【#英语资源# 导语】商场如战场,以下©文档大全网整理的BEC初级考试口语谈判技巧,希望对大家考试乃至工作都有所帮助,更多信息请关注!
The Non-Negotiators
Identification The other party refuses to negotiate and discuss terms with you. They submit a proposal with a price and terms and then ask you to accept or reject on the whole.
Note A refusal to negotiate is usually a refusal to negotiate price. This is an opportunity for you. Since they are rigid on price, you can ask for concessions on other terms. Asking for clarification as to why they won’t negotiate will usually let you know where there is some room for discussion If they continue to not negotiate, you may consider choosing another company and telling they original one that had they been more willing to negotiate, they may have gotten your business.
Solution Approach them in a positive and inquisitive way. Tell them you’d love to make a deal, but you have some questions. Don’t try to negotiate right away. They will take the time to educate you. When they commit some time and energy to your education, they suddenly have more at stake in the discussion. Then, when you have more information and some creative alternatives to approach them with, they’ll be more willing to bargain. Sometimes hw you do something is just as important as what you do.
The Staller 拖延; 放长线掉大鱼
Identification You make a request for a change in the terms of deal. Then negotiator for the other side says she has no problem with this, but she has to check with her boss. A day passes. Two days pass. You call back and the other party says there’s no problem’ it just takes time to get changes approved. Eventually, because it takes so long to get any change approved, you stop asking for anything more.
Note Making concessions but stalling them seems arduous and onerous, but it’s a time-honored technique of negotiating. Although it doesn’t destroy goodwill, it can make you less eager to negotiate with that person again. It also involves very little conflict. If you can afford to stall a little bit, it’s a useful technique because it discourages extra request, but don’t become a perpetual staller.
Solution Whenever you make a request the other side agrees to, make sure you set a time that the change will be approved by. Like all terms, that time is negotiable. Pointing out a missed dead