flew into the afternoon activities.

  The expectant afternoon finally arrived with happy steps. On the playground, a group of "demons and ghosts" surged like waves, making noise and laughing. The Halloween costume show has finally begun. The first person to appear was Li Zeyuan. She was wearing a blue coat with a homemade skull skeleton, her hair half scattered and combed, with a terrifying and cute touch. I couldn't help but laugh and without hesitation, threw the sugar into her pocket. Cheers and laughter rippled in the air. The following contestants walked out with laughter and applause. There are both ferocious and mischievous ones; There are both beautiful and proud, as well as intelligent. Everyone's candy pocket is full. Laughter echoed in the air, candy danced all over the sky, and everyone's heart was filled with joy sweeter than sugar.

     After the activity, the students returned to the teaching building one after another, "walking through the classroom" and asking for sugar. At this moment, the empty playground seemed to echo with the happy laughter, cheers, applause of classmates

  Although I didn't dance "rabbit dance" or play games as usual on this Halloween, I really had a really happy time on the last Halloween in elementary school.

3.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇三

  The long-awaited Halloween has arrived, and Beibei Bear and his friends use pumpkin shells as masks and dig out terrifying triangular eyes and mouth on the pumpkin shells. They then wear a large black robe with two large pockets sewn on it. As soon as everything was ready, Beibei Bear and his companions set off. Every time they knocked on a door, they shouted, "Trick or treat!" As a result, they all got two bags full of candy.

  Now there is only the pitch black hut on the other side of the mountain left to go. They want to harvest more sugar and decided to go there. The old lady who opened the door was wearing a black dress, a pair of light gray cloth shoes, a gray black hat, and a black faced cat in her arms, looking a bit fierce. Before the Beibei Bears could speak, the old lady said, "I don't have any sugar here, you little brats, go away!" As she prepared to close the door, the Beibei Bears ignored these things and shouted, "Trick or treat!" They rushed into the room, and they were all stunned - a room full of cats, except for a bed, all other places were cats. The cats were frightened by the sudden arrival of the visitors, running around and screaming incessantly.

  The old lady couldn't bear to see her cat scared like this and said to Beibei Bear, "Dear children, my cat has been scared. Can you go quickly? I really don't have sugar, so if you don't give each of you a kitten, you must be kind to the cute kitten!" Beibei Bear jumped up happily, and each of them chose a cute kitten. They carefully hugged it in their arms and walked back. This gift is much better than sugar, This Halloween is really different from before!

4.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇四

  Today is October 31st, which is Halloween in Western countries, also known as Ghost Day. In this festival, people dress up in various ways, including those who dress up as ghosts, princesses, cow demon kings, and little witches. It is through celebration activities to drive away ghosts and bless peace. Whenever Halloween comes, children wear colorful clothes and strange masks to go door-to-door to exchange candy. They also say, "Trick or treat!" The following is the story of my participation in a Halloween event. Please listen to me quickly and raise your ears!

  I had known that the English school had a Halloween event today. After discussing with my mother for a long time, I decided to dress up as a little princess to participate in the event. As soon as I entered the entrance of Ruisi English, oh, it has changed! The walls are adorned with terrifying spider webs, black branches, and of course, pumpkin lanterns on the table, all of which are hallmarks of Halloween. In the hallway, the children were all dressed up differently, and I couldn't even recognize them! Entering my classroom, everything has changed! The door of the classroom was pasted black with paper, and on the black paper, there were also some bats pasted. The original stickers "a, b, and c" have disappeared and become pumpkin lanterns. Various pumpkin lantern models are hung on the ceiling. It seems that the preparations for the Halloween event are ready.

  This year's Halloween event is a set of games, which involves going to different classrooms to pass levels. Our group was the first to pass levels. After listening to the teacher's arrangement, my heart pounded and I thought to myself: Would it be like last year when a "ghost" was hidden in the classroom to scare people. When I was feeling uneasy, the teacher announced the rules of the game. The first classroom is flipping coins! Whoever puts in a coin gets a candy. The second classroom is to grab chairs; The third classroom is for guessing, specifically "the group leader describes an object, and the group members guess what it is"; The fourth classroom is where the teacher talks about words, and the children come to find the words, and then take out the candy behind the words; The fifth one is doing handicrafts. We have been playing crazy all morning.

  Today's activity was really great. I not only had a good time, but also learned Halloween knowledge and English related to Halloween. I am very happy!

5.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇五

  Today is a special day - Halloween.

