实用英语口语01-05 英语|实用英语口语:用餐英语学起来

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【#英语口语# 导语】你能在餐厅裡用流利的英语点菜吗?如果可以的话,定会让你的朋友留下深刻的印象。你知道appetizer 和aperitif的区别吗?你知道怎样用英语来买单吗?一次不愉快的用餐经验会在你的嘴裡留下不好的味道。赶快学习一下有关用餐的英语口语吧!这些实用英语能够帮助你从第一道菜开始,一直用到最后的甜点。

We'd like a table for 5 please. You can say this when arriving at the restaurant, or when making a booking by telephone. Smoking or non-smoking? The waiter is asking whether you prefer to sit in the smoking or non-smoking section. Would you like to have a drink first? While you are thinking about your order, you could order a drink like an aperitif. aperitif Originally a French word, this is now commonly used in English and means an alcoholic drink taken as an appetizer. appetizer This is eaten before the main course to stimulate your appetite, also called a starter. Are you ready to order? The waiter could also say "Can I take your order?" when you have decided what dishes you want. What do you recommend? If you are not sure about what to order, ask the waiter for his suggestions. What are your specialties? This means the best or most popular dishes of the restaurant, such as typical local or regional dishes. May we have the bill? Use this phrase when you are ready to pay. You can also say "Check please". Service charge or tip This is a payment in addition to the cost of the meal (usually 10-15% of the bill), given to the waiter or waitress for good service. In some restaurants, though, the service charge is included in the bill.


We'd like a table for 5 please. 您可以在您到达餐厅或您用电话预订时说这句话。 smoking or non-smoking? 当服务员在问您是否愿意坐在吸烟区或禁烟区。 Would you like to have a drink first? 当您在考虑您想点什麽菜时,您可以先点一杯开胃酒,如aperitif。 aperitif 这原本是一个法文单字,现在,在英语中也经常使用,表示用来开胃的酒精饮料像appetizer。 appetizer 这是一道您在吃主菜时用来开胃的一道菜也被叫做starter。 Are you ready to order? 当您已经决定您要点什麽菜时,服务员也可以说"Can I take your order?" What do you recommend? 如果您不清楚该如何点菜,您可以问一下服务员的建议。 What are your specialties? 这通常表示餐厅的招牌菜或特色菜,比如有当地风味的菜。 May we have the bill? 当您要结帐时,您可以使用这句话。您也可以说 "Check please"。 Service charge or tip 这是您除了付用餐费用外还需额外支付的费用(通常是用餐费的10%或15%),通常这笔费用是付给服务员的,用来感谢他们的服务。虽然有的时候,service charge是包括在用餐费内的。

