
时间:2021-08-14 17:03:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  At 8:30 on the morning of October 4, my mother suddenly received a call from Aunt Huanghua. She said on the phone, "take us to Longhai villa in toubao town this noon." After I knew it, I jumped up happily and waited patiently for the arrival of noon.

  Finally, at noon, after some running, we finally came to the designated place with aunt Huanghua's family and cousin's family. When we went in, we saw a river with an arch bridge on it. Many people are playing with water and some are swimming; Some people are catching fish; Some people are taking pictures; Some people are having a water battle. It's not lively! Later, I asked my mother what the river was. My mother said, "that's the Moyang river. The Moyang river is divided into upstream, downstream and midstream. Upstream flows around the valley; There is an arch bridge on the midstream, which is what we saw when we came in. There is a riverbed at the junction of the midstream and the upstream. There is a cut-off of nearly one meter between the riverbed, which is built to make the upstream water flow to the midstream and downstream unimpeded. " Do you think my mother is a temporary reporter!

  After we settled down, my cousin and father decided to go down the river to play. We took off our shoes. When we got down to the riverbed, we all felt that the water was cold and clear. There were small fish swimming. Fishing was great. We hurried ashore and took buckets and nets for fishing. Dad told us to catch fish in the crevices, like those places where the water is very urgent. Then he took us to the place with the most stones. My father took out the fish net below. As soon as he took it up, there was a small black fish about 3cm long in the net. I quickly took a bucket of water and put the fish in. We then fished a lot of fish in the same way. We were very excited.

  When we got back to shore, the others were ready. Ah, there are so many things. There are chicken wings, beef, sausage, corn and corn... It's time to barbecue! We children have agreed with the adults that we are not allowed to barbecue for us. We burn them all ourselves. The adults agreed. We took some chicken wings and some beef and burned them on the fire. Sister Pepe told us, "chicken wings are the same as beef. Roast them for 10 minutes with sesame oil; Bake for another five minutes and add soy sauce and honey; Finally, bake for another 10 minutes. We did it according to Pepe's sister's words. Finally, we brought the "masterpiece" to our parents and tasted it together. We enjoyed the meat. It was delicious.

  After the barbecue, my father and cousin went to row bamboo chops. We started upstream. Elegant environment and fresh air give people a comfortable feeling. Dad told us the skills of drawing bamboo rafts: "1. Keep the balance of force on both sides; 2. Judge the direction calmly; 3. Just insert the bamboo stick straight into the water and stroke back. I tried it and found that the bamboo stick was too heavy. I had to let my cousin come. My cousin rowed to the left and then to the right. Because he couldn't change underwater, he had to change in the air. When changing, the bamboo stick dropped two drops of water on my cousin's head from time to time. Looking from a distance, it was like a lump of bird droppings on my cousin's head. It was so funny. Dad said: neither of us can. We don't have enough strength and can't control it. After that, we can only be rowed by Dad. This also gave us time to play. We took two plastic bowls on the shore and poured water on others on the river, which made our whole body wet. We came to an end in laughter. Dad said, "there's no way. There's a beach ahead. Let's go down and have a look?" We said, OK! Dad tied the bamboo raft with one end of the bamboo rope and the solid stone with the other end. We'll be ashore. We picked up stones while walking. After about five minutes, we came back with a lot of stones in our hands. Each of us chose three stones. One of mine is a flat ellipse with a missing corner; One is water drop shape and the other is three-dimensional triangle. Cousin's is a flint; And one is pen shaped; There is also a solid triangle. The journey began. Dad untied the bamboo rope and began to row back. My cousin and I had a whim. We sat at the stern and stretched out our feet. There were ripples on the originally calm water. With dad's amazing boating skills, we returned to the upstream in 7 minutes.

  Ah! What a happy holiday!


  It is well known that October 1st is the national day.

  In this special festival, children must first let their mother have a happy birthday. Maybe many children want their parents to fulfill their wishes, such as many places of interest: Egyptian pyramids, the Great Wall, the Alps, Greece, the Palace Museum, Tiananmen Square, water cube, the National Grand Theater, the Summer Palace And the bird's nest... Everyone will be happy.

  On this national day, we had a seven-day holiday. My parents took me to Beijing. When I arrived in Beijing, I saw the Forbidden City Museum, the water cube, the bird's nest, and basically the summer palace. There is a long corridor in the summer palace, with a total length of 728 meters. In addition, it seems to be the Buddha incense Pavilion. It is said that the Buddha incense Pavilion is the main building of the summer palace. It was originally a tower. After being transformed by workers, it is now a pavilion. There are many, many.

  We also went to Tiananmen Square. In Tiananmen Square, many soldiers held a flag raising ceremony in Tiananmen Square. When the national flag was rising, the grand scene surprised me. When our school held the flag raising ceremony, some students shouted below, but here, it was silent. When I saw the national flag rising, I made a very wrong team salute, which made the soldiers laugh. I said, "what are you looking at? Haven't you seen playing in the team? Hum. "There are still portraits in Tian'an gate, which are amiable, passionate and unrestrained.

  After we had enough in Beijing, we went to a famous snack bar, where there were many delicious food: pea yellow, fried liver, sour plum soup, fried grasshopper

  After eating and drinking, we went home happily. When I got home, I began to play with my friends and tell a story about our national day.

  What a happy National Day!


  October 1 of each year is the annual national day and the birthday of our great motherland. With ups and downs, our mother motherland has reached the age of 55. On this day, the whole country is celebrating this festival.

  Early in the morning, our family is ready to hold a grand ceremony to celebrate the national day. Here, some of us are making greeting cards, and some of us express our love for our mother by singing all kinds of songs and writing poems of our motherland. During the National Day holiday, the students went out of the house with their parents, visited places of interest and appreciated the great culture of the motherland. Balloons and flags hung at the door of the store, red, yellow and green. There was a festive atmosphere. There was a lot of noise inside and a series of promotional activities were carried out. There are so many people in the street that even buying tickets by car has to wait in a long line. The tourists in the scenic spot are like a long dragon. Countless men, women, old and young enjoy it. People come out to play during the festival. Parking lots, restaurants and hotels must be very impressive.

  National Day is a happy festival. People's living standards have really improved very fast. We grow up happily in the embrace of our motherland. I hope our motherland will always be beautiful and prosperous. I hope our motherland will be more and more prosperous and developed year by year!