  I arrived at school and was surprised by the sight before me. My classmates were all dressed in Halloween clothes, and they had everything from tall giraffe clothes to scary dinosaur clothes to cute rabbit and pizza clothes... all kinds of things. Many people were talking together, and I saw my friend Max. He didn't wear Halloween clothes or apply color to his face, but he had a pair of sharp teeth stuck to his teeth, which was scary like a vampire.

  Suddenly, the class bell rang and many 'animals' scattered. I came to my ELD class, and there was a person in my class wearing funny penguin clothes. The penguin had a very big belly and a yellow pointed mouth, which looked so funny that people couldn't help but laugh. After class, I guessed in my heart what animals would be in my PE class? I arrived at the gym and saw many people surrounded by a person. I wonder if it's a Iron Man? Take a closer look, it's really scary! It's a boy wearing white hair, reading glasses, grandmother's clothes, and a wide skirt. If you don't look carefully, the whole old lady.

  After school in the afternoon, my father drove with my mother and my sister to buy Halloween clothes together. There are all kinds of strange clothes in the mall. I bought a set of zombie clothes, my sister bought a cat's ear and a small bucket for candy, and I bought a bag.

  At night, we wear Halloween clothes and go door-to-door to ask for candy. When we ask for candy, we always knock on the door and say 'trick or treat', and then they will give the candy. Every child in every household is like this. We returned home with the harvest. Looking at so many candies in front of me, I feel very happy.

  We spent this Halloween excitedly!

6.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇六

  October 31st is Halloween. In order to make the holiday more festive, our school has decorated it like a "ghost world". On the west side of the teaching building, there is a large black cloth with three big words "Halloween" written on it!

  Our classroom is also decorated with terrifying decorations. There is a black cloth on the door, and there are also little ghosts around. The lights are hung with pumpkin lanterns and spider webs, and what is terrifying is a skeleton, like a tall giant standing in our classroom. It's really terrifying.

  We started to visit the garden. What I like is to go to the haunted house and ask for candy. When I entered the haunted house, it was dark and there was nothing to see. Many people were asking for candy, and I also squeezed in to join the fun. My classmates had to answer an English question to get candy, which was really not easy! But the teacher still felt that there were too many people, so he asked us to play other games and get a small card to receive the candy. I was very anxious and quickly went to play the game of fishing for bottles. After getting the small card, I was both happy and excited. I ran to the haunted house and received the candy fruit, thinking to myself, "It's not easy to get a candy

  We also participated in a runway show, and all the classmates in each class were wearing scary clothes. I also participated in garden activities, where games such as fishing for bottles and biting apples are my strengths. The game of fishing for bottles involves using nails to catch plastic bottles placed on the ground, and even if I win. I hooked twice, both caught, and obtained two cards. Biting apples is just fun! Put a few apples from a large basin and pour water on them. Keep your hands off the apples and let them bite, but I can't bite them. It's really fun.

  Halloween is an unforgettable day for me!

7.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇七

  Halloween is one of the important festivals in the West. On Halloween, foreign children dress up as demons and ghosts, knocking on their neighbors' doors in the middle of the night and asking for candy to eat. If the neighbors don't give them, these "little ghosts" will have to rummage through their boxes and cause trouble everywhere in your home. They won't leave until you give them candy.

  In China, we do not celebrate this kind of festival, the so-called Halloween, which is also Chinese Ghost Festival. In China, Ghost Day is celebrated when children hide at home while some adults, elderly people, and deceased ancestors go to the grave without doing anything. When they go to the grave, they bring some food to ask for the blessings of their ancestors. Eating the food from the grave can help them bless their lives with peace.

  Now that Chinese and Western cultures are converging, people's lives are also moving towards the West. With the integration of Chinese and Western cultures, some big cities are also celebrating foreign holidays, such as Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and so on. Halloween is approaching, and we have held an annual "Halloween Auction" in our English school.

  Let's first find the chairs, find our seats downstairs, and sit down. Our Halloween auction is about to begin.

  We will start distributing horns, masks, candy... Due to the limited number of masks, we do not have any.

  We auctioned for a while and then started playing the game. The first game is called "Radish Squat", and I was not selected for this game. The second game is called "Step on the Balloon", and I was selected, but unfortunately, I did not win. The third game is called "Pairing Money". You may see victory in sight, but you lose again.

  I had a great time today!

8.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇八

  October 31st is Halloween Eve, usually called Halloween Eve. Today, my mother gave me a Halloween gift in advance - the "Jack Lantern" (pumpkin lantern). I found out online that Halloween is a good time for children to indulge in fun. When night falls, the children put on colorful makeup clothes and various monster like masks. Many children also carry a "Jack's Lamp" in their hands. The method of Jack's lantern is to empty out the pumpkin, insert a small wax candle inside, and carve smiling eyes and a big mouth on the outside. After the candle is lit, people can see the charming and innocent smiling face carved on the melon from afar. Under the moonlight, the children came to their neighbors and shouted intimidatingly, "TRICK OR TREAT". The meaning is "play pranks or give entertainment." If not treated, mischievous children will soap the handles on people's doors or color others and cats. These small pranks often make adults laugh and laugh. Most families prepare candy early to entertain these innocent little guests. Many adults dress themselves up as children, animals, or various forms, gather in squares, or swim in groups on the streets, singing and dancing, and joking with each other. On November 1st every year, it is the traditional Western "Ghost Festival" - Halloween. So today, in addition to getting a pumpkin lantern, I also received two candies from TIM.

  My mother told me that during Halloween in Western countries, there are still people holding lanterns made of hollowed out pumpkins and lighting candles to dispel ghosts. However, there are no ghosts in the world, just people's imagination. I hope to receive a gift from my parents for Halloween next year.

9.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇九

  Today is Halloween on October 31st, and we are going to Little Orange Lantern to wear scary clothes and masks. Hats, etc. Go and complete some mysterious activities. At the thought of this, I was so happy and excited that I got up early and put on my equipment to march towards the small orange lamp

  Arriving at the small orange lamp, the classroom was completely new, with a game gameplay of "Crossing the Line of Fire" posted on the door. I almost couldn't get into my seat.

  The activity has started, and we are going to the front desk to collect a task card. I am both novel and excited, and received the task card. I learned that our task is to go to two stores to beg for sugar. The first one is the newspaper booth, and the second one's prompt is a song by a little swallow. Let's go look for it.

  There are two newspaper booths near here, one with its door closed, which is normal. The newspaper booth is still closed at this time! But there was a house open, and we judged it to be the newspaper booth. So we came forward and shouted, "Give candy, give candy, trick or treat." Unexpectedly, this uncle was so obedient that he suddenly handed over two bags of candy. We continued to search, and a sharp eyed classmate discovered a small swallow shoe store, so we went here to beg for candy. However, the owner of this store was not so obedient, and she asked us to take a photo first, But she wasn't satisfied yet and asked us to sing. Now the classmates were silent. You pushed me, I pushed him, and they didn't want to sing anymore. They couldn't help but sing in a strange voice. After singing was done, the landlady took out a bag of candy, and as soon as it arrived in our hands, it was "all the same" and it was delicious.

  On the way back to the army, pedestrians were all staring at our clothes. Some were wearing pumpkin hats, some were holding death knives, and some were even carrying two zombie dentures! It's so happy to see us being 'famous' like this.

  After arriving at the small orange lamp, we watched a movie and played many games, which was so exciting.

  Time flies, the activity ended in the blink of an eye, and I was still addicted to the gaming world. The bell rang, and I had to reluctantly enter the classroom. Today I am so happy, I have never experienced such an activity before!

The next Little Orange Lantern event will definitely be more fun and interesting. Little Orange Lantern, I'm waiting for you!

10.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇十

  Today is the terrible Halloween. I am still dreaming in the middle of the night. My father next to me is sleeping like a delicious Roasted sucking pig or Roasted baby pig. The more I think about it, the more hungry I become. So I hit my head hard - don't think about it! Don't think about it! Hurry up and find Duke Zhou to play chess, otherwise he will be late for class tomorrow.

  I tried my best to close my eyelids, but my father and brother's deafening snoring drove away my drowsiness. At this moment, I was like a fish my mother was frying in a pot, flipping over and over, almost ripe. Suddenly, there was a loud bang, which scared me to jump. It turned out that my younger brother had rolled over and rolled into the bed; What makes people even more angry is that he crawled onto the bed as if nothing had happened, like a sleepy koala, continuing to snore, which really makes me envy and envy!

  Oh dear! My alarm clock, Mr. Xiaodingdang, please don't keep ticking! Ticking! I listen to your answer. My spirit has come to me. Every morning when I need you to speak loudly, you laze and don't work seriously. Unfortunately, at this time, you work hard with all your might, and I can't help it. Forget it, I won't argue with you. I'll learn to be smarter and go to bed quickly. Otherwise, I'll have to listen to my mother's recitation early tomorrow morning, and I don't want to get my ears calluses.

  The night became darker and quieter, and the cries became louder and louder. However, the person I was eagerly waiting for - Duke Zhou - did not show up. I don't think he will come tonight. It's pointless to wait any longer. Why don't you sit up and pick up your book and continue reading seriously! I don't know how long it took, but when I woke up, the door rang and my mother came to wake me up. It turned out to be dawn, but Duke Zhou still didn't come. I had to brace myself with a tired body and prepare for today's challenge.

11.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇十一

  Halloween is coming! The TV and radio are broadcasting Halloween programs everywhere, and I am also pleading with my parents at home to take me to Fangte for Halloween. Under my persistent struggle, my parents finally agreed to let me go to Fontaine for Halloween.

  Before entering the gate, I saw many terrifying people wearing makeup wandering the streets, including Death, jumping zombies, nurses with blood on their faces, and zombies with broken hands and heads. The appearance was very terrifying, and even such terrifying people still had many tourists queuing to take photos. I also put on the mask I had prepared before and gathered the courage to take a photo with them.

  Following the terrifying music playing on the roadside, we slowly walked towards the "Qinling Adventure". We lined up and walked inside one by one. The game we were looking forward to finally began: we got into a car and as soon as we entered, we were startled by a voice that said, 'Someone! Get him off me!' followed by the sound of ping-pong and axes flying over our heads. It was like a wave of ups and downs! Then a chariot drove over and fired sharp arrows at us. Fortunately, our chariot drove fast, otherwise it would have been pricked into a honeycomb; Suddenly, the car accelerated into a secret room full of ghosts, flickering again and again, making me feel very scared and afraid to open my eyes to look. We ran towards the "Dubi Expedition" again, and by the time we arrived there, the team was already crowded, waiting for a long time before it was our turn. This is a shooting game where you can shoot bullets by pulling the firing chain, aiming at the balloons, mice, spiders, and snails inside. The one with the highest score wins. There are a total of five levels in the game, and the first level is the warm-up level. Let's familiarize ourselves with the equipment and game rules, and the next four levels will start the official competition. I used all my strength to pull the firing chain, aiming at the target inside, and fought for four consecutive levels, Sweating profusely, I finally won the first place through my hard work.

  Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the evening show is about to end. Under the beautiful fireworks, we have to reluctantly leave here.

12.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇十二

  Today is October 31st, which is Halloween in Western countries, also known as Ghost Day. In this festival, people dress up in various ways, including those who dress up as ghosts, princesses, cow demon kings, and little witches. It is through celebration activities to drive away ghosts and bless peace. Whenever Halloween comes, children wear colorful clothes and strange masks to go door-to-door to exchange candy. They also say, "Trick or treat!" The following is the story of my participation in a Halloween event. Please listen to me quickly and raise your ears!

  I had known that the English school had a Halloween event today. After discussing with my mother for a long time, I decided to dress up as a little princess to participate in the event. As soon as I enter the gate of Ruisi English, oh, it has changed! The walls are adorned with terrifying spider webs, black branches, and of course, pumpkin lanterns on the table, all of which are hallmarks of Halloween. In the hallway, the children were all dressed up differently, and I couldn't even recognize them! Entering my classroom, everything has changed! The door of the classroom was pasted black with paper, and on the black paper, there were also some bats pasted. The original stickers "a, b, and c" have disappeared and become pumpkin lanterns. Various pumpkin lantern models are hung on the ceiling. It seems that the preparations for the Halloween event are ready.

  This year's Halloween event is a set of games, which involves going to different classrooms to pass levels. Our group was the first to pass levels. After listening to the teacher's arrangement, my heart pounded and I thought to myself: Would it be like last year when a "ghost" was hidden in the classroom to scare people. When I was feeling uneasy, the teacher announced the rules of the game. The first classroom is flipping coins! Whoever puts in a coin gets a candy. The second classroom is to grab chairs; The third classroom is for guessing, specifically "the group leader describes an object, and the group members guess what it is"; The fourth classroom is where the teacher talks about words, and the children come to find the words, and then take out the candy behind the words; The fifth one is doing handicrafts. We have been playing crazy all morning.

  Today's activity was really great. I not only had a good time, but also learned Halloween knowledge and English related to Halloween. I am very happy!

13.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇十三

  Last Sunday, we celebrated another eerie Halloween. Just like last year, we had another party, but this time at the home of a foreigner (BEKEY).

  On Halloween, my dad sent me to BEKEY's house. As soon as I entered, I saw a house full of "ghosts", which really scared me out of my wits! I bravely walked slowly inside, and their "ghosts" were immediately exposed to my flaws. In a moment, I merged with them as a group and went to make pumpkin lanterns.

  Next is the candy we are looking forward to begging for.

  Look! We dressed seamlessly, carrying pumpkin lanterns and playing terrifying music, under the guidance of foreigners, approaching the family. It's important to grab candy. As soon as I thought of this, I jumped up to the first row, holding the bag and preparing to pack it for fun. In this environment where I am usually such a lady, I am not ashamed to knock hard on the door today. "Ka" was knocked open by us troublemakers, and we rushed forward. The aunt inside the door was smiling, holding a huge candy bag in her hand. I reached into the candy bag and grabbed a few of them, As he spoke the slogan 'take a trip!' and then changed from being impolite to being polite, 'thank you!' he turned his head and left, seeing that he had gained a lot! There are quite a few.

  Of course, during this festive season where children can revel, we certainly cannot disrupt the whole family directly. We then marched with neat steps and attacked the security room again. After the teacher gave us a good position, we immediately turned from walking to running, and together, we became soldiers like charging soldiers. Everyone's hearts can imagine that I am no exception, but I suddenly felt a short circuit and didn't run much until there, I instinctively reached out to "grab", but the bag had already been completely robbed. This time, I failed.

  Later, we negotiated with several more and finally made up for it. Looking at half a bag of strange candies that I don't know if I can eat, my heart is filled with joy.

  This Halloween really gave me a good time with a child's addiction.

14.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇十四

  Halloween is here, and most of the family are shopping to prepare for the arrival of Halloween. Grandma goes to the supermarket to buy food; Auntie went to the gift shop to buy gifts, while Grandpa bought some small decorations outside to decorate the room; Just come and have a pleasant and enjoyable party, my sister. Only I was staring at everyone coming and going in the house with my big watery eyes. They were all busy, and only I sat there motionless like a fool, because I only had fifty cents. I don't have enough money to buy Halloween gifts, and I also need to buy an eraser with that money. I am even more afraid of some small gifts given to me by others. Because I don't have any gifts to give back to them

  At the thought of these, I feel very guilty. My pocket money is used to buy stationery or books, with a big 2 serial number. I have never allowed anyone to touch it, including myself, but when I saw those ugly gifts, my heart softened again, but I still kept not touching them. Until that day, I couldn't help it anymore because I also wanted to give someone a gift. With my anxious mood, I walked to my father's study and expressed my own idea, I thought my father would condemn me, but I didn't expect him to calmly say to me Child, your parents have given you pocket money, and you need to learn to use it yourself. However, your father still needs to inform you that books are the source of knowledge. Without books, there is no knowledge, and there is no strength. Your father suggests that you read more books, and gifts are only used to add festive joy. You cannot gain common sense, and it is more appropriate to use the money to buy books. But that's your pocket money, only you have the right to use it. You can use it freely, and your father shouldn't interfere with you

  Although my father's words were rare, they were carefully spoken and made me remember them clearly. From then on, I no longer admired those beautiful little gifts.

15.有关万圣节的英语作文 篇十五

  During Halloween, many public places and even home courtyards are decorated with decorations such as various ghosts, pumpkin lanterns, black cats, and witches' broomsticks; Children will wear different Halloween costumes every year and go door-to-door begging for sugar with baskets of carrot lanterns. This is the legend and customs about Halloween.

  If you know that the origin of Halloween is due to the Catholic Church's attempt to replace pagan "Feast of Warsaw" with a holiday that makes pagans remember Catholic saints, you may be surprised. Valentine's Day is a very special day of the year, during which British and Irish people mourn their deceased relatives and friends.

  These people believe that the dead soul will come to the world on this day, so they light a bonfire and hold a feast on October 31st every year for good luck. Because they wanted pagans to celebrate their "All Saints' Day" (also known as Catholic Saint's Day), the Catholic Church changed All Saints' Day to November 1st, the second day of the Feast of Reunion. However, in addition to showing respect for Catholic saints on All Saints' Day, pagans continue to celebrate the Feast of Warsaw on October 31st.

  Later on, the religious reverence for ghosts and gods gradually diminished, and children began to wear the clothes of ghosts and elves, go out to scare neighbors into trickorreat (trick or treat), and the fun custom of asking adults to treat them to candy.

  According to this legend, later Irish people used vegetable heads to make what they called "Jack Lanterns". But when immigrants arrived in the United States, they found that pumpkins in the New World were more common than vegetable heads, so they switched to carving various faces out of pumpkins and placing candles inside, which is the origin of the "pumpkin lantern".
